Agenda and minutes

Executive - Friday, 2 June 2006 2.30 pm

Venue: Guildhall, Abingdon

Contact: Steve Culliford, Democratic Services Officer, telephone 01235 540307.  E-mail:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.  


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Joyce Hutchinson. 



To adopt and sign as a correct record the public minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 5 and 17 May 2006, (previously circulated). 


The public minutes of the Executive meetings held on 5 and 17 May 2006 were adopted and signed as correct records.  


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. 


In accordance with Part 2 of the Local Code of Conduct and the provisions of Standing Order 34, any Member with a personal interest must disclose the existence and nature of that interest to the meeting prior to the matter being debated.  Where that personal interest is also a prejudicial interest, then the Member must withdraw from the room in which the meeting is being held and not seek improperly to influence any decision about the matter unless he/she has obtained a dispensation from the Standards Committee.


Councillor Jerry Patterson declared a personal interest in item 14 'Formal Consultation on the Draft South East Plan' in so far as he was a member of the South East England Regional Assembly (SEERA), its Executive and its Regional Planning Committee (minute Ex.23 refers).  Councillors Tony de Vere and Roz Smith both declared personal and prejudicial interests in item 23 'Property Matters - Peachcroft Community Centre, Abingdon' (minute Ex.32(b) refers).  Councillor Tony de Vere was president of the North East Abingdon Community Association, tenant of the Community Centre, and Councillor Roz Smith was a local resident. 


Urgent Business and Chair's Announcements

To receive notification of any matters which the Chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the Chair.




Statements and Petitions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any statements and/or petitions from the public under Standing Order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting. 




Questions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any questions from members of the public under Standing Order 32 will be asked at the meeting.




Referral under the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules or the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules

Call-In of Executive Decision – Internal Audit Plan 2005/06 Outturn


The Executive will recall that its decisions in respect of the Internal Audit Plan 2005/06 Outturn (minutes Ex.304 and 307) were called in by the Scrutiny Committee. The call-in meeting was held on 18 May 2006 and after considering the matter further, the Scrutiny Committee resolved that it had no more concerns about the Executive’s decision.  However, the Committee resolved:


that the Executive be recommended to request a progress report to its July 2006 meeting on the following improvements detailed in Paragraph 9 of report 287/05:

(a)        The full implementation of the Debt Strategy, which is essential to achieving and maintaining robust control over debt.

(b)        The review of the Council’s Risk Registers following the senior management restructure, and the production of Business Continuity Plans.

(c)        Improvements in reconciliation of income and the resolution & ownership of discrepancies. 


Call-In of Executive Decision – Internal Audit Plan 2005/06 Outturn

(Time: 2.33pm to 2.35pm)


The Executive recalled that its decisions in respect of the Internal Audit Plan 2005/06 Outturn (minutes Ex.304 and 307) were called in by the Scrutiny Committee. The call-in meeting was held on 18 May 2006 and after considering the matter further, the Committee had resolved that it had no more concerns about the Executive’s decision.  However, the Committee resolved that the Executive should be recommended to request a progress report to its July 2006 meeting on the following improvements detailed in Paragraph 9 of report 287/05:

(a)        The full implementation of the Debt Strategy, which is essential to achieving and maintaining robust control over debt.

(b)        The review of the Council’s Risk Registers following the senior management restructure, and the production of Business Continuity Plans.

(c)        Improvements in reconciliation of income and the resolution and ownership of discrepancies. 


The Executive agreed with the Committee that a progress report would be useful and the Chief Executive undertook to request a report to the next meeting. 




that a progress report be made to the 7 July meeting of the Executive on the matters (a) to (c) above, raised by the Scrutiny Committee. 


Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees

(a)        Notice of Motion – Referred from Council 17 May 2006


At its meeting held on 17 May 2006. the Council received the following motion and referred it to the Executive for determination:


Motion to be proposed by CouncillorPeter Saunders, seconded by Councillor Robert Sharp:


“This Council requests the Executive to reconsider how rural parishes can get fairer funding from the Vale for street cleansing and grass cutting”.


With the agreement of the proposer and seconder, this item has been deferred until the next meeting of the Executive on 7 July 2006 in order to allow further information to be collated to assist the consideration of this matter.


