Agenda item

Questions under standing order 12

To receive questions from members of the council under standing order 12.


1.    Question from Councillor Jeanette Halliday to Councillor Matthew Barber, Cabinet Member for Legal and Democratic Services


As each individual elector has to register to vote annually in future, could the elections office send their current letter telling people they have successfully registered, with postal voting information on the back of the letter, to voters who are not registered for a postal vote, and a new letter to voters registered for a postal vote saying that their application has been successful and they are still registered for their postal vote WITHOUT the postal voting information on the back of this letter?


2.    Question from Councillor Judy Roberts to Councillor Matthew Barber, Cabinet Member for Legal and Democratic Services


Would the leader be in agreement that a written response to all petitions is provided by the officer/committee to all councillors and the petition presenter?


3.    Question from Councillor Pat Lonergan to Councillor Mike Murray, Cabinet Member for Planning Policy


Notwithstanding the procedure for housing site selection outlined last month by the Cabinet Member for Planning Policy, do you expect the people of Abingdon to believe that there were not plenty of sites outside the Oxford Green Belt which could have been included in the list of strategic sites, had there been the will, and that the 200-house limit was a technical consideration, rather than an administrative convenience?


4.    Question from Councillor Tony de Vere to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy Leisure and Property

Please can you tell me when you or any other member of the cabinet last met representatives of Scottish Widows to discuss the Charter area? 

5.    Question from Councillor Catherine Webber to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy, Leisure and Property


Has the Cabinet member modified her stated position in a written answer to question asked in Council two years ago that air quality considerations should not be allowed to impede economic growth?

6.    Question from Councillor Jim Halliday to Councillor Mike Murray, Cabinet Member for Planning Policy


Assuming that he looked into a variety of ways of publishing information about the local plan, please could he give the estimated cost of printing an 8 page newspaper and distributing it to 59,499 residential properties?


7.    Question from Councillor Debby Hallett to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy Leisure and Property


Last year, Councillor Ware told us wifi in Botley was operational. However, I've visited the West Way Shopping Centre several times since the New Year, and could find no Vale wifi network. When will people in the West Way Shopping Centre in Botley be able to access the free wifi provided by the Vale?


8.    Question from Councillor Jenny Hannaby to Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of the council


Can Matthew Barber confirm that local members and Grove Parish Council had seen the final 106 agreements being signed off by landowners and were they content?


9.    Question from Councillor Richard Webber to Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of the council


Does the Leader intend to follow the example set by Councillor Hudspeth of Oxfordshire County Council, and abolish the post of chief executive?


10.  Question from Councillor Jenny Hannaby to Councillor Elaine Ware,  Cabinet Member for Economy, Leisure and Property


Please can she confirm that local Vale councillors have been, and will be, invited to meetings of the recently-formed Steering Group for the Beacon?




1.    Question from Councillor Jeanette Halliday to Councillor Matthew Barber, Cabinet Member for Legal and Democratic Services


As each individual elector has to register to vote annually in future, could the elections office send their current letter telling people they have successfully registered, with postal voting information on the back of the letter, to voters who are not registered for a postal vote, and a new letter to voters registered for a postal vote saying that their application has been successful and they are still registered for their postal vote WITHOUT the postal voting information on the back of this letter?


In response Councillor Matthew Barber stated that he would take up the suggestion with officers.


2.    Question from Councillor Judy Roberts to Councillor Matthew Barber, Cabinet Member for Legal and Democratic Services


Would the leader be in agreement that a written response to all petitions is provided by the officer/committee to all councillors and the petition presenter?


In response Councillor Matthew Barber stated that this would depend on the nature and subject of the petition.


In response to a supplementary question he offered to discuss sensible improvements to the process with Councillor Judy Roberts.


3.    Question from Councillor Pat Lonergan to Councillor Mike Murray, Cabinet Member for Planning Policy


Notwithstanding the procedure for housing site selection outlined last month by the Cabinet Member for Planning Policy, do you expect the people of Abingdon to believe that there were not plenty of sites outside the Oxford Green Belt which could have been included in the list of strategic sites, had there been the will, and that the 200-house limit was a technical consideration, rather than an administrative convenience?


