Agenda and minutes

Executive - Friday, 13 July 2007 2.30 pm

Venue: Guildhall, Abingdon

Contact: Steve Culliford, Democratic Services Officer, telephone 01235 540307.  E-mail:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence. 


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Bob Johnston. 



To adopt and sign as a correct record the public minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 1 June 2007, (previously circulated). 


The public minutes of the Executive meeting held on 1 June 2007 were adopted and signed as a correct record. 


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. 


In accordance with Part 2 of the Local Code of Conduct and the provisions of Standing Order 34, any Member with a personal interest must disclose the existence and nature of that interest to the meeting prior to the matter being debated.  Where that personal interest is also a prejudicial interest, then the Member must withdraw from the room in which the meeting is being held and not seek improperly to influence any decision about the matter unless he/she has obtained a dispensation from the Standards Committee.


CouncillorRichard Farrell declared a personal interest in item 13 ‘Treasury Management – Review of Activities in 2006/07’ as he used to be a Director of the investment company, Investec (minute Ex.44 refers).  Councillor Angela Lawrence declared personal interests in item 12 ‘Annual Outturn Monitoring 2006/07’ as the report affected her husband’s employment (minute Ex.45 refers), and also in item 21 ‘Old Gaol, Abingdon’ as she was an Abingdon Town Councillor (minute Ex.52 refers). 


Urgent Business and Chair's Announcements

To receive notification of any matters which the Chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the Chair.


The Chair asked all those present to switch off their mobile phones during the course of the meeting.  


Statements and Petitions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any statements and/or petitions from the public under Standing Order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting. 


The Executive noted that the Chief Executive had been presented with a petition of approximately 4,500 signatures which read as follows:

"We, the undersigned, believe that the Old Gaol site is a unique and valuable part of Abingdon's heritage.  In assessing the proposals submitted by developers, we urge The Vale of White Horse District Council to pursue the following points:

  1. Freehold: retain the freehold of the site so that it remains in public ownership.
  2. Access: Vigorously enforce the public access requirements in the sale documentation, including free access to the river frontage. 
  3. Community: Strongly press the developer for the inclusion of non-commercial community space for use by local people.” 


The Executive also received two statements from members of the public on the subject of the future of the Old Gaol, Abingdon. 


(1)               Alison Mummery made a statement on behalf of Community in the Old Gaol (COG) regarding the Old Gaol's future.  Before the meeting, COG had presented the first stage of its petition to the Council’s Chief Executive, signed by 4,500 people from Abingdon and the surrounding area, showing that the level of interest in the Old Gaol remained high.  The petition requested the Council to retain the freehold of the site, to maximise the areas accessible to the public and to provide some community facilities.  She believed that all was not well in Abingdon, with people of all ages commenting on the lack of any focal point or anything to do rather than go to pubs or restaurants.  The potential of the Old Gaol to regenerate and restore the vitality of Abingdon could not be overestimated and the more people it attracted, the greater its impact would be. 


COG considered that it was vital that prospective developers were given access to the ideas and wishes of local people now, so that they could take them into account in drafting their final plans.  COG had developed a range of constructive proposals they wanted to share with developers.  Although the Council might have concerns about this, COG wished to raise two points:

(i)                 COG understood the financial pressures the Council faced but did not believe that COG's ideas need necessarily lead to a reduction in value for the site.  COG would like to work with developers to identify activities which would bring people in to the site, complementing other activities there and possibly even enhancing its value. 

(ii)               COG also understood the Council’s concerns over commercial confidentiality and would abide by any confidentiality arrangements the Council or developers might wish to put in place. 


Recent announcements from Central Government showed a move towards community involvement in local facilities provision and decision-making, such as the ‘Opening the Transfer Window’ initiative and last week’s announcement of proposals for ‘participatory budgeting’ to give local people the chance to examine and decide how budgets were spent.  The emphasis was clearly moving away from the narrow financial interpretation of ‘Best Value’ which had applied in recent years. 


COG was pleased that the Council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36.


Questions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any questions from members of the public under Standing Order 32 will be asked at the meeting.




Referral under the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules or the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules




Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees

Scrutiny Committee – 14 June 2007

Corporate Governance – Fourth Quarter 2006/07


In considering the above report, the Scrutiny Committee




that the Executive be advised:-


(1)               that the Scrutiny Committee is concerned at the number of inaccuracies contained in the report;


(2)        to consider including the issue of affordable housing and rural exception sites on the agenda for the Joint County/District Parish Liaison Meeting to be held in the autumn.    



