Agenda and minutes

Executive - Friday, 6 June 2008 2.30 pm

Venue: Guildhall, Abingdon

Contact: Steve Culliford, Democratic Services Officer, telephone 01235 540307.  E-mail:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence. 





To adopt and sign as correct records the public minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on 4 April and 21 May 2008, (previously circulated). 


The public minutes of the Executive meetings held on 4 April and 21 May 2008 were adopted and signed as correct records. 


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. 


Any Member with a personal interest or a personal and prejudicial interest in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct, in any matter to be considered at a meeting, must declare the existence and nature of that interest as soon as the interest becomes apparent in accordance with the provisions of the Code.


When a Member declares a personal and prejudicial interest he shall also state if he has a dispensation from the Standards Committee entitling him/her to speak, or speak and vote on the matter concerned.


Where any Member has declared a personal and prejudicial interest he shall withdraw from the room while the matter is under consideration unless


(a)                his/her disability to speak, or speak and vote on the matter has been removed by a dispensation granted by the Standards Committee, or


(b)                members of the public are allowed to make representations, give evidence or answer questions about the matter by statutory right or otherwise.  If that is the case, the Member can also attend the meeting for that purpose.  However, the Member must immediately leave the room once he/she has finished; or when the meeting decides he/she has finished whichever is the earlier and in any event the Member must leave the room for the duration of the debate on the item in which he/she has a personal and prejudicial interest. 


Councillors Jenny Hannaby declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 29 ‘Application for a Viilage Green, Radley Lakes’ (minute Ex.34 refers) as she was a County and a District Councillor.  Councillor Angela Lawrence declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the same item as she had helped support the fund raising for the Radley Lakes project.  Councillors Mary and Tony de Vere both declared personal interests in item 29 as they knew Jo Cartmell who was involved in the Radley Lakes campaign. 


Urgent Business and Chair's Announcements

To receive notification of any matters which the Chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the Chair.




Statements and Petitions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any statements and/or petitions from the public under Standing Order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting. 




Questions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any questions from members of the public under Standing Order 32 will be asked at the meeting.




Referral under the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules or the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules




Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees

(a)       Personnel Appointments Sub-Committee - 29 April 2008


At its meeting on 29 April 2008, the Personnel Appointments Sub-Committee considered potential mechanisms to recruit to the vacant Strategic Director post.  The Sub-Committee has made a recommended "that the Executive be requested to identify the source of funding for the recruitment consultant and the cost of additional interim support". 


(b)       Council - 21 May 2008


At its meeting on 21 May 2008, the Council received a petition from Age Concern Oxfordshire which contained 932 signatures.  It read as follows:


"Age Concern Oxfordshire are very concerned that from April 2008, the Vale of White Horse District Council will not support over 60s and disabled people to use their national concessionary bus travel passes from 9am, instead, they will have to wait until 9.30am before being able to travel.  Many older people, particularly in rural areas will not be able to travel until late morning.  Disabled people will not be able to attend their day services and work placements on time.  People needing to attend hospital appointments will also be affected.  Many older and disabled people are already on low incomes and are vulnerable to becoming isolated from the community services that are available to them. 


We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens of the Vale of White Horse who urge our political representatives to act now and allow the concessionary bus pass travel time to start from 9am throughout the Vale of White Horse area."  


The Council has referred the petition to the Executive for consideration and determination. 


(a)       Personnel Appointments Sub-Committee - 29 April 2008

(Time: 2.35pm to 2.36pm)


At its meeting on 29 April 2008, the Personnel Appointments Sub-Committee considered potential mechanisms to recruit to the vacant Strategic Director post.  The Sub-Committee had recommended "that the Executive be requested to identify the source of funding for the recruitment consultant and the cost of additional interim support". 


The Executive noted that since the Sub-Committee’s meeting, an agreement had been made with South Oxfordshire District Council to consider a shared senior management team and a report from the two Chief Executives would be submitted to each authorities’ Council meeting in July.  The Sub-Committee’s recommendation was therefore deferred. 




that the recommendation of the Personnel Appointments Sub-Committee, to identify the source of funding for the recruitment consultant and the cost of additional interim support, be deferred pending the outcome of the Council’s decision on the possibility of a shared senior management team with South Oxfordshire District Council. 


(b)       Council - 21 May 2008

(Time: 2.36pm to 2.39pm)


At its meeting on 21 May 2008, the Council received a petition from Age Concern Oxfordshire which contained 932 signatures.  It read as follows:


"Age Concern Oxfordshire are very concerned that from April 2008, the Vale of White Horse District Council will not support over 60s and disabled people to use their national concessionary bus travel passes from 9am, instead, they will have to wait until 9.30am before being able to travel.  Many older people, particularly in rural areas will not be able to travel until late morning.  Disabled people will not be able to attend their day services and work placements on time.  People needing to attend hospital appointments will also be affected.  Many older and disabled people are already on low incomes and are vulnerable to becoming isolated from the community services that are available to them. 


We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens of the Vale of White Horse who urge our political representatives to act now and allow the concessionary bus pass travel time to start from 9am throughout the Vale of White Horse area." 


The Council had referred the petition to the Executive for consideration and determination. 