In response Councillor Mike Murray referred to the briefings, public meetings and consultation information which illustrated that a rigorous process of site allocation had been undertaken to find suitable, available, deliverable, viable and sustainable locations for development. The 200 home threshold had been applied throughout the process and was a level better able to contribute to improving both infrastructure and facilities.

4.    Question from Councillor Tony de Vere to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy Leisure and Property

Please can you tell me when you or any other member of the cabinet last met representatives of Scottish Widows to discuss the Charter area?

In response Councillor Elaine Ware confirmed that she would be meeting with representatives of Aberdeen Asset Management (formerly Scottish Widows) on Wednesday 25 February to discuss the current situation and proposals for the way forward. In addition she had given a personal undertaking to Councillor Tony de Vere to brief the Abingdon district councillors once she had something substantial to report.

In response to a supplementary question Councillor Elaine Ware undertook to check when councillors were last briefed on developments and respond in writing.

5.    Question from Councillor Catherine Webber to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy, Leisure and Property


Has the Cabinet member modified her stated position in a written answer to the question asked in Council two years ago that air quality considerations should not be allowed to impede economic growth?

Councillor Elaine Ware responded that she had not modified her stance since her response of 19 October 2011.

In response to a supplementary question Councillor Elaine Ware stated that an air quality action plan was available for Marcham.


6.    Question from Councillor Jim Halliday to Councillor Mike Murray, Cabinet Member for Planning Policy


Assuming that he looked into a variety of ways of publishing information about the local plan, please could he give the estimated cost of printing an 8 page newspaper and distributing it to 59,499 residential properties?


Councillor Mike Murray responded that two leaflets were distributed to residential properties at a cost of £34,000.


In response to a supplementary question regarding the need for two leaflets Councillor Mike Murray stated that each leaflet covered a different consultation – one a local plan leaflet and the other on CIL and the design guide.



7.    Question from Councillor Debby Hallett to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy Leisure and Property


Last year, Councillor Ware told us wifi in Botley was operational. However, I've visited the West Way Shopping Centre several times since the New Year, and could find no Vale wifi network. When will people in the West Way Shopping Centre in Botley be able to access the free wifi provided by the Vale?


In response Councillor Elaine Ware stated that that there had been a technical problem with the system and the service provider was dealing with it. She was hopeful that it would be fully operational within a week. 


8.    Question from Councillor Jenny Hannaby to Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of the council


Can Matthew Barber confirm that local members and Grove Parish Council had seen the final 106 agreements being signed off by landowners and were they content?


In response councillor Matthew Barber reported that, whilst there had been a delay in in the process because of a land ownership issue, the parish council had been kept informed. Both the parish council and the local members would have the opportunity to comment on the agreement.


9.    Question from Councillor Richard Webber to Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of the council


Does the Leader intend to follow the example set by Councillor Hudspeth of Oxfordshire County Council, and abolish the post of chief executive?


Councillor Matthew Barber responded that he did not.


In response to a supplementary question Councillor Matthew Barber confirmed that he had no plans to abolish the position although he understood why other local authorities had taken the decision to do so.


10.  Question from Councillor Jenny Hannaby to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Economy, Leisure and Property


Please can she confirm that local Vale councillors have been, and will be, invited to meetings of the recently-formed Steering Group for the Beacon?


In response Councillor Elaine Ware stated that the Beacon Project Board had agreed that the members of the Steering Group would come primarily from the community and that the group would be a sounding board to gain feedback from users and the local community rather than a decision making group. Members of the group include a regular customer, a local resident, a representative of King Alfred’s Academy, a representative from the company providing technical support to the venue, one of the Wantage Town Co-ordinators and one Wantage Charlton ward councillor. Arrangements were in hand for the inaugural meeting of the Steering Group to take place in March.





Vale of White Horse District Council