Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 18 February 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: The Ridgeway (main hall first floor), The Beacon, (formerly Wantage Civic Hall), Portway, Wantage, OX12 9BY

Contact: Steven Corrigan, Democratic Services Manager 01491 823049 Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Debby Hallett, Angela Lawrence, Aidan Melville, and Alison Thomson.





To adopt and sign as a correct record the council minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2014. 


RESOLVED: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2014 as a correct record and agree that the Chairman sign them as such.



Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting.  




Chairman's announcements

To receive any announcements from the chairman.  


The chairman thanked all councillors for their hard work over the council’s four year term and his chaplain,Glynis Beckett, for reading prayers before council meetings for the past two years.




Statements, petitions and questions from the public relating to matters affecting the council.

Any statements, petitions and questions from the public under standing order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting.



Mary Gill asked the following question:


‘We are grateful to Councillor Barber and the Council for allocating funds for short term improvements in the West Way Shopping Centre. It is apparent that the local people value and rely on the range of shops in the centre and Elms Parade, and that it serves us well as a local centre, notwithstanding the physical state of the buildings. The Draft Local Plan states that any proposal for development should ‘support the role and function of Botley as a local service centre providing a well-integrated mix of shops and services to meet the day-to-day shopping needs of the area’. Could Councillor Barber say something about what actions he and Cabinet are now taking to ensure that this objective is satisfied, in whatever refurbishment or redevelopment takes place in the future?’



In response Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of the council, responded that in the past the centre had been neglected and treated as an investment rather than an asset. He had met with West Way Concern and would meet with the parish council to seek a consensus on the way forward and achieve a new approach in accordance with the Local Plan.



Urgent business

To receive notification of any matters which the chairman determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent. 




Petitions under standing order 13

To receive petitions from members of the council under standing order 13 (if any).




Questions under standing order 12

To receive questions from members of the council under standing order 12.


1.    Question from Councillor Jeanette Halliday to Councillor Matthew Barber, Cabinet Member for Legal and Democratic Services


As each individual elector has to register to vote annually in future, could the elections office send their current letter telling people they have successfully registered, with postal voting information on the back of the letter, to voters who are not registered for a postal vote, and a new letter to voters registered for a postal vote saying that their application has been successful and they are still registered for their postal vote WITHOUT the postal voting information on the back of this letter?


2.    Question from Councillor Judy Roberts to Councillor Matthew Barber, Cabinet Member for Legal and Democratic Services


Would the leader be in agreement that a written response to all petitions is provided by the officer/committee to all councillors and the petition presenter?


3.    Question from Councillor Pat Lonergan to Councillor Mike Murray, Cabinet Member for Planning Policy


Notwithstanding the procedure for housing site selection outlined last month by the Cabinet Member for Planning Policy, do you expect the people of Abingdon to believe that there were not plenty of sites outside the Oxford Green Belt which could have been included in the list of strategic sites, had there been the will, and that the 200-house limit was a technical consideration, rather than an administrative convenience?


4.    Question from Councillor Tony de Vere to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy Leisure and Property

Please can you tell me when you or any other member of the cabinet last met representatives of Scottish Widows to discuss the Charter area? 

5.    Question from Councillor Catherine Webber to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy, Leisure and Property


Has the Cabinet member modified her stated position in a written answer to question asked in Council two years ago that air quality considerations should not be allowed to impede economic growth?

6.    Question from Councillor Jim Halliday to Councillor Mike Murray, Cabinet Member for Planning Policy


Assuming that he looked into a variety of ways of publishing information about the local plan, please could he give the estimated cost of printing an 8 page newspaper and distributing it to 59,499 residential properties?


7.    Question from Councillor Debby Hallett to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy Leisure and Property


Last year, Councillor Ware told us wifi in Botley was operational. However, I've visited the West Way Shopping Centre several times since the New Year, and could find no Vale wifi network. When will people in the West Way Shopping Centre in Botley be able to access the free wifi provided by the Vale?