The Executive recalled that the Strategic Director had taken the concerns of many people living in rural areas to negotiate with the bus companies.  The bus operators would not accommodate the change suggested by Age Concern.  The Executive noted that the Council was bound by the minimum statutory times laid down by the Government and although Members appreciated the need of some people to travel before 9.30am, the Council had to keep to the statutory timescale as it had significant financial constraints.  However, the Chair reported that he intended to demonstrate to the Government the true cost of the bus pass scheme to the Council. 




that the Council keeps to the Government’s statutory times for the operation of the bus pass scheme. 


Financial Monitoring pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Members are requested to consider any significant budget variances and any requests for virement or permanent budget adjustment. 


(Time: 2.39pm to 2.40pm)


The Committee received and considered requests to approve one virement totalling £96,000.  Members noted that a further three requests for virements had been approved under delegated authority to a total of £5,860. 




that the virement requests set out in the agenda report be approved.   


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 221 KB

To receive the Forward Plan containing Executive decisions to be taken from June to September 2008. 




that the Forward Plan be received. 


(Time: 2.44pm to 2.45pm)


The Executive received the Forward Plan setting out Executive decisions to be taken from June to September 2008. 




that the Forward Plan for June to September 2008 be noted. 


Corporate Plan 2008-2012 pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To receive and consider report 11/08 of the Principal Performance Management Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


In 2005 the Council’s published the first of a new style of Corporate Plan which covered the period 2005-08 and detailed its aims and priorities. Attached to this report (Appendix1) is a draft Corporate Plan 2008-12 which details the Council’s priorities, aims and the objectives for the next 4 years.


The contact officer for this report is Robert Woodside, Principal Performance Management Officer, telephone (01235 520202 ext 499).  Email address:




(a)       that the Executive approve the draft Corporate Plan 2008-12 (Appendix 1) and recommend it to Council


(b)       that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Group Leaders, to approve the final version of the Corporate Plan 2008-12


(c)        that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Group Leaders, to approve an annual update to the Corporate Plan 2008-12  






Additional documents:


(Time: 2.45pm to 2.53pm)


The Executive received and considered report 11/08 of the Principal Performance Management Officer, which sought Members' approval of the draft Corporate Plan 2008-2012.  The Corporate Plan detailed the Council’s priorities, aims and the objectives for the next four years.


Members highlighted several areas where the Council had performed well over the course of the 2005-2008 Corporate Plan, such as waste collection and recycling, the Council’s response to climate change, and the crime reduction partnership.  Looking forward to the new Plan period, it was considered that the Council needed to better highlight its successes and maintain high profile communications.  It was also suggested that there should be more profiling of the Council’s Members in literature.  Members supported the new Corporate Plan so long as it was achieved within existing resources. 


Members noted that a shorter version of the Plan would be produced once the full document had been approved by the Council. 




(a)       that draft Corporate Plan 2008-2012, as set out in Appendix A to these minutes, be approved;


(b)       that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Group Leaders, to approve the final version of the Corporate Plan 2008-2012;


(c)        that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Group Leaders, to approve an annual update to the Corporate Plan 2008-2012. 


Corporate Governance - Fourth Quarter 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To receive and consider report 12/08 of the Senior Management Team. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Corporate Governance Report looks at the key areas of:


Corporate Priorities

Best Value Performance Indicators

Progress against Service Prioritisation Plans

Key staffing data (sickness levels and turnover)

Progress with Business Process Improvement Reviews

Financial commentary

Risk Management


At its meeting on 19th May 2008 the Senior Management Team (SMT) considered the fourth quarter 2007/08 Business Performance Report. This is an exception report which covers all of the aspects of corporate governance contained within this report. SMT agreed the exceptions (where performance / actions are not on target) to be reported to the Executive and agreed the comments / actions which have been included in this report. The full versions of the individual reports are available on the Council’s website. They can be accessed through the ‘about your Council - performance’ area of the website.


The contact officer for this report is Robert Woodside, Principal Performance Management Officer, telephone (01235 520202 ext 499).  Email address:




That the Senior Management Team’s Corporate Governance exception report and proposals be noted. 


(Time: 2.53pm to 3.10pm)


The Executive received and considered report 12/08 of the Senior Management Team.  This review corporate governance during the fourth quarter of 2007/08, looking at the key areas of:

·        Corporate Priorities

·        Best Value Performance Indicators

·        Progress against Service Prioritisation Plans

·        Key staffing data (sickness levels and turnover)

·        Progress with Business Process Improvement Reviews

·        Financial commentary

·        Risk Management


The Senior Management Team had considered the fourth quarter 2007/08 Business Performance Report: an exception report covering all of the aspects of corporate governance.  The Senior Management Team agreed the exceptions to be reported to the Executive, where performance and actions were not on target, and agreed the comments and actions which had been included in this report. 


The Executive sought an explanation of the overspend in Legal Services.  The Head of Legal Services reported that there had been some reduction in the anticipated income in Land Charges, due partly to the downturn in the housing market.  However, attempts were being made to improve the service with the aid of the Organisational Development service.  There had also been an overspend on salaries due to the need to employ agency staff.  It was hoped that there would be a full establishment soon. 