(b)        Major and Minor Planning Applications Improvement Plan - Referred from the Development Control Committee 22 May 2006


The Development Control Committee considered the report 04/06 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) which also set out the implications of the Council being included on the list of Planning Standards Authorities for processing Major and Minor planning applications.  The Committee resolved as follows:


(a)        that the Executive be recommended to agree the proposed Improvement Plan and Trajectory, amended to include the following:

 (1)       the comments of the Scrutiny Committee, namely the inclusion of an additional bullet point in Action 4 of the Improvement Plan specifying that all consultees are to be urged to respond within the statutory deadlines;

 (2)       revised deadlines for outstanding targets.


(b)        that the Executive be asked to endorsed that the Officers be requested to put in place measures to enable the monitoring of the planning process in respect of major applications to enable the reasons for delay to be readily identifiable.


(c)        that the Executive be asked to consider whether the Council’s internal procedures in terms of managing vacancies and recruitment have any adverse impact on performance in determining major and minor planning applications. 


(a)        Notice of Motion – Referred from Council 17 May 2006

(Time: 2.35pm to 2.41pm)


At its meeting held on 17 May 2006. the Council received the following motion and referred it to the Executive for determination:


Motion proposed by CouncillorPeter Saunders, seconded by Councillor Robert Sharp:


“This Council requests the Executive to reconsider how rural parishes can get fairer funding from the Vale for street cleansing and grass cutting”.


With the prior agreement of the proposer and seconder, this item was deferred until the next meeting of the Executive on 7 July 2006 in order to allow further information to be collated to assist the consideration of this matter.  The Executive asked that this information should include:

·         An A4 summary of the existing contract in respect of towns and parishes

·         Current and historic parish cleansing grants over the last five years

·         Area Committee policies on parish cleansing grants

·         A summary of the agreement with Abingdon Borough Council over grass cutting and street cleaning


The Portfolio Holder, Councillor Tony de Vere, agreed to assist with this information in time for the next meeting. 




thatCouncillorPeter Saunders' motion, as set out above, be considered at the 7 July 2006 meeting of the Executive along with the additional information requested above. 


(b)        Major and Minor Planning Applications Improvement Plan - Referred from the Development Control Committee 22 May 2006

(Time: 2.41pm to 2.42pm)


At its meeting on 22 May 2006, the Development Control Committee considered the report 04/06 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) which set out the implications of the Council being included on the list of Planning Standards Authorities for processing major and minor planning applications.  The Committee recommended that the Executive agreed the Improvement Plan and Trajectory, amended to include an additional bullet point in Action 4 of the Improvement Plan specifying that all consultees were urged to respond within the statutory deadlines, and to include revised deadlines for outstanding targets.  The Committee also recommended that measures were put in place to monitor major applications to identify reasons for delays. 


The Executive deferred consideration of these recommendations until item 16, later in the meeting. 


Items Deferred from the Previous Meeting





Financial Monitoring pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Members are requested to consider any significant budget variances and any requests for virement or permanent budget adjustment.


(Time: 2.42pm to 2.43pm)


The Executive received and considered requests to approve two permanent budget adjustments totalling £6,000 and two requests for virements totalling £61,520.  Members also noted one supplementary estimate of £180 that had been approved by the Strategic Director under delegated authority. 




that the permanent budget adjustments and virements be approved, as set out in the agenda report. 


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 192 KB

To receive the Forward Plan containing Executive decisions to be taken from June to September 2006. 




that the Forward Plan be received. 


(Time: 2.43pm to 2.44pm)


The Executive received the Forward Plan setting out Executive decisions to be taken from June to September 2006.  It was noted that the Housing Inspection report from the Inspectors had not been received but would be reported in due course. 




that the Forward Plan for June to September 2006 be received. 


Corporate Governance Quarterly Report pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To receive and consider report 11/06 of the Directors' Group. 


Introduction and Report Summary


To receive the corporate governance report for the fourth quarter of 2005/06.


The Contact Officer for this report is Tim Sadler, Strategic Director (01235) 540360.