8.    Question from Councillor Jenny Hannaby to Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of the council


Can Matthew Barber confirm that local members and Grove Parish Council had seen the final 106 agreements being signed off by landowners and were they content?


9.    Question from Councillor Richard Webber to Councillor  ...  view the full agenda text for item 67.


1.    Question from Councillor Jeanette Halliday to Councillor Matthew Barber, Cabinet Member for Legal and Democratic Services


As each individual elector has to register to vote annually in future, could the elections office send their current letter telling people they have successfully registered, with postal voting information on the back of the letter, to voters who are not registered for a postal vote, and a new letter to voters registered for a postal vote saying that their application has been successful and they are still registered for their postal vote WITHOUT the postal voting information on the back of this letter?


In response Councillor Matthew Barber stated that he would take up the suggestion with officers.


2.    Question from Councillor Judy Roberts to Councillor Matthew Barber, Cabinet Member for Legal and Democratic Services


Would the leader be in agreement that a written response to all petitions is provided by the officer/committee to all councillors and the petition presenter?


In response Councillor Matthew Barber stated that this would depend on the nature and subject of the petition.


In response to a supplementary question he offered to discuss sensible improvements to the process with Councillor Judy Roberts.


3.    Question from Councillor Pat Lonergan to Councillor Mike Murray, Cabinet Member for Planning Policy


Notwithstanding the procedure for housing site selection outlined last month by the Cabinet Member for Planning Policy, do you expect the people of Abingdon to believe that there were not plenty of sites outside the Oxford Green Belt which could have been included in the list of strategic sites, had there been the will, and that the 200-house limit was a technical consideration, rather than an administrative convenience?


In response Councillor Mike Murray referred to the briefings, public meetings and consultation information which illustrated that a rigorous process of site allocation had been undertaken to find suitable, available, deliverable, viable and sustainable locations for development. The 200 home threshold had been applied throughout the process and was a level better able to contribute to improving both infrastructure and facilities.

4.    Question from Councillor Tony de Vere to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy Leisure and Property

Please can you tell me when you or any other member of the cabinet last met representatives of Scottish Widows to discuss the Charter area?

In response Councillor Elaine Ware confirmed that she would be meeting with representatives of Aberdeen Asset Management (formerly Scottish Widows) on Wednesday 25 February to discuss the current situation and proposals for the way forward. In addition she had given a personal undertaking to Councillor Tony de Vere to brief the Abingdon district councillors once she had something substantial to report.

In response to a supplementary question Councillor Elaine Ware undertook to check when councillors were last briefed on developments and respond in writing.

5.    Question from Councillor Catherine Webber to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy, Leisure and Property


Has the Cabinet member modified her stated position in a written answer to the question asked in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67.


Community infrastructure levy - draft charging schedule

Prior to the Council meeting Councillor Mike Murray, Cabinet member for planning policy, will take an individual Cabinet member decision on the   consultation comments received on the Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and recommend changes to the Draft Charging Schedule for public consultation and to submit to the Secretary of State for formal examination.


Councillor Murray’s recommendations will be circulated prior to the meeting.



Council considered the recommendations of Councillor Mike Murray, Cabinet member for planning policy, on the consultation comments received on the Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and changes to the Draft Charging Schedule for public consultation and submission to the Secretary of State for formal examination.  




a)         publish for public consultation the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule and supporting documents (Viability Study, Draft Regulation 123 list, Infrastructure Planning and Funding Gap Report, Infrastructure Delivery Plan, responses on the CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule, Statement of the Representations Procedure) as appended to the Cabinet member decision for a period of four weeks, and thereafter


b)         authorise the Head of Planning in consultation with the Cabinet member for planning policy to submit the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule and supporting documents and evidence, together with the Consultation Statement and summary of consultation responses received, to the Secretary of State for independent examination in accordance with the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).


c)         authorise the head of planning in consultation with the Cabinet member for planning policy, to make minor changes and corrections to the Draft Charging Schedule and associated documents; and


d)         review the adopted Charging Schedule initially after two years from adoption and undertake regular reviews of the Charging Schedule thereafter.



Treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2014/15

Cabinet, at its meeting on 6 February 2015, considered the treasury management mid-year monitoring report of the head of finance.


The report of the head of finance, considered by the Cabinet on 6 February 2015, was circulated to all councillors.  Hard copies are available on request. 



1.    to note the treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2014/15, and

2.    to note that Cabinet is satisfied that the treasury activities are carried out in accordance with the treasury management strategy and policy.



Council considered Cabinet’s recommendations, made at its meeting on 6 February 2015, on the treasury management activities for the first six months of 2014/15.



1.    approve the treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2014/15; and

2.    note that Cabinet is satisfied that the treasury activities are carried out in accordance with the treasury management strategy and policy.



Treasury management and investment strategy 2015/16

Cabinet, at its meeting on 6 February 2015, considered the report of the head of finance on the treasury management strategy, the annual investment strategy and the prudential indicators.


The report of the head of finance, considered by the Cabinet on 6 February 2015, was circulated to all councillors.  Hard copies are available on request. 




1.    approve the treasury management strategy 2015/16 as set out in appendix A to the head of finance’s report;


2.    approve the prudential indicators and limits for 2015/16 to 2017/18 as set out in table 2, appendix A to the report;


3.    approve the annual investment strategy 2015/16 set out in appendix A to the report and the lending criteria detailed in table 5.




Council considered Cabinet’s recommendations, made at its meeting on 6 February 2015, on the treasury management strategy, the annual investment strategy and the prudential indicators. 




1.    approve the treasury management strategy 2015/16 as set out in appendix A to the head of finance’s report to Cabinet on 6 February 2015;


2.    approve the prudential indicators and limits for 2015/16 to 2017/18 as set out in table 2, appendix A to the head of finance’s report;


3.    approve the annual investment strategy 2015/16 set out in appendix A to the head of finance’s report and the lending criteria detailed in table 5.




Revenue budget 2015/16 and capital programme to 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 193 KB

Cabinet, at its meeting on 6 February 2015, considered the report of the head of finance on the draft revenue budget 2015/16, and the capital programme to 2019/20.


The report of the head of finance, considered by the Cabinet on 6 February 2015, is attached.


Cabinet supported the draft budget, and emphasised that should there be no change to the new homes bonus scheme then the leader of the council might wish to use an element of the remaining new homes bonus balance to fund infrastructure projects. 


Cabinet made the following amendments to the draft budget:

·         In appendix B item 5 under Economy, Leisure and Property, the title of the bid should be amended to ‘strategic property – additional professional support’

·         In appendix D.2 item 1 under Corporate Management Team, the title of the bid should read ‘South Hinksey rail crossing’ and ‘South Hinksey’ should replace ‘North Hinksey’ in the summary text

·         In appendix D.2 item 2 under HR, IT and Technical Services, the title of the bid should read ‘Abingdon flood defences’ and the summary text should be amended to ‘Funding of Abingdon flood defences including St Helen’s Mill and River Ock retention scheme’


Revised appendices B and D2 reflecting the above changes are attached.


Cabinet agreed that the leader of the council could make minor adjustments to the draft budget proposals and prudential indicators, in conjunction with the head of finance, should they prove necessary following the publication of the final Local Government settlement and prior to its submission to Council on 18 February 2015. 


RESOLVED to recommend Council that it:

(a)  sets the revenue budget for 2015/16 as set out in the appendix A.1 to the head of finance’s report;

(b)  approves the capital programme for 2015/16 to 2019/20 as set out in appendix D.1 to the head of finance’s report, together with the capital growth bids set out in appendix D.2 of the head of finance’s report;

(c)  sets the council’s prudential limits as listed in appendix E to the head of finance’s report;

(d)  approves the medium term financial plan to 2019/20 as set out in appendix F.1 to the head of finance’s report. 