All service managers were reminded of the importance of keeping within budget.  Controlling salary budgets was just one element of this.  Those managers that had done this were commended for their work. 


Turning to Best Value Performance Indicators, Members asked for further improvement in the payment of invoices on time (BVPI 8). 


Appendix C to the report set out progress with business process improvement reviews.  Members called for improvements and cashable savings in these areas. 




that the Senior Management Team’s Corporate Governance exception report and proposals be noted. 


Council Aspirations for Future Performance Inspections pdf icon PDF 44 KB

To receive and consider report 24/08 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary  


The national performance inspection regime for local government is changing.  Previously the Council was inspected in accordance with the 'Comprehensive Performance Assessment' (CPA) rules.  Under that regime the Council was formally assessed as being 'Fair' in 2004, which is the middle of five categories (Poor, Weak, Fair, Good and Excellent.) 


In addition to the full CPA inspection in 2004, the Council has been annually inspected against a Use of Resources checklist, and in 2007 it's usual '2' score (adequate) on a scale of 1 - 4, improved to '3 (satisfactory).


The CPA regime is being phased out to be replaced with the Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) regime, which will consider the performance of all Oxfordshire councils together.  The precise details are still being formulated by the Government and it is not yet possible to assess whether the duties and obligations arising from the new regime will be any less onerous than the CPA regime.


In the meantime, there are two performance obligations which will continue to fall on individual councils including the Vale.  These will be inspected and so will affect the Council's perceived performance.  The Council could choose to put more or less effort into them according to its aspirations.  This report requests direction from the Executive.


The Contact Officer for this report is Steve Bishop, Strategic Director & Chief Finance Officer (01235 540332).  Email:




The Executive is requested to agree that:



(a)   No additional effort to that already provided for in service plans is expended by officers on achieving the statutory obligations in respect of the Use of Resources assessment and the Annual Governance Statement;


(b)   The officers expend as much effort as is required to retain the '3' score in Use of Resources and obtain a complementary inspection opinion on the Annual Governance Statement, acknowledging that specific service plan commitments will need to be forsaken in order to free up the necessary staff resource.





(Time: 3.10pm to 3.15pm)


The Executive received and considered report 24/08 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer.  This explained that the national performance inspection regime for local government was changing. 


Previously individual Councils were inspected in accordance with the 'Comprehensive Performance Assessment' rules.  These were being replaced with the Comprehensive Area Assessment regime, which would consider the performance of all Oxfordshire councils together.  The precise details were still being formulated by the Government and it was not yet possible to assess whether the duties and obligations arising from the new regime would be any less onerous than the old one. 


In the meantime, there were two performance obligations which would continue to fall on individual councils: the Use of Resources assessment and the Annual Governance Statement.  These would be inspected and would affect the Council's perceived performance.  The Council could choose to put more or less effort into them according to its aspirations.  This report requested the Executive’s direction. 


In the light of forthcoming guidance on the new Comprehensive Area Assessment regime, Members considered that they should keep within existing resources already provided for in Service Plans to achieve statutory obligations for future performance inspections.  In doing so, the Executive made a conscious decision not to introduce additional resources to achieve a higher assessment score.  However, the Executive considered it important to still achieve as high a score as possible within existing resources and asked that this message was conveyed to staff.  The Executive also stressed the importance of retaining resources to deliver front line services. 




that no additional effort to that already provided for in service plans is expended by officers on achieving the statutory obligations in respect of the Use of Resources assessment and the Annual Governance Statement. 


Consequential Actions Relating to the Floods of July 2007 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To receive and consider report 22/08 of the Deputy Director (Commercial Services) and the Strategic Director.


Introduction and Report Summary

This report relates to the developments arising from the floods of July 2007 conveniences and the updates to related Council policies

The contact officer for this report is Bill Farrar, Deputy Director (Commercial Services), telephone: 01235 540356, email address:



that the Executive

(i)                approves the Vale Emergency Response and Recovery Plan 2008

(ii)              approves the updates to the Vale Flood Management Policy 2008

(iii)            accepts the recommendations of the Emergency Advisory Group relating to the consequential actions emanating from the Vale Flood Review 2007

(iv)            notes the overview of the current financial position relating to flooding

(v)              approves the proposals for future expenditure on flooding matters, as set out in Section 9 of Appendix A.


Additional documents:


(Time: 3.15pm to 3.31pm)


The Executive received and considered report 22/08 of the Deputy Director (Commercial Services) and the Strategic Director, which looked at developments arising from the floods of July 2007.  The Executive was asked to approve the Emergency Response and Recovery Plan 2008 and the updated Flood Management Policy which had arisen following the flooding experiences.  The Executive noted the consequential actions arising from the flooding review, undertaken by the Emergency Advisory Group.  The Executive also noted the current financial position relating to flooding and approved proposals for future expenditure. 


Earlier in the week, one day of high rainfall levels had been experienced again, although not as extreme as July 2007.  The Deputy Director reported that his staff had been responding to requests for help and filling sandbags until 9.30pm. 


Funds were available to help community flood relief schemes; several had already been identified, working in partnership with local groups and other agencies.  Through every flooding experience, partnership working was improving but it was accepted that it was impossible to predict the impact and severity of every storm.  Members recognised that the Council’s Direct Services Organisation and other staff were working hard on every occasion of high rainfall.  They were thanked for their efforts. 