The Executive is recommended to resolve that:

(a)                the Directors’ Group Corporate Governance Report for the fourth quarter 2005/06 be noted

(b)               the current Comprehensive Performance Assessment action plans be closed in their entireties and that officers propose updated replacements to the July meeting of the Executive.

(c)               staff in the Housing and Benefits teams are congratulated for strong performance through out the year.

(d)               staff in the waste management are congratulated on the successful implementation of the Brown Wheeled Bin Scheme

(e)               contact centre staff are congratulated on a successful first year.

(f)                 The reductions in BVPI 2a (equality standard) and 2b (promotion of race equality) are noted with concern and that the Strategic Director, Tim Sadler, and Portfolio holder, Roz Smith,  progress the situation as a priority and monitor progress closely

(g)               The success of the change to the Housing Allocations Policy in respect of hostels be noted. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 2.44pm to 3.05pm)


The Executive received and considered report 11/06 of the Directors' Group, which reported on corporate governance for the fourth quarter of 2005/06.  This looked at key issues and projects, the Comprehensive Performance Assessment Action Plans, the Best Value and Local Performance Indicators, financial information and staffing information.  Members also received an updated Best Value Performance Indicator appendix and an appendix on staff sickness. 


Members considered the report in detail and made the following points:

  • References to Portfolio Holders need to be updated
  • Deadlines for actions need to be reviewed to ensure they are realistic.  The Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer agreed to review the deadlines in the report and advise Members outside of the meeting of any consequential changes
  • References to 'the Strategic Directors' should be amended in future to refer to either the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer or the Strategic Director and Section 151 Officer


Members reviewed progress on the Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs):

  • Off target performance for indicators 2a and 2b (Equalities Standard) was due to the Access Officer post not being filled when the post holder left.  There was a need to appoint an Equalities Officer to progress this work.  It was hoped that Level 2 of the Equalities Standard could be reached shortly after the appointment, with Level 3 attained in due course
  • Concern was expressed at the continued poor performance of indicator 8 (percentage of invoices paid on time).  The Directors had identified a few service areas where performance had slipped.  The relevant staff were being informed of the importance of paying invoices on time.  Portfolio holders were asked to follow this up with Directors at their next meeting
  • Indicator 79b(i) (percentage of overpayments recovered as a percentage of Housing Benefit deemed recoverable) was still off target but performance was improving
  • Despite being off target, the percentage of household waste recycled (BVPI 82a) was only one kilogram in weight short of being on target
  • Progress on BVPI 166a (the Environmental Health Checklist) had been reported to the Executive on 5 May 2006
  • Members congratulated staff and contractors on achieving above target performance in relation to BVPI 199 (cleanliness of relevant land and highways)
  • Once the refurbishment of the Charter Car Park in Abingdon had taken place, the BVPI 156 (percentage of authority public buildings accessible for the disabled) performance would improve.  The only remaining property to be updated was Wantage Leisure Centre


With regard to Local Performance Indicators (LPIs), it was noted that there had been a strong performance in affordable housing (LPI H2, H2a and TP5).  The inspectors were drafting the Housing Inspection report.  This would be brought to the Executive in due course. 


The Executive noted the Council's staff sickness for the quarter and the full year.  Although the Council had a good record at getting people back to work, its sickness record was the second worst in Oxfordshire.  Members noted that the Scrutiny Committee was due to consider a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21.


Vale of White Horse Local Plan to 2011 pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Appended to this agenda is report 7/06 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group and the Development Control Committee.  The Advisory Group and the Committee met on 24 May 2006 to consider this report in detail and make recommendations to the Executive.  These will circulated separately after the despatch of this agenda. 


Introduction and Report Summary


Members will recall that following the consideration of the Inspector’s Report on the Local Plan 2011 the Council’s statement of decisions on the Inspector’s recommendations and its proposed modifications to the Local Plan were published for comment between 23 March and 4 May.


The purpose of this report is to consider the representations received and decide whether any further modifications should be made before the Local Plan is formally adopted.


Appendix 1 to this report contains a schedule of representations received together with the officers’ responses and suggested recommendations to Executive and Council.  Appendix 2 contains a list of policies subject to proposed modifications where no objections have been received.  The Council at its meeting on 22 March agreed that such policies could be given full weight when considering planning applications.