Additional documents:


The chairman referred to regulations which came into force on 25 February 2014 that required councils to record the names of those councillors voting in favour, against or abstaining from any vote on the budget, including amendments, and the council tax. In accordance with the regulations she would call for a named vote on each of these matters at this meeting.


The chairman reminded councillors that they were not entitled to vote on any issue affecting the level or administration of the council tax or other decisions which might affect the making of any such calculation such as the budget, if they were over two months in arrears with their council tax payments. Where such circumstances applied, councillors were under a statutory obligation to disclose the restriction placed on them and refrain from voting at the relevant meeting. No councillor made any such declaration.


Council noted the report of the chief finance officer on the robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of the reserves.


Councillor Matthew Barber, Cabinet member for finance, presented the Cabinet’s proposals for the revenue budget 2015/16 and capital programme to 2019/20.

Councillor Matthew Barber moved and Councillor Roger Cox seconded a motion to approve Cabinet’s recommendations as follows:


That Council:


(a)          sets the revenue budget for 2015/16 as set out in the appendix A.1 to the head of finance's report to Cabinet on 6 February 2015;


(b)          approves the capital programme for 2015/16 to 2019/20 as set out in appendix D.1 to the head of finance’s report, together with the capital growth bids set out in appendix D.2 of the head of finance’s report;


(c)          sets the council’s prudential limits as listed in appendix E to the head of finance’s report; and


(d)          approves the medium term financial plan to 2019/20 as set out in appendix F.1 to the head of finance’s report.


Councillor Richard Webber moved and Councillor Dudley Hoddinott seconded an amendment to the above budget in the following terms:


That Council sets the revenue budget and capital programme taking account of the proposed changes as set out in the schedule - "Liberal Democrat budget proposal"(attached to the minute book copy of these minutes) to:


- create budgets to support the introduction of a council newsletter

- reorganise the grants scheme

- provide for additional air quality monitoring

- delete the data capture revenue provision

- offer top up grants for parishes undertaking neighbourhood plans

- provide capital funding for Lodge Hill junction improvements

- allocate funding for transport infrastructure schemes in Wantage/Grove

- support the Wantage and Grove leisure facility.


A number of councillors spoke in support of the amendment. The capital growth bids would allow important transport infrastructure projects to be progressed. Additional funding would be made available to address concerns from residents about the lack of information about council business and a confusing grants scheme. Additional funding would be made available to improve air quality monitoring and provide incentives for parish councils to undertake neighbourhood plans.


A  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.


Council tax 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 233 KB

To consider the report of the head of finance regarding the setting of the council tax for the 2015/16 financial year.



Council considered the report of the head of finance on the setting of the Council Tax for the 2015/16 financial year.


In accordance with regulations requiring councils to record the names of those councillors voting in favour, against or abstaining from any vote on the council tax the Chairman called for a recorded vote with the voting being as follows:








John Amys

Margaret Crick

Marilyn Badcock

Tony de Vere

Mike Badcock

Jeanette Halliday

Matthew Barber

Jim Halliday

Eric Batts

Jenny Hannaby

Yvonne Constance

Dudley Hoddinott

Roger Cox

Bob Johnston

Charlotte Dickson

Pat Lonergan

St John Dickson

Ron Mansfield

Gervase Duffield

Sue Marchant

Jason Fiddaman

Julie Mayhew-Archer

Anthony Hayward

Elizabeth Miles

 Simon Howell

Jerry Patterson

Bill Jones

Helen Pighills


Judy Roberts

Sandy Lovatt

Val Shaw

Gill Morgan

Andrew Skinner

Mike Murray

Catherine Webber

Julia Reynolds

Richard Webber

Fiona Roper

John Woodford

Robert Sharp

Janet Shelley

Meilinda Tilley

Margaret Turner

Reg Waite

Elaine Ware










1.    to note that at its meeting on 10 December 2014 the council calculated the council tax base 2015/16:

(a)    for the whole council area as 47,563.1 [Item T in the formula in Section 31B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the “Act”)]; and

 (b)   for dwellings in those parts of its area to which a parish precept relates as in column 1 of appendix 1 of the report of the head of finance to council on 18 February 2015.