Members asked for a further report on proposals within the capital programme for flood relief schemes.  Members urged caution in raising expectations that funds would be available to assist individual households.  Care needed to be taken to spend the funds wisely to provided the greatest level of flood protection for a community, whilst working with the Environment Agency and other agencies. 


Finally, the Executive thanked the Emergency Advisory Group for its work and disbanded it as its work had been completed. 




(a)               that the Vale Emergency Response and Recovery Plan 2008 be approved;


(b)               that the updates to the Vale Flood Management Policy 2008 be approved;


(c)               that the recommendations of the Emergency Advisory Group relating to the consequential actions emanating from the Vale Flood Review 2007 be accepted;


(d)               that the overview of the current financial position relating to flooding be noted;


(e)               that the proposals for future expenditure on flooding matters, as set out in Section 9 of Appendix A to report 22/08, be approved;


(f)                 that a further report be submitted by the Deputy Director (Commercial Services) to the Executive setting out the detail of proposals for the capital programme for flood relief schemes; and


(g)               that, having completed its work, the Emergency Advisory Group be disbanded and its members be thanked for its work. 


Commercial Services Fees pdf icon PDF 59 KB

To receive and consider report 21/08 of the Strategic Director.


Introduction and Report Summary


This report contains proposals to update this Council’s Scheme of Charges relating to:

·         Building Regulations

·         Direct Services Organisation (DSO) and

·         Address Management.

The changes are intended to ensure that the Charges:


(a)              do not fall below the “proper costs” of the service provided

(b)              are maintained at competitive and reasonable levels and

(c)              continue represent best value and the provision of a quality service


The contact officer for this report is Bill Farrar, Deputy Director (Commercial Services). Tel: 01235 540356, email address:




that the Executive recommends that the Council sets revised Charges, effective from 17 July 2008, for


(i)                 Building Regulations and it adopts the revised “Scheme for the Recovery of Building Regulation Costs and Associated Matters” as its formal scheme, made under the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 1998, and.


(ii)               the recovery of DSO and Address Management costs.



Additional documents:


(Time: 3.31pm to 3.32pm)


The Executive received and considered report 21/08 of the Strategic Director, which contained proposals to update this Council’s scheme of charges relating to Building Regulations, Direct Services Organisation (DSO), and Address Management. 


The changes were intended to ensure that they did not fall below the “proper costs” of the service provided; the charges were maintained at competitive and reasonable levels; and they continued to represent best value and the provision of a quality service.  The Executive supported the proposed charges. 




that the revised charges, effective from 17 July 2008, and as set out in Appendix B to these minutes, be approved for

(i)                 Building Regulations and the revised “Scheme for the Recovery of Building Regulation Costs and Associated Matters” be adopted as the Council's formal scheme, made under the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 1998, and

(ii)               the recovery of Direct Services Organisation and Address Management costs. 


Service Area Annual Reports 2007/08

Copies of Service Area Annual Reports have been circulated to Members of the Executive and all Members of Scrutiny Committee.  Members of the Executive are asked to report back to this meeting on any significant issues for the service areas for which they are responsible.  A template has been provided.  


(Time: 3.32pm to 3.43pm)


Copies of Service Area Annual Reports for 2007/08 had been circulated to Members of the Executive and all Members of Scrutiny Committee in advance of the Executive's agenda publication.  Members of the Executive were asked to report back to this meeting on any significant issues for the service areas for which they are responsible.  A copy of the commentaries from the 2007/08 Executive Portfolio Holders was tabled at the meeting. 


The Executive asked whether the Scrutiny Committee would give consideration to whether the current system of Portfolio Holder reporting was the most effective method and the best use of Members’ time.  Alternative suggestions would be welcomed.  Ideas such as individual meetings between the Executive Portfolio Holder, the Scrutiny Committee shadow Member and the Deputy Director were suggested and the possibility of an annual report for public consumption was discussed.  The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee agreed to take this up with the Committee Members. 


The work of Legal Services in drafting the legal documents for the Old Gaol was praised and Members asked that their thanks were passed on.  The Chair thanked the Deputy Directors and Portfolio Holders for their work on the annual reports also.  




that the Service Area Annual Reports for 2007/08 and the Executive Portfolio Holder commentaries be received. 


Homelessness Strategy 2008-2013 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To receive and consider report 13/08 of the Strategic Director.


Introduction and Report Summary


The Homelessness Act 2002 introduced a legislative requirement for all local housing authorities to carry out a review of homelessness in their district and to produce a homelessness strategy setting out how homelessness was going to be tackled.


The first strategy was required to be published by July 2003, and strategies must be reviewed at least every 5 years.  The Council’s first Homelessness Strategy was published in July 2003. 


The Council have now produced a second Homelessness Strategy 2008-13, which has been informed by the findings of a review of homelessness in the District carried out over 2007-08. 


This report summarises the priority areas that the new Homelessness Strategy will seek to address.  The Council is required to publish the Strategy by July 2008.


The Contact Officer for this report is Lyn Scaplehorn,  Housing Advice Team Leader (01235 520202 Ext 579).