The contact officer for this report are Katie Barrett, Section Head: Planning Strategy, contact Tel No: 01235 540339 and Grant Audley-Miller, Section Head (Environmental Planning & Conservation), contact Tel No. 01235 540343. 




That the Advisory Group and the Development Control Committee recommend the Executive to recommend Council to:


(i)         note the representations received on the Council’s decisions on the Inspector’s recommendations and the proposed modifications to the Local Plan and agree the officers’ observations and recommendations;


(ii)        accept there is no justification for making further substantive changes to the Local Plan which would require the publication of further proposed modifications;


(iii)       delegate authority to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to make minor editorial changes and up-dates to the Local Plan prior to adoption;


(iv)       adopt the Local Plan as proposed to be modified and authorise officers to give notice of this decision and take the remaining necessary steps in accordance with the regulations.

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.40pm to 3.46pm)


Appended to the Executive's agenda was report 7/06 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group and the Development Control Committee. 


Members recalled that following the consideration of the Inspector’s Report on the Local Plan to 2011, the Council’s statement of decisions on the Inspector’s recommendations and its proposed modifications to the Local Plan were published for comment between 23 March and 4 May 2006.  Report 7/06 set out the detailed responses from the public and consultees, together with the recommendations from the Planning Officers.  The Executive also received additional representations from Ashbury Parish Council and Persimmon Homes.  The Advisory Group and the Committee had met on 24 May 2006 to consider this report in detail and had made recommendations to the Executive.  These were included in a briefing note circulated after the despatch of the agenda. 


The Advisory Group and Committee also had before them letters from Pro Vision dated 28 April and 19 May 2006 concerning the future development of land at the Letcombe Laboratory site, Letcombe Regis (Local Plan Policy H8B).  Counsel's opinion had been sought on a response to the points raised.  This had not been received and was expected in the week commencing 5 June 2006.  Members asked that when received, Counsel's opinion should be circulated to all Members of the Council as Exempt information. 


The Development Control Committee had concluded that there should be no further substantive changes to the Local Plan.  However, the following minor changes were suggested to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to be made prior to adoption of the plan:

·         Paragraph 5.24 of the Local Plan should be further amended to read 'The developer will also be required to fund…'

·         In relation to the housing site south of Lime Road, Botley, to investigate the possibility of protecting trees on the boundary of the site


The Executive concurred with the views of the Advisory Group and the Development Control Committee, subject to Counsel's opinion on the former Dow site at Letcombe Regis. 




(a)       that the representations received on the Council’s decisions on the Inspector’s recommendations and the proposed modifications to the Local Plan be noted and the officers’ observations and recommendations be agreed as amended, subject to Counsel's opinion on the fall back position and potential abandonment of the former Dow site at Letcombe Regis;


(b)       that there is no justification for making further substantive changes to the Local Plan which would require the publication of further proposed modifications;


(c)       that authority be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to make minor editorial changes and up-dates to the Local Plan prior to adoption; and


(d)       that the Vale of White Horse Local Plan to 2011 be adopted, as proposed to be modified, and authority be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to give notice of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22.


Formal Consultation on the Draft South East Plan Submitted to the Government pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Appended to this agenda is report 8/06 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group and the Development Control Committee.  The Advisory Group and the Committee met on 24 May 2006 to consider this report in detail and make recommendations to the Executive.  These will circulated separately after the dispatch of this agenda. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The South East England Regional Assembly (SEERA) submitted the draft Plan for the South East to Government in March this year.  It is the Regional Spatial Strategy for the South East and sets out how the region will develop to 2026.  It follows extensive public consultation – this Council having commented on the emerging plan in March 2005 and the draft housing figures in October 2005.  When approved, the South East Plan will replace current regional guidance (RPG9) and the Oxfordshire Structure Plan, and will become part of the development plan for the district.  It will form the context within which the Council’s Local Development Framework (LDF) will be prepared and will be a significant material consideration when planning applications are determined.  It will provide the context for other key regional strategies and incorporate the regional transport strategy.  The closing date for comments is 23rd June 2006. 


All Members of the Council have been sent an Executive summary of the draft South East Plan.  Copies of all the documents submitted including the full draft plan, pre-submission consultation statement, sustainability appraisal, implementation plan and monitoring framework are available in the local services points in Abingdon and Wantage, the Council Office in Faringdon and the Members Lounge in Abbey House.