Scrutiny Committee 14 June 2007

Corporate Governance – Fourth Quarter 2006/07

(Time: 2.40pm to 2.46pm)


On 14 June the Scrutiny Committee considered the Corporate Governance Report for the fourth quarter of 2006/07 and:

(1)       expressed concern at the number of inaccuracies contained in the report;

(2)       asked for the issue of affordable housing and rural exception sites to be included on the agenda for the Joint County/District Parish Liaison Meeting to be held in the autumn. 


The Executive noted that there had been inaccuracies in the report and the officers apologised for this.  The Strategic Director promised to improve the data and narrative in future reports so that it would be clear to all readers. 


Members agreed with the second recommendation that the issue of affordable housing and rural exception sites should be included on the agenda for the Joint County/District Parish Liaison Meeting to be held on 27 September 2007 at 6.00pm at LarkmeadSchool in Abingdon. 




(a)               that the occurrence of inaccuracies in the Corporate Governance Report for the fourth quarter of 2006/07 be noted; and


(b)       that the issue of affordable housing and rural exception sites be included on the agenda for the Joint County/District Parish Liaison Meeting to be held on 27 September 2007 at Larkmead School in Abingdon. 


Financial Monitoring

Members are requested to consider any significant budget variances and any requests for virement or permanent budget adjustment.




Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To receive the Forward Plan containing Executive decisions to be taken from July to October 2007. 




that the Forward Plan be received. 


(Time: 2.46pm to 2.49pm)


The Executive received the Forward Plan setting out Executive decisions to be taken from July to October 2007. 


The Forward Plan contained an item due to be considered at this meeting of the Executive on a review of the Housing Nominations Policy, also known as the Choice Based Lettings Scheme.  The Executive Portfolio Holder for Housing explained the delay in bringing the matter to the Executive.  The Strategic Review Committee had review the scheme in January 2007 and recommended that the Executive asked officers to draw up a service development plan for 2007/08 to address the following issues:

  • Ensuring that hard to reach groups and those without access to the Internet were able to participate in the scheme
  • Increasing the participation of the scheme for the over 55 age group
  • Moving to a weekly bidding cycle from the current fortnightly cycle

The Committee had also recommended that the policy was adapted to meet recent case law. 


It was noted that the action plan had been developed and was part of the Housing Service Plan for 2007/08.  Officers had also scoped the necessary legal changes and had costed the ICT changes necessary.  The Council was also part of a pilot scheme to introduce a county-wide sub-regional scheme.  The intention was to ‘go live’ in April 2008 but to do this ICT changes would need to be made to align systems across all Oxfordshire District Councils.  The Housing Officers believed that the ICT alterations for Vale's review and the pilot scheme should be brought together to achieve the lowest cost.  ICT alterations would be made in the next financial year, subject to a successful budgetary bid, and the policy review would not be concluded until that date.  However, it was noted that the delay in the policy review would not affect the operation or legality of the service. 


The Executive noted the latest position. 




that the Forward Plan for July to October 2007 be noted. 


Provision of Schools in Grove

At it’s meeting on 20 June 2007 the County Council’s Cabinet considered three options to meet future demand for secondary school places in Wantage/Grove and the surrounding villages. The options were:

 (a)      Two schools each with 1,250 pupils;

(b)       One school on two sites with 2,500 pupils; and,

(c)        A new 600 place 11-16 school for Grove and retain King Alfred’s as existing.


The Cabinet agreed to proceed with Option C and provide a new 600 place 11-16 school for Grove and retain King Alfred’s Sports and Community College under the existing arrangement and authorised Officers to complete negotiations with developers to secure a sufficient and appropriate site to meet the needs of the selected option and any possible future expansion and report back on the potential implications in terms of timeline and cost of the preferred option.  The County Council's Scrutiny Committee has called this item in for consideration.  The Executive may wish to comment on this option. 


(Time: 2.49pm to 3.03pm)


At its meeting on 20 June 2007, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet considered three options to meet future demand for secondary school places in Wantage/Grove and the surrounding villages. The options were:

(a)       Two schools, each with 1,250 pupils;

(b)       One school on two sites with 2,500 pupils; and

(c)        A new 600 place 11-16 school for Grove and retain King Alfred’s as existing.


The County Council’s Cabinet had agreed to proceed with option C to provide a new 600 place 11-16 school for Grove and retain King Alfred’s Sports and Community College in Wantage under the existing arrangement.  The Cabinet also authorised County Council officers to complete negotiations with developers to secure a sufficient and appropriate site to meet the needs of the selected option and any possible future expansion and report back on the potential implications in terms of timeline and cost of the preferred option.  The County Council's Scrutiny Committee had called this item in for consideration. 