(a)       That the Executive adopt the new Homelessness Strategy 2008-13


(b)               That the Executive ask the Housing Advice team to implement the action plans developed as part of the Homelessness Strategy 2008-13




Additional documents:


(Time: 2.40pm to 2.44pm)


The Executive received and considered report 13/08 of the Strategic Director, which requested Members to approve a revised Homelessness Strategy.  The Homelessness Act 2002 had introduced a requirement for all local housing authorities to carry out a review of homelessness in their District and to produce a homelessness strategy setting out how the issue was going to be tackled.  The Council’s first Homelessness Strategy was published in July 2003 and had to be reviewed at least every five years. 


A second Homelessness Strategy 2008-2013 had been produced, informed by the findings of a review of homelessness in the District carried out over 2007-08.  The report summarised the priority areas that the new strategy would address.  The Council was required to publish the strategy by July 2008. 


The Executive commended the work done to tackle homelessness and commended the revised strategy to further reduce homelessness in the District. 




(a)       that the Homelessness Strategy 2008-2013 be adopted; and


(b)               that the Housing Advice team be asked to implement the action plans developed as part of the Homelessness Strategy 2008-2013. 


Swindon Core Strategy pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To receive and consider report 14/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy). 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Swindon Borough Council (SBC) is preparing its Core Strategy. Following the Issues & Options stage, SBC has now published its Preferred Options (PO) document. This will set the context for future growth at Swindon over the next twenty years.


Much of the document addresses matters local to Swindon. However, for the Vale the document touches on issues such as the relationship with villages outside Swindon and the eastern extension to Swindon comprising 12,000 dwellings. The document asks for the public’s views on its contents and seeks responses to a number of specific questions, particularly in relation to the vision and objectives which underpin the preferred options.


A report on this matter was considered by the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group on 6 May 2008 (Report No.192/08). Based on this report and the comments of the Advisory Committee, see Minute 40 of that Committee, comments on the Core Strategy were submitted to Swindon Borough Council. Due to a deadline of 12 May for these comments, it was not possible for the Executive Committee to consider these comments before they were submitted. The covering letter for the comments explained that this matter would be taken to the Executive Committee for further consideration and ratification.


The comments which were submitted to Swindon Council were amended to take into account Minute 40 and formatted as responses to be consistent with the section headings in the Borough Council’s own comments’ form. These responses are set out in the body of this report.


Members should note that since this matter was considered by the Advisory Committee, Thames Water has published its draft Water Resources Management Plan (May 2008) which identifies the proposed reservoir in the upper Thames as the preferred option to maintain security of supply from AMP7 onwards. AMP7 is the period 2020 to 2025. The proposed response has been changed accordingly, see paragraph 4.1.33 below.


The contact officer for this report is Nick Burroughs, Principal Planning Officer, telephone (01235 520202). 

Email address




that the Executive Committee consider the Responses to the Swindon Borough Core Strategy as set out in Section 4 of this report and, subject to any further amendments, agree that these are formally submitted to Swindon Council as the Vale Council’s responses in this matter.


(Time: 3.43pm to 3.46pm)


The Executive received and considered report 14/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) regarding Swindon Borough Council's Core Strategy, part of its Local Development Framework.  Following the Issues and Options stage, Swindon Borough Council had published its Preferred Options document.  This would set the context for future growth at Swindon over the next twenty years.  Much of the document addressed matters local to Swindon.  However, for the Vale the document touched on issues such as the relationship with villages outside Swindon and the eastern extension to Swindon comprising 12,000 dwellings.  The document asked for views on its contents and sought responses to a number of specific questions, particularly in relation to the vision and objectives which underpinned the preferred options. 


A report on this matter had been considered by the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group in May 2008.  Based on this report and the comments of the Advisory Group, comments on the Core Strategy Preferred Options Document were submitted to Swindon Borough Council.  Due to a deadline of 12 May for these comments, it was not possible for the Executive to consider these comments before they were submitted.  However, the covering letter had explained that this matter would be taken to the Executive for further consideration and ratification.  The comments which were submitted to Swindon Borough Council took into account the Advisory Group's views. 


Members noted that since this matter was considered by the Advisory Group, Thames Water had published its draft Water Resources Management Plan which identified the proposed reservoir in the upper Thames as the preferred option to maintain security of water supply from 2020 to 2025.  The Council’s response to Swindon Borough Council had been updated as the officers were concerned that historical revisions to the timetable for a reservoir did not lead to confidence in future target dates.  The officers raised concerns over the planning of a major strategic housing allocation on the basis that a provisional and as yet unjustified reservoir was going to be built. 


Members agreed with the officers' comments and endorsed the response to Swindon Borough Council. 




that the responses to the Swindon Borough Core Strategy, as set out in Section 4 of report 14/08, be endorsed and that these be formally submitted to Swindon Borough Council as the Vale Council’s responses in this matter. 


Local Development Framework: Open Space, Sport and Recreation Supplementary Planning Document - Future Provision pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To receive and consider report 15/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy). 


Introduction and Report Summary


At the meeting of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group held on 22 October 2007 Members considered the Draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) prior to its publication for consultation.  At a subsequent meeting of the Strategic & Local Planning Advisory Group Members considered the comments submitted during the consultation process and agreed to amending the SPD as recommended in this report.