This report summarises the key features of the draft plan as they affect the Vale and outlines a proposed response from the Council.  Section 4 of this report outlines and comments on the main features of the region-wide policies and section 5 focuses on the policies for Central Oxfordshire and the housing figures for the Vale of White Horse.  A report on the South East Plan incorporating where appropriate the views of the Advisory Group and Development Control Committee will be considered by Executive on 2 June and Council on 14 June.  Relevant sections of the draft Plan have been circulated to assistant and deputy directors and a workshop of officers held to help formulate the Council response.


The Key dates for the next steps of the South East Plan are as follows:


31 August 2006 - the Panel publishes matters to be discussed at the Examination in Public and the participants to be invited

End of September - comments on matters and participants due

23 October  - final list of matters and participants published

9 November - participants’ statements to be submitted

28 November - Examination in Public starts

28 November -15 December - regional and general matters to be discussed

16 January – 30 March 2007 - sub-regional matters to be discussed

27 February – 9 March - Gatwick, London Fringe, Western Corridor,  ...  view the full agenda text for item 23.


(Time: 3.46pm to 3.53pm)


(Councillor Jerry Patterson declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34, he remained in the meeting during its consideration.) 


Appended to the Executive's agenda was report 8/06 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group and the Development Control Committee.  The Advisory Group and the Committee had met on 24 May 2006 to consider this report in detail and made recommendations to the Executive.  These were circulated separately as a briefing note after the despatch of the agenda. 


The South East England Regional Assembly (SEERA) had submitted the draft Plan for the South East to Government in March 2006.  It was the Regional Spatial Strategy for the South East and set out how the region would develop to 2026.  It followed extensive public consultation, this Council having commented on the emerging plan in March 2005 and the draft housing figures in October 2005.  When approved, the South East Plan would replace current regional guidance (RPG9) and the Oxfordshire Structure Plan, and would become part of the development plan for the District.  It would form the context within which the Council’s Local Development Framework would be prepared and would be a significant material consideration when planning applications were determined.  It would also provide the context for other key regional strategies and incorporate the regional transport strategy.  The closing date for comments was 23 June 2006. 


The report summarised the key features of the draft plan as they affected the Vale and outlined a proposed response from the Council.  Section 4 of the report outlined and commented on the main features of the region-wide policies and section 5 focused on the policies for Central Oxfordshire and the housing figures for the Vale of White Horse. 


The Advisory Group and the Committee broadly agreed with the report's conclusions but recommended a number of changes to strengthen the Council's response, as set out below.  The Executive noted that no conclusion had been reached by the Advisory Group or the Committee on the question raised in paragraph 5.12 of the report: on whether 700 dwellings could be reapportioned from the Vale to Oxford or other towns in the Central Oxfordshire policy area.  The Executive recommended that a response to this question should be delegated. 




(a)        that the Council makes representations on the South East Plan as set out in Sections 4 and 5 of report 8/06, subject to the following amendments:

·         The bold-type response in paragraph 4.12 of the report should be amended in the second sentence to read more positively, stressing the significance placed on the economic impact of the Harwell and Milton Park employment sites and strongly encouraging the Government to invest in improving the infrastructure (i.e. the A34) to allow the economic potential of these key sites to be exploited more fully.

·         The bold-type response in paragraph 4.17 of the report  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23.


Local Development Framework - Statement of Community Involvement pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Appended to this agenda is report 9/06 of the Strategic Director to the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group, which met on 24 May 2006 to consider this report in detail and make recommendations to the Executive.  These will circulated separately after the dispatch of this agenda. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Statement of Community Involvement was submitted to the Secretary of State on the 10th March 2006 and placed on deposit until 21st April 2006.  This report summarises the representations received during the deposit period and Appendix A sets out the recommended response of the Council to the representations for consideration by the Inspector at the Examination.


The Contact Officer for this report is Grant Audley-Miller, Section Head (Environmental Planning & Conservation) 01235 540343.