2.    that the council tax requirement for the council’s own purposes for 2015/16 (excluding parish precepts) is £5,550,138

3.    that the following amounts be calculated for the year 2015/16 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Act:

(a)    £74,189,445 being the aggregate of the amounts which the council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by parish councils.

(b)    £65,612,694 being the aggregate of the amounts which the council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act.

(c)    £8,576,751 being the amount by which the aggregate at (3)(a) above exceeds the aggregate at (3)(b) above, calculated by the council, in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its council tax requirement for the

Band A


Band B


Band C


Band D


Band E


Band F


Band G


Band H



year.  (Item R in the formula in Section 31B) of the Act).

(d)  £180.32 being the amount at (3)(c) above (Item R), all divided by Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the council, in accordance with Section 31(B) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year (including parish precepts).


(e)  £3,026,613 being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act, as set out in column 2 of appendix 1.


(f)  £116.69 being the amount at (3)(d) above less the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.


Pay policy statement 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To consider the report of the head of HR, IT and technical services on the adoption of a pay policy statement to meet the requirements of the Localism Act (report attached).


Additional documents:


Council considered the report of the head of HR, IT and technical services on the adoption of a pay policy statement to meet the requirements of the Localism Act.



RESOLVED: to approve the pay policy statement for 2015-16 attached to the report of the head of HR, IT and technical services to Council on 18 February 2015.




Post fire update

The chief executive to provide an update on developments since the fire at the Crowmarsh offices.


David Buckle, Chief Executive, provided an update on developments since the fire at the Crowmarsh offices. He reported that Oxfordshire County Council had offered additional office space within Abbey House and that Old Abbey House would house the democratic and elections teams. Contract negotiations were ongoing regarding a temporary office location at Milton Park. He anticipated officers moving in during May.


He thanked all councillors for their hard work over the council’s four year term, wished those standing for re-election good fortune and those standing down best wishes for life beyond the council.


Report of the leader of the council

(1)       Urgent cabinet decisions


In accordance with the overview and scrutiny procedure rules, a cabinet decision can be taken as a matter of urgency, if any delay by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the council’s or the public’s interest.  Treating the decision as a matter of urgency must be agreed by the chairman of the Scrutiny Committee and must be reported to the next meeting of the council, together with the reasons for urgency.


Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of the council will report that on 23 December 2014 he took a decision to approve a £22,500 virement from contingency in 2014/15 to provide additional funding for the delivery of the broadband project. The chairman of the scrutiny committee agreed to waive call-in because any delay could delay the project and prejudice both the council’s and the public’s interests.


He will report that on 24 December 2014 Councillor Mike Murray, Cabinet Member for Planning Policy, took a decision that the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to referendum. The chairman of the scrutiny committee agreed to waive call-in because any delay could impact on the referendum date and prejudice both the council’s and the public’s interests.


(2)       Delegation of cabinet functions


To receive details of any changes to the leader’s scheme of delegation. 


(3)       Matters affecting the authority arising from meetings of joint committees, partnerships and other meetings


To receive the report of the leader (if any). 


Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of the council, thanked the emergency services for their calm response to the fire at the Crowmarsh offices. He thanked officers for their flexibility and tenacity in responding to the current situation and for ensuring minimal disruption to services.


He asked for, and received, Council agreement to ask the Chairman to write to the Chief Fire Officer on behalf of the council and express its thanks for the response to the fire.


Notices of motion under standing order 11

To receive notices of motion under standing order 11.


(1)          Motion to be proposed by Councillor Jim Halliday, seconded by Councillor Pat Lonergan:


Council requests that the Chief Executive write to the County Council highlighting Vale Council's continued concern about the Wootton Road/Dunmore Road/Copenhagen Drive roundabout: Subsequent to 16 July 2014 (when Council last debated the matter), the County Council has carried out changes to the road markings and undertaken to carry out further monitoring. However, the latest changes appear not to have reduced driver confusion, but have resulted in longer queues at peak times. Council requests the County Council to carry out a thorough review of the roundabout and its approach roads.