This report summarises the comments received during the consultation period and recommends changes to the Supplementary Planning Document prior to its adoption.  Copies of the Supplementary Planning Document have been made available to Members of the Executive. 


The contact officer for this report is Alison Blyth, Principle Planning Officer, telephone (01235) 547633.  Email address




Members recommend to the Council to adopt the Open Space, Sport and Recreation, Future Provision Supplementary Planning Document subject to the changes set out in the document.



Additional documents:


(Time: 3.46pm to 3.48pm)


The Executive received and considered report 15/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy).  At the meeting of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group held in October 2007, Members considered the Draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Supplementary Planning Document prior to its publication for consultation.  At a subsequent meeting of the Advisory Group Members considered the comments submitted during the consultation process and agreed to amend the Supplementary Planning Document.  The report summarised the comments received during the consultation period and recommended changes to the Supplementary Planning Document prior to its adoption.  Copies of the Supplementary Planning Document were made available to Members of the Executive. 


The Executive concurred with the views of the Advisory Group and thanked its Members, officers and consultant, Kit Campbell, for their work in producing the Supplementary Planning Document. 




that the Open Space, Sport and Recreation, Future Provision Supplementary Planning Document be adopted, as set out in Appendix C to these minutes, and be implemented following the appointment of the Project Officer in Leisure Services. 


(Annotation required by Internal Audit: to record that the grass sports pitches quality standard on page 94 of the report should read 16 square metres per person and not 1.6 square metres per person.) 


Conservation Area Appraisals pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To receive and consider report 16/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy). 


Introduction and Report Summary


The purpose of this report is to outline the work that has been carried out to review the conservation areas at Northcourt in Abingdon, East Hendred and Wytham. It outlines the consultation process and methodology for the three appraisals, responds to the comments received and recommends the adoption of the appraisal documents and the extensions to the boundaries of all three areas. The future programme of work is also set out.


A schedule summarising the comments received during consultation together with officer observations and recommendation made in response to the comments and copies of the appraisals for Northcourt in Abingdon, East Hendred and Wytham incorporating the amendments recommended have been sent to Members of the Executive. 


 In addition to the recommended changes made in response to public consultation, other changes have been made to the text including factual information and editorial changes. In particular each document contains new sections on the effects of designation and the future management of the areas.


The contact officer for this report is Grant Audley-Miller, Section Head (Environmental Planning and Conservation), telephone (01235 540343).  E-mail address:




Members note the steps that have been taken to involve the community in the appraisals of the Northcourt in Abingdon, East Hendred and Wytham Conservation Areas and confirm these steps as appropriate for involving communities in future appraisals .


Members are asked to note the responses that have been made to the appraisals of the Northcourt in Abingdon, East Hendred and Wytham Conservation Areas and agree the officer’ observations and recommendations.


Members recommend the Executive and the Council to adopt the Conservation Area Appraisals for Northcourt in Abingdon, East Hendred and Wytham and extend the Conservation Areas as set out in Map 4 of the Northcourt appraisal, Map 4 of the East Hendred appraisal and Map 4 of the Wytham appraisal.


Members are asked to note the current programme of Conservation Area appraisals for Cumnor, Bourton and Sutton Courtenay. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.48pm to 3.49pm)


The Executive received and considered report 16/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy), which outlined the work carried out to review the Conservation Areas at Northcourt in Abingdon, East Hendred and Wytham.  The report explained the methodology for the appraisals, and the report set out the consultation process and the comments received.  It went on to recommend the adoption of the appraisal documents and the extensions to the boundaries of all three areas.   The future programme of Conservation Areas reviews was also set out. 


A schedule summarising the comments received during consultation together with officer observations and copies of the appraisals had all been sent as a separately bound document to Members of the Executive. 


Members noted that the reviews had been considered by the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group and the Development Control Committee, both of which supported the proposals.  The Executive also supported the proposals and thanked the officer for the work carried out in the appraisals. 




(a)       that the steps taken to involve the community in the appraisals of the Northcourt in Abingdon, East Hendred and Wytham Conservation Areas be noted and confirmed as appropriate steps for involving communities in future appraisals;


(b)       that the consultation responses made to the three Conservation Area appraisals be noted and the officers’ observations and recommendations be agreed;


(c)        that the programme of future Conservation Area appraisals for Cumnor, Bourton and Sutton Courtenay be noted; and




(d)       that the Conservation Area Appraisals for Northcourt in Abingdon, East Hendred and Wytham be adopted, as set out in Appendix D to these minutes, and the Conservation Areas be extended, as set out in Map 4 of the Northcourt appraisal, Map 4 of the East Hendred appraisal and Map 4 of the Wytham appraisal. 


Provisional Capital Programme Out-turn 2007/08 and Revenue Budget Carry Forward Requests 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 39 KB

To receive and consider report 17/08 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


This report forms part of the continuing provision of financial information to allow Members to review the performance of their services.  Paragraph 4 of the report sets out the development of the capital budget during the year and Appendix A details capital expenditure in 2007/08 (subject to audit) on projects in the agreed capital programme and requests budget carry-forward where necessary.