That the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group recommend the Executive to:


(i)         Note the representations received in response to the submission of the Statement of Community Involvement,


(ii)        Forward Appendix A to the Planning Inspectorate as the Council’s response to the issues raised by the representations and possible changes to the final Statement of Community Involvement that would improve the document.



(Time: 3.53pm to 4.06pm)


Appended to the Executive's agenda was report 9/06 of the Strategic Director to the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group, which met on 24 May 2006, to consider the report in detail.  The report set out the detailed responses received from consultees and the public on the draft Statement of Community Involvement, part of the Local Development Framework, together with the recommendations from the Planning Officers.  The Advisory Group made recommendations to the Executive.  These were circulated separately as a briefing note after the despatch of the Executive's agenda. 


The Statement of Community Involvement had been submitted to the Secretary of State on 10 March 2006 and placed on deposit until 21 April 2006.  The report summarised the representations received during the deposit period and Appendix A set out the recommended response of the Council to the representations for consideration by the Inspector at the Examination or hearing. 


Members noted that objectors had the right to ask for a hearing.  One objector had done so.  The Planning Inspectorate had asked the objector to agree to the examination to be carried out by written representations.  The objector, Mr Hocken, had indicated that he might be willing to consider the Planning Inspectorate's request if the Council would indicate how it would address his concerns.  Mr Hocken's objections were set out in the appendix to the report.  In response, the Advisory Group had recommended that the following should be added to the schedule:


"The Council would have no objection to the addition of a new bullet point to paragraph 6.22 to read:

·         'This will make clear to applicants the Council's requirements for technical information that will be necessary to deal promptly and efficiently with planning applications.  This could include the need for traffic assessment, air quality assessments and design and access statements, where appropriate.' 


The addition of a new sentence to the end of paragraph 8.4 was also recommended as follows:


"In future this could include traffic assessments, air quality assessments and design and access statements."


MrHocken had also raised concerns about the summary of his views regarding the newspaper advertisements and suggested that the summary was expanded to read:


"Considers the choice of a single newspaper for the advertisement of formal notices in relation to the SCI to be inappropriate for purpose and requests reconsideration of this aspect."


The Advisory Group agreed to these changes and noted that the officers were recommending that the Inspectorate should be advised that the Council would have no objection to adding the Herald Series and Oxford Times to the list of newspapers in which notices would be placed.  The Executive supported these views. 




(a)       that the representations received in response to the submission of the Statement of Community Involvement be noted; and


(b)               that Appendix A of report 9/06 be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate as the Council’s response to the issues raised by the representations and possible changes to the final Statement of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Major and Minor Planning Applications Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 39 KB

To receive and consider report 12/06 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


This report considers the implications of the Council being included on the list of Planning Standards Authorities for processing Major and Minor planning applications.  Historical and current performance for processing all planning applications are considered, and an Improvement Plan is proposed in relation to Major and Minor applications.


The Contact Officer for this report is Mike Gilbert, Development Control Manager, telephone (01235) 547681.




It is recommended that the proposed Improvement Plan and trajectory, as appended to this report, be agreed. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 4.06pm to 4.35pm)


The Executive received and considered report 12/06 of the Strategic Director regarding the implications of the Council being included on the list of Planning Standards Authorities for processing major and minor planning applications.  The report considered historical and current performance for processing all planning applications and set out an improvement plan in relation to the processing of major and minor applications. 


At its meeting on 22 May 2006, the Development Control Committee had considered a similar report 04/06.  The Committee had recommended that the Executive agreed the Improvement Plan and Trajectory, but that the plan should be amended to include an additional bullet point in Action 4 specifying that all consultees should be urged to respond within the statutory deadlines.  The Committee had also requested that the plan should be updated before it was considered by the Executive to ensure it included revised deadlines for outstanding targets.  The Committee also recommended that measures were put in place to enable the monitoring of the processing of major applications to identify the reasons for delays. 


The Executive noted that the key to achieving and maintaining good performance would be maintaining sufficient staffing levels.  If there were short or long term absences through sickness or staff turnover, performance suffered.  Members agreed with the suggestion that consideration should be given to a fund being established from the Planning Delivery Grant award, to employ consultants in the event of a loss or absence of key personnel. 


