Agenda item

Local Plan to 2011: Grove Development Forum

At its meeting held on 23 January 2006, the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group received and considered report 212/05 (attached to this agenda for information) regarding the Grove Development Forum.  In March 2004, the Council agreed to investigate setting up a development forum to help with the delivery of the proposals for the development of the strategic housing site to the west of Grove.  The forum would consist of local council representatives and other stakeholders, including local employers.  The report looked at the principles of establishing a process of information dissemination, discussion and consultation with local people. 


The Advisory Group considers that the forum should consist of twelve elected members representing the local community (1 County Councillor representing Wantage/Grove; 3 Grove Parish Councillors; 1 East Challow Parish Councillor; 1 East Hanney Parish Councillor; 1 Wantage Town Councillor; 3 District Council Ward Members for Grove; 1 District Council Ward Member for Wantage Segsbury; 1 District Council Executive Member).  However, when transport and flooding/drainage issues are discussed, there should be an invitation to other local Parish Councils from the surrounding area to send a representative.  As the forum will be advisory only with no voting ability, it is suggested that it is not necessary for there to be proportional representation under the Widdicombe Rules.  The Advisory Group agrees with the report's proposals for the role of the forum and the employment of independent external facilitators to manage it.  The suggested scope and content of the first two meetings is also supported. 


Members also asked that the Executive sought legal guidance as a matter of urgency for elected Members of the forum.  Members should be advised of what they could do and should not do in their role as a forum member, bearing in mind that some may be Members of the Development Control Committee that determines the planning application. 




(a)        that the Grove Development Forum be established, as set out in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.9 of report 212/05;


(b)        that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to appoint an external facilitator to lead the forum, and to confirm the source of funding for this;


(c)        that the number of elected representatives be limited to 12 (1 County Councillor representing Wantage/Grove; 3 Grove Parish Councillors; 1 East Challow Parish Councillor; 1 East Hanney Parish Councillor; 1 Wantage Town Councillor; 3 District Council Ward Members for Grove; 1 District Council Ward Member for Wantage Segsbury; 1 District Council Executive Member) for the core group of the forum, but when transport and flooding/drainage issues are to be discussed representatives from other surrounding Parish Councils should be invited to attend and participate; and


(d)        that the Executive seeks legal guidance as a matter of urgency for elected Members of the Grove Development Forum.  Members should be advised of what they can do and should not do in their role as a forum member, bearing in mind that some may be Members of the Development Control Committee that determines the planning application. 


(Time: 3.07pm to 3.14pm)


The Executive received and considered an agenda report regarding the proposed Grove Development Forum.  At its meeting held on 23 January 2006, the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group had received and considered report 212/05 regarding the establishment of the Grove Development Forum.  The report confirmed that in March 2004, the Council had agreed to investigate setting up a forum to help with the delivery of the proposals for the development of the strategic housing site to the west of Grove.  The report proposed that the Forum should consist of local council representatives and other stakeholders and suggested the principles of establishing a process of information dissemination, discussion and consultation with local people. 


The Advisory Group considered that the Forum should consist of twelve elected members representing the local community (1 County Councillor representing Wantage/Grove; 3 Grove Parish Councillors; 1 East Challow Parish Councillor; 1 East Hanney Parish Councillor; 1 Wantage Town Councillor; 3 District Council Ward Members for Grove; 1 District Council Ward Member for Wantage Segsbury; 1 District Council Executive Member).  However, when wider transport and flooding/drainage issues were discussed, there should be an invitation to other local Parish Councils from the surrounding area to send a representative.  As the Forum would be advisory only with no voting ability, the Advisory Group suggested that it was not necessary for there to be proportional representation under the Widdicombe Rules.  The Advisory Group agreed with the report's proposals for the role of the Forum and the employment of independent external facilitators to manage it.  The lowest estimate for the employment of external facilitators was £2800, plus expenses.  The Group agreed that this could be met from the Planning Delivery Grant.  The suggested scope and content of the first two meetings was also supported. 


The Executive concurred with the Advisory Group's recommendations but added that the Executive Member should be the Planning Portfolio Holder.  The Executive considered that in each category of representatives above, substitutes should be able to be appointed.  However, it was recognised that the three District Ward Members for Grove would be unable to appoint a substitute as all three Ward members would be members of the Forum. 


The Advisory Group Members also asked that the Executive sought legal guidance as a matter of urgency for elected Members of the Forum.  Members should be advised of what they could do and should not do in their role as a Forum member, bearing in mind that some might be Members of the Development Control Committee that determined the planning application. 


Members asked that Grove Parish Council was advised that its comments, in its letter appended to the report, were noted.  When planning new developments there was a need to balance the views of existing residents with the needs of future residents. 




(a)        that the Grove Development Forum be established, as set out in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.9 of report 212/05;


(b)        that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to appoint an external facilitator to lead the Forum, funded from the Planning Delivery Grant;


(c)        that the number of elected representatives be limited to 12 (1 County Councillor representing Wantage/Grove; 3 Grove Parish Councillors; 1 East Challow Parish Councillor; 1 East Hanney Parish Councillor; 1 Wantage Town Councillor; 3 District Council Ward Members for Grove; 1 District Council Ward Member for Wantage Segsbury; 1 District Council Executive Member being the Planning Portfolio Holder) for the core group of the Forum, with substitutes being allowed from each representative category, but when wider transport and flooding/drainage issues are to be discussed representatives from other surrounding Parish Councils should be invited to attend and participate as appropriate; and


(d)        that legal guidance be sought as a matter of urgency for elected Members of the Grove Development Forum.  Members should be advised of what they can do and should not do in their role as a Forum member, bearing in mind that some may also be Members of the Development Control Committee that determines the planning application. 

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council