Paragraph 5 refers to a list of budgets requested to be carried forward from the 2007/08 revenue budget.  The provisional outturn for the year is set out in the Fourth Quarter Corporate Governance Report for 2007/08 elsewhere on this agenda.


The contact officers for this report are Steve Lawrence, Principal Accountant (Technical) (01235 540321) email address and Alice Brander, Chief Accountant (01235 520202) or the responsible officers for each scheme as indicated.




(a)              That Members note the expenditure on capital projects in the financial year 2007/08


(b)              That Members agree the revised expenditure profile for capital projects and carry-forward of budgets to 2008/09 (net total £568,040) as shown in Appendix A.


(c)               That Members consider the revenue budget carry forward requests and approve the budgets to be carried forward from 2007/08 to 2008/09 (total £64,263).

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.49pm to 3.51pm)


The Executive received and considered report 17/08 of the Strategic Director.  This formed part of the continuing provision of financial information to allow Members to review the performance of the Council's services.  The report set out the development of the capital budget during the year and detailed capital expenditure in 2007/08 (subject to audit) on projects in the agreed capital programme.  The Executive was asked to approve some budget carry-forward requests and the capital programme for 2008/09. 


Members were content with the proposals. 




(a)              that the expenditure on capital projects in the financial year 2007/08 be noted;


(b)              that the revised expenditure profile for capital projects and carry-forward of budgets to 2008/09, net total £568,040, as shown in Appendix A to report 17/08, be agreed; and


(c)               that the revenue budget carry forward requests be carried forward from 2007/08 to 2008/09, totaling £64,263. 


Setting up an Air Quality Action Plan Working Group pdf icon PDF 44 KB

To receive and consider report 18/08 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


Under the Environment Act 1990 the Council has a duty to take action to work towards the improvement of local air quality where national objectives are breached at locations where people live. Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) have now been declared in parts of Abingdon and Botley and Air Quality Action Plans (AQAPs) will now need to be devised and implemented.


By nature AQAPs are broad ranging and require the cooperation of a number of Council Service disciplines and external agencies and require extensive engagement with the public and other stakeholders.  This report recommends a Council – wide approach to air quality management including the creation of a project board to oversee the process of AQAP production and implementation. 

The contact officer for this report is David Stevens Deputy Director (Environmental Health) tel.(01235540378). Email:




That Executive:


(a)       notes the background information concerning current issues that will

                        need to be taken into account in Air Quality Action Planning; and


            (b)       notes the importance of and implications from adopting a Council-wide approach to the management of local air quality including the creation of an advisory group by the Member with portfolio holder responsibility for Environmental Health..



(Time: 3.51pm to 3.59pm)


The Executive received and considered report 18/08 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer.  Under the Environment Act 1990 the Council had a duty to take action to work towards the improvement of local air quality where national objectives were breached at locations where people lived.  Air Quality Management Areas had been declared in parts of Abingdon and Botley and Air Quality Action Plans would need to be devised and implemented.  These plans were broad ranging and required the cooperation of a number of Council service disciplines and external agencies, as well as consultation with the public and other stakeholders. 


The Executive was recommended to adopt a Council–wide approach and create a project board to oversee the process of Air Quality Action Plan production and implementation. 


It was reported that there had been a considerable reduction in Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in some Abingdon town centre streets but further reductions were needed.  However, Ock Street in Abingdon needed further monitoring to establish what work, if any, was needed.  Around 50% of emissions were from goods vehicles and negotiations were needed with Oxfordshire County Council on highway routing.  One problem that needed to be tackled was the goods vehicle driver training centre at Culham that used Stert Street in Abingdon as part of its test route, adding to the problems in the town centre. 


Members agreed to the proposals, suggesting that the Portfolio Holder talked to both Group Leaders about membership of any informal advisory group. 




(a)       that the background information concerning current issues to be taken into account in Air Quality Action Planning be noted; and


(b)      that the importance of, and implications from, adopting a Council-wide approach to the management of local air quality, including the creation of an informal advisory group by the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health, be noted. 


Civic Halls - Bar Services pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To receive and consider report 19/08 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


In February 2007, the external bar contractor providing the bar services at the Guildhall in Abingdon and Civic Hall in Wantage tendered his resignation after being in the post less than one year into a three year contract. The decision to revert back to an in-house operation was taken in consultation with the portfolio holder for Contracts and Procurement and senior officers. The decision created an opportunity for officers to regain direct control on a key part of the Civic Halls service which had become increasingly difficult to resource and direct through external operators.


The Guildhall and Civic Hall are a priority focus for the Council wide Property Review currently being undertaken. It should be noted that any major changes to either building could have significant consequences to the bar operation especially if there was to be any removal or reduction in access to facilities.


By maintaining the service in-house minimises the impact any changes the Property Review may have, compared to using an external contractor and the contractual obligations that could arise.


The in - house team started operations on October 16th 2007 and have successfully provided a full range of bar services for a significant number of functions at both facilities to date.


The Contact Officer for this report is Chris Webb telephone 01235 540358.




That the service continues to be provided in – house until the future of the Civic Halls is confirmed under the property review.