With regard to planning objections raised by Town or Parish Councils, Members suggested that local Councils should receive advice on material planning considerations to better inform and target their objections.  The Deputy Director advised that this could be provided at the next annual Town and Parish Council planning evening.  Members also suggested that the standard letters sent out by Development Control officers should also include a list of material planning considerations.  Also, it was stressed that when a District Member asked for an application to be brought to the Committee for consideration, the Member should attend to explain their reasons for doing so.  Finally, it was suggested that a separate booklet might be produced on community leadership in planning, setting out how Members could exercise leadership without prejudicing their decision at committee meetings. 




(a)        that the Improvement Plan and Trajectory be agreed, subject to the following amendments:

 (1)       the inclusion of an additional bullet point in Action 4 of the Improvement Plan specifying that all consultees are to be urged to respond within the statutory deadlines;

(2)        revised deadlines for outstanding targets;


(b)        that measures be put in place to monitor the processing of major applications to identify and understand the reasons for delays;


(c)        that it be acknowledged that the maintenance of full staffing levels in the Development Control Service Area is critical to good performance in determining major and minor planning applications and the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) be requested to bring forward proposals to help achieve  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.


CCTV Service pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To receive and consider report 13/06 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Executive will be aware that the 2006/7 budget contained two commitments to make savings within CCTV, these are;


The merging of the current out-of-hours Duty Officer system with CCTV;

The deletion of the post of CCTV Manager.


This report recommends decisions necessary to achieve these commitments.


The contact officer for this report is Paul Staines, Assistant Director (Housing and Community Safety) tel. 01235-547621.




That the Executive agree to the proposals to merge the Duty Officer system with CCTV and delegate to the Assistant Director ( Housing and Community Safety) the task of introducing this by September 2006.


The Executive recommend to PRAC the deletion of the post of CCTV Manager from the   current staff structure and the creation of the post of CCTV Supervisor with effect from 30/06/2006.



(Time: 2.44pm to 3.05pm)


The Executive received and considered report 13/06 of the Strategic Director, which reviewed the CCTV (closed circuit television) service.  The 2006/07 budget contained two commitments to make savings within the CCTV service, including the merging of the current out-of-hours Duty Officer system with CCTV and the deletion of the CCTV Manager post.  The report set out proposals to implement this and the results of consultation with staff.  Tabled at the meeting were two further consultation responses: a letter from UNISON and a submission from the Council's Emergency Planning Officer. 


It was noted that some of the concerns raised by UNISON had not been raised in the staff consultation.  Concerns at the inability of CCTV staff to carry out the Duty Officer role would be addressed by fully staffing the CCTV office.  Staff had indicated to the Deputy Director that they were entirely comfortable with the restructuring proposals.  The priorities of the office were to meet the Council's CCTV aims and the requirements of the CCTV monitoring contract with South Oxfordshire District Council.  Voluntary work might be adjusted following negotiations with Thames Valley Police.  A 24 hour everyday service was provided under the contract.  It was possible to renegotiate the level of service within the agreed contract hours and this would be looked at in due course. 


The Executive was content with the proposals and the reassurances from the officer.  Members understood the concerns raised but considered the CCTV service to be successful and capable of taking on this role. 




(a)        that the proposals to merge the Duty Officer system with the CCTV service be agreed and authority be delegated to the Assistant Director (Housing and Community Safety) to introduce this by September 2006; and


(b)        that the Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee be recommended to delete the CCTV Manager post from the current staff structure and create a post of CCTV Supervisor with effect from  30 June 2006. 


Financial Services Update and Appointment of Joint Head of Finance

To receive an oral report from the Strategic Director. 


(Time: 4.35pm to 4.43pm)


The Executive received and considered a briefing note of the Strategic Director regarding the appointment of a Joint Head of Finance under the shared service contract with South Oxfordshire District Council.  The Executive had resolved on 23 February 2006 that the Council should enter into a service provision contract jointly with South Oxfordshire District Council for Capita Business Services Limited to provide Revenues, Benefits and Payments services to both Councils (minute Ex.218 refers).  Furthermore, the Executive had resolved that the Council should enter into a shared services agreement with South Oxfordshire District Council to provide Accountancy, Benefit Counter Fraud and Revenues and Benefits Client services jointly (minute Ex.217 refers).   