(2)  Motion to be proposed by Councillor Jeanette Halliday, seconded by Councillor Jim Halliday:


Council notes that despite Vale Council's formal objection, the Cabinet of Oxfordshire County Council has recently agreed that the pedestrian crossing on Marcham Road, Abingdon, should be re-sited and an additional pedestrian crossing installed on Ock Street, and that the impact of the changes on traffic flow and pedestrian safety should be monitored. Recognising that one of this Council's main concerns was the possible impact on air quality in the vicinity, Council requests that appropriate air quality monitoring should be installed on Ock Street, Spring Road, Marcham Road, and Drayton Road as soon as reasonably practical so that a full set of “before” and “after” measurements can be obtained.


(3)  Motion to be proposed by Councillor Bob Johnston, seconded by Councillor Jerry Patterson:


This Council calls for any full review of the Oxford Green Belt to be carried out in an open and transparent manner.  It should be held in public with an independent Chairman and able to take evidence from all interested bodies, including members of the public.  Once formulated any draft should be subject to an EiP (Examination in Public) followed by a final report with recommendations to be ratified by all the Councils involved.





Council considered the following motions submitted under standing order 11.



(1)          Motion proposed by Councillor Jim Halliday and seconded by Councillor Pat Lonergan:


Council requests that the Chief Executive write to the County Council highlighting Vale Council's continued concern about the Wootton Road/Dunmore Road/Copenhagen Drive roundabout: Subsequent to 16 July 2014 (when Council last debated the matter), the County Council has carried out changes to the road markings and undertaken to carry out further monitoring. However, the latest changes appear not to have reduced driver confusion, but have resulted in longer queues at peak times. Council requests the County Council to carry out a thorough review of the roundabout and its approach roads.


To request that the Chief Executive write to the County Council highlighting Vale Council's continued concern about the Wootton Road/Dunmore Road/Copenhagen Drive roundabout: Subsequent to 16 July 2014 (when Council last debated the matter), the County Council has carried out changes to the road markings and undertaken to carry out further monitoring. However, the latest changes appear not to have reduced driver confusion, but have resulted in longer queues at peak times. Council requests the County Council to carry out a thorough review of the roundabout and its approach roads.


(2)          Motion proposed by Councillor Jeanette Halliday and seconded by Councillor Jim Halliday:

Council notes that despite Vale Council's formal objection, the Cabinet of Oxfordshire County Council has recently agreed that the pedestrian crossing on Marcham Road, Abingdon, should be re-sited and an additional pedestrian crossing installed on Ock Street, and that the impact of the changes on traffic flow and pedestrian safety should be monitored. Recognising that one of this Council's main concerns was the possible impact on air quality in the vicinity, Council requests that appropriate air quality monitoring should be installed on Ock Street, Spring Road, Marcham Road, and Drayton Road as soon as reasonably practical so that a full set of “before” and “after” measurements can be obtained.



                     To note that despite Vale Council's formal objection, the Cabinet of Oxfordshire County Council has recently agreed that the pedestrian crossing on Marcham Road, Abingdon, should be re-sited and an additional pedestrian crossing installed on Ock Street, and that the impact of the changes on traffic flow and pedestrian safety should be monitored. Recognising that one of this Council's main concerns was the possible impact on air quality in the vicinity, Council requests that appropriate air quality monitoring should be installed on Ock Street, Spring Road, Marcham Road, and Drayton Road as soon as reasonably practical so that a full set of “before” and “after” measurements can be obtained.


(3)          Motion proposed by Councillor Bob Johnston and seconded by Councillor Jerry Patterson:

This Council calls for any full review of the Oxford Green Belt to be carried out in an open and transparent manner. It should be held in public with an independent Chairman and able to take evidence from all interested bodies, including members of the public. Once formulated any draft  ...  view the full minutes text for item 76.


Vale of White Horse District Council