That the halls management team be commended for their efforts in setting up and  developing the business to a point where it is generating profits within its first six months of operation.




(Time: 3.59pm to 4.01pm)


The Executive received and considered report 19/08 of the Strategic Director, which reported on progress with the in-house bar services at the Council's two Civic Halls. 


Members recalled that in February 2007, the external bar contractor providing the bar services at the Guildhall in Abingdon and Civic Hall in Wantage had tendered his resignation after being in the post less than one year into a three year contract.  The decision to revert back to an in-house operation was taken in consultation with the Executive Portfolio Holder for Contracts and Procurement and senior officers.  The decision created an opportunity for officers to regain direct control over a key part of the Civic Halls' service which had become increasingly difficult to resource and direct through external operators.  The Civic Halls were a priority focus for the Council-wide property review.  Maintaining the bar services in-house would minimise the impact any changes the review might have, compared to using an external contractor and the contractual obligations that could arise. 


It was noted that the in-house team had started operations on 16 October 2007 and had successfully provided a full range of bar services for a significant number of functions at both facilities to date.  The staff were congratulated for their work on this and in achieving a profit.  Members supported the continuation of the in-house service. 




(a)       that the bar services continues to be provided in–house until the future of the Civic Halls be confirmed under the property review; and


(b)       that the Civic Halls management team be commended for their efforts in setting up and developing the business to a point where it is generating profits within its first six months of operation. 


Waste Procurement pdf icon PDF 26 KB

To receive report 20/08 of the Deputy Director (Contracts and Procurement).


Introduction and Report Summary


South Oxfordshire DC and the Vale of White Horse DC are jointly procuring new waste collection and street cleansing contract(s) to replace existing contracts when these terminate in June 2009 and October 2010.


The procurement project is being managed by the Deputy Director Contracts and Procurement at the Vale of White Horse DC on behalf of both Councils. The procurement is being carried out in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 utilising the Competitive Dialogue process. Timetables for the procurement process are appended at appendices A and B. The published timetable requires a decision on short-listing to be made by 27 June 2008, this decision requires the approval of both Councils executive bodies. Officers will not have completed detailed evaluation of the seven responses in time for the Executive meeting of 6 June


The contact officer for this report is Mike Mackay, Deputy Director (Contracts and Procurement), telephone (01235 540337).





(a)               that the Executive invites the Leader to delegate to the Portfolio Holder the approval of the short-list of companies to be invited to proceed to the next stage of the procurement, in consultation with the Leader, Chair of Scrutiny and Vale councillors on the Project Board.





Additional documents:


(Time: 4.01pm to 4.08pm)


The Executive received and considered report 20/08 of the Deputy Director (Contracts and Procurement).  South Oxfordshire District Council and the Vale were jointly procuring new waste collection and street cleansing contract(s) to replace existing contracts which terminated in June 2009 and October 2010 respectively. 


The procurement project was being carried out in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 using the Competitive Dialogue process.  The timetable for the procurement process required a decision on short-listing of potential contractors to be made by 27 June 2008.  This required the approval of both Councils' executive bodies. 


Members called for a robust process with all details being provided to Members in advance of the need for a decision. 


The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee welcomed the opportunity to be involved in the process and hoped this would save a scrutiny call-in of the decision. 




that the Leader of the Council be invited to delegate authority to the Executive Portfolio Holder, in consultation with the Leader, Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee and Vale Councillors on the Project Board, the approval of the short-list of companies to be invited to proceed to the next stage of the procurement. 


Exclusion of the Public, including the Press

The Chair to move that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) and Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered:


Item 26     Minutes

(Category 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information.)


Item 27      Waste Procurement

                   (Category 3)


Item 28       Corn Exchange, Faringdon

(Category 1 - Information relating to any individual.)


Item 29       Application for a Village Green, Radley

(Category 3)

(Category 5 - Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.)


Item 30      Property Matters

                   (Category 3)




that, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) and Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered:



(Category 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information.) 


Waste Procurement

(Category 3)


Corn Exchange, Faringdon

(Category 1 - Information relating to any individual)


Application for a Village Green, Radley

(Category 3)

(Category 5 - Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.)


Property Matters

(Category 3)







To adopt and sign as a correct record the Exempt minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 4 April 2008, (previously circulated).


The Exempt minutes of the Executive meeting held on 4 April 2008 were adopted and signed as a correct record. 


Waste Procurement

To receive an oral update. 


The Executive received an oral update on progress with the procurement of Waste Management services and noted that evaluation of potential contractors was still in progress. 


Corn Exchange, Faringdon

To receive and consider report 25/08 of the Strategic Director. 


The Executive considered a report on the operation of the Corn Exchange office at Faringdon and agreed to close the office. 


Application for Village Green, Radley Lakes

To receive and consider report 23/08 of the Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer.


The Executive considered a request from Radley Parish Council to support its case for an application for a village green at Radley Lakes.  Councillors Jenny Hannaby and Angela Lawrence both declared personal and prejudicial interests in this item and left the meeting during its consideration.  Councillors Mary and Tony de Vere both declared personal interests and in accordance with Standing Orders they remained in the meeting. 


The Executive declined the request by Radley Parish Council. 


Property Matters




Vale of White Horse District Council