Since then all three parties had concluded negotiations and signed the service contract.  The contract start date had been agreed as Monday 31 July 2006 which was also the date on which the affected staff would be transferred to Capita.  The contract was for seven years.  All three parties were preparing for the start of the contract and planning the various change management projects associated with the migration to new computer systems.  Staff continued to be involved through the ongoing consultation exercise. 


South Oxfordshire and this Council had committed to the creation of 'Ridgeway SSP' (shared services partnership), the joint service team with responsibility for the services.  This was not a separate legal entity but instead the two accountancy sections would be merged, as would the Benefit Counter Fraud sections and the Revenues and Benefits Client team to manage the Capita contract.  A Joint Head of Finance, William Jacob, had been appointed to manage Ridgeway SSP from 1 June 2006.  Three South Oxfordshire staff would be transferred to the Vale.  These appointments represented the creation of the SSP, which would continue to develop as other posts were filled in the coming months.  The two Councils were finalising a Memorandum of Understanding setting out the initial governance arrangements, which would serve until such time as a more comprehensive Shared Service Agreement was concluded.  Both Councils had designated Members to serve on the Joint Strategic Board. 


The Joint Head of Finance would perform most of the functions of the current Deputy Director (Financial Services) post, with the Strategic Director (Chief Finance Officer) absorbing the remainder.  This being the case, it was considered that the existing Deputy Director (Financial Services) post should be deleted from the Vale's establishment and senior management structure, to be replaced by the Joint Head of Finance post. 


In answer to a question from a Member, reassurances were given that the Joint Head of Finance would be accountable to both Councils through the Ridgeway SSP Board and the two Strategic Directors.  South Oxfordshire would undertake the personnel management role and had appointed Mr Jacob, after consultation with this Council's Strategic Director.  It was agreed that the Strategic Director would advise the Councillor outside of the meeting of the level of residual work he would undertake following the deletion of the Deputy Director post. 


RESOLVED  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.


Local Government Review - Unitary Authorities pdf icon PDF 56 KB

To note that the attached press release was issued by the Leader of the Council on Thursday 18 May 2006 in conjunction with South Oxfordshire District Council. 




that the action of the Leader of the Council, in issuing the attached press release, be endorsed. 


(Time: 4.43pm to 4.50pm)


The Executive noted that the Leader of the Council had issued a press release on Thursday 18 May 2006, in conjunction with South Oxfordshire District Council's Leader, regarding the possible Local Government reorganisation to form unitary authorities.  The press release indicated that, if Local Government reorganisation was pursued by the Government, the two Councils would wish a southern Oxfordshire option to be explored. 


It was noted that no further action would be taken in preparation of any possible reorganisation until a Government White Paper was published. 




that the action of the Leader of the Council, in issuing the attached press release, be endorsed. 


Local Area Agreement

To note that the Local Area Agreement for Oxfordshire has not yet been signed by Oxfordshire County Council and the Government Office for the South East.  The agreement, setting out final targets, is scheduled for conclusion by the end of June 2006. 


(Time: 4.50pm to 4.53pm)


The Executive noted that the Local Area Agreement for Oxfordshire had not yet been signed by Oxfordshire County Council and the Government Office for the South East.  The agreement, setting out final targets, was scheduled for conclusion by the end of June 2006. 


Members asked that a report was submitted to a future meeting of the Executive once the agreement had been signed and the resource implications for this Council were apparent. 




that the agenda report be noted. 


Exclusion of the Public, including the Press

The Chair to move that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) and Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered:


Item 22      Minutes

(Category 1 - Information relating to any individual.)

(Category 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information.)


Item 23       Property Matters

                   (Category 3)




that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) and Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered:



(Category 1 - Information relating to any individual.)

(Category 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information.)


Property Matters

(Category 3)








The Exempt minutes of the Executive meeting held on Friday 5 May 2006 were adopted and signed as a correct record.


Property Matters


The Executive received and considered reports on five property matters.  On these matters, Members agreed to purchase a property for redevelopment, extend leases on two further sites, seek planning permission and received a progress report. 



To adopt and sign as a correct record the Exempt minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 5 May 2006, (previously circulated).


Property Matters

To consider any property matters. 


Vale of White Horse District Council