The Executive noted that Councillor Jerry Patterson, in his capacity as Leader of the Council, had made a statement to the County Council’s Scrutiny Committee.  However, he had not been given sufficient time to complete his prepared statement and therefore tabled it at the Executive’s meeting, seeking approval to submit a copy to the County Council’s Cabinet.  Members agreed with this suggestion. 


Councillor Zoë Patrick and Jim Moley had both requested to address the Executive on this subject.  At the invitation of the Chair they did so.  Councillor Patrick had reservations about the County Council Cabinet’s decision and as a County Council Scrutiny Committee Member, had requested that it was called-in for review.  She believed that the choice of a small school for Grove would be insufficient for the development that was planned to take place.  However, she was slightly more reassured at the County Council’s Scrutiny Committee meeting when she was told that there was potential to expand the school in the future.  She was also told that the school would be delivered by 2012, in time for the first housing development on the airfield site.  She considered it imperative that sufficient land was allocated for the school at the outset.  The school would also need to be a community focal point for Grove.  She had urged the County Council’s Cabinet to deliver these promises and negotiate a firm delivery plan to provide the necessary services on time. 


Councillor Moley welcomed the County Council Cabinet’s decision for a separate school in Grove, with an undertaking to expand it to provide a sixth form in due course.  He urged the Vale to use whatever planning powers it could to secure a viable secondary school with sixth form facilities. 


The Chair thanked Councillors Patrick and Moley for their contributions and asked that their statements were also submitted to the County Council’s Cabinet for consideration. 


The Executive noted that, as planning authority, the Council would determine the details of the Section 106 Agreement, prescribing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42.


Ridgeway Shared Services Organisation pdf icon PDF 28 KB

To receive and consider report 31/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


In establishing a shared financial service between Vale of White Horse District Council and South Oxfordshire District Council, known as the Ridgeway Shared Services Organisation (RSSO), an informal committee was created. 


The report will explain that following legal advice it has been concluded that both Councils should establish a formal Joint Committee


This report seeks authority to agree a formal joint committee between the two councils, to formalise both the joint working and the way any future decisions are made.  The report also makes recommendation that appointments to the Joint Committee should be made by the Executive (if not already done so by recent appointments to outside bodies).


The Contact Officer for this report is Steve Bishop, Strategic Director (Chief Finance Officer), (01235 540332), email




Members are recommended to:-


(a)       approve that the Council and South Oxfordshire District Council create a Joint Committee responsible for the provision of financial services to both Councils;


(b)       delegate authority to the Strategic Director (Chief Finance Officer) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to approve any minor drafting changes to the Joint Committee agreement and constitution attached to this report;


(c)        authorise the Agreement between the two constituent Councils to be completed;


(d)       that appointments to the Joint Committee are made by the Executive. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.03pm to 3.08pm)


The Executive received and considered report 31/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer regarding the establishment of a formal Joint Committee to monitor the shared financial service between Vale of White Horse District Council and South Oxfordshire District Council, known as the Ridgeway Shared Services Organisation.  The report sought authority to agree a formal joint committee between the two councils, to formalise both the joint working and the way any future decisions were made. 


Members asked that it was made clear in the agreement that the chairmanship should cease after two years, on the date on the Annual Meeting of the Council.  It was noted that the Executive had previously appointed Councillors Mary and Tony de Vere to represent it at the Joint Committee meetings. 




(a)       that a Joint Committee be created, to be responsible for the provision of financial services to both the Vale and South Oxfordshire District Councils;


(b)       that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to approve any minor drafting changes to the Joint Committee agreement and constitution; and


(c)        that the Agreement between the two constituent Councils to be completed. 


Treasury Management – Review of Activities in 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 31 KB

To receive and consider report 32/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Council’s Treasury Management Policy requires a report to be made on Treasury Management performance in the previous financial year.  It is also required by the CIPFA Treasury Management Code of Practice as embodying sound financial management.


The purpose of this report is to detail the Council’s cash investment performance in the financial year 2006/07 and to raise any treasury management issues.


The Contact Officer for this report is Steve Lawrence, Head of Asset Management, telephone 01235 540321, e-mail address:




(a)              to note the return on cash invested during 2006/07 and the balances of the funds at 31 March 2007; and


(b)              to note the prospects for the return on cash investments in 2007/08. 


(Time: 3.08pm to 3.15pm)


(CouncillorRichard Farrell declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34, he remained in the meeting during its consideration.)


The Executive received and considered report 32/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer, which reported on Treasury Management performance for 2006/07.  The report detailed the Council’s cash investment performance. 


In-house investment showed a return of 4.9% for the year, while the external fund managers, Investec, showed a 4.15% return (3.97% after fees).  However, it was noted that Investec was better placed for a satisfactory performance in 2007/08 following recent rises in interest rates. 


Members expressed disappointment in Investec’s performance but were not minded to change external fund managers at this stage.  However, it was suggested that a meeting was held between Butlers (the Council's investment advisors), Investec and Members of the Council to seek an explanation of the poor performance.  It was suggested that the invitation should extend to all Members of the Council, but would be of particular interest to Executive and Scrutiny Committee Members. 


Members also requested that 'league table' performance statistics were provided so that Investec's 2006/07 performance could be compared against other investment companies and for Investec’s five-year performance too.  Members also asked for equivalent comparative data from another Council to give broader perspective. 


The actual investment income achieved in 2006/07 had fallen short of the revised budget forecast by £63,822.  This represented 4.9% of the budget and was largely due to an over-optimistic view of the returns that would be made, both in-house and by the fund manager, in the final quarter of the year.  However, rising interest rates meant that the return in 2007/08 should be better than previously expected. 




(a)              that the return on cash invested during 2006/07 and the balances of the funds at 31 March 2007 be noted;


(b)              that the prospects for the return on cash investments in 2007/08 be noted;


(c)               that a meeting be held between Butlers, Investec and Members of the Council to seek an explanation of Investec’s poor investment performance; and


(d)       that 'league table' performance statistics be provided so that Investec's 2006/07 performance can be compared against other investment companies and that Investec’s five-year performance be provided also, as well as equivalent comparative data from another Council. 


2006/07 Annual Outturn Monitoring pdf icon PDF 43 KB

To receive and consider report 33/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The report details, in accordance with the corporate planning framework the outturn position for 2006/07, subject to audit. 


The Contact Officer for this report is Steve Bishop, Strategic Director (& Chief Finance Officer), (01235 540332).




Members are requested to:


(a)        Note the overall outturn position of the Council as well as the outturn of individual service areas and cost centres; and,


(b)        Take into account the impact of the outturn position in the Integrated Service and Financial Planning process when setting the 2007/08 Revised Budget and 2008/09 Original Budget. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.15pm to 3.26pm)


(CouncillorAngela Lawrence declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34, she remained in the meeting during its consideration.)


The Executive received and considered report 33/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer, which detailed the Council's outturn position for 2006/07, subject to audit.  Additional appendices A(i), B and C were tabled at the meeting.  Their late publication was largely due to the accounts for 2006/07 only being completed recently.  Efforts were made to bring this report to this meeting, rather than to the next meeting in October.  It was noted that these extra appendices would be submitted to Scrutiny CommitteeMembers in advance of their meeting when this report would be considered also. 


Members noted amendments to the figures in the table in paragraph 5.1 of the report.  The variance for service area outturn was -£88,000 and the description of Contingency was amended to read ‘Reversal of Capital Funding’.  The variance figure for this was amended to read -£228,000. 


The report concluded that 2006/07 had been a good year for the Council’s finances.  The unexpected receipt of Local Authority Business Growth Incentive (LABGI) grant had provided a welcome boost to general fund balances. 


Disregarding the LABGI grant, the Council had overspent by £23,000, representing only 0.2% variance.  However, this masked a number of significant variances which were of concern to the Chief Finance Officer.  He considered that budget holders needed to work more closely with their accountants to ensure budget monitoring was much more effective in 2007/08.  The Executive agreed.  Portfolio Holders were asked to monitor variances carefully throughout the year and report any concerns to the Executive. 




(a)        that the overall outturn position of the Council as well as the outturn of individual service areas and cost centres be noted;


(b)                that the impact of the outturn position be taken into account in the Integrated Service and Financial Planning process when setting the 2007/08 Revised Budget and 2008/09 Original Budget; and


(c)        that Portfolio Holders be requested to understand why variances happened in 2006/07 and monitor budgets in their service areas to ensure variances are, so far as it is possible, eradicated in 2007/08 and to report any concerns to the Executive . 


Service Area Annual Reports 2006/07

Copies of Service Area Annual Reports have been circulated to Members of the Executive and all Members of Scrutiny Committee. Members of the Executive are asked to report back to this meeting on any significant issues for the service areas for which they are responsible.  A template has been provided. 


(Time: 3.26pm to 3.39pm)


Copies of Service Area Annual Reports had been circulated to Members of the Executive and all Members of Scrutiny Committee.  Members of the Executive were asked to report back with a commentary to this meeting on any significant issues for the service areas for which they were responsible.  Reports for the following Service Areas were made.  At the meeting, Portfolio Holders' reports were tabled and areas of note and/or concern were highlighted as follows:   


  • Contracts and Procurement - Councillor Jenny Hannaby raised no areas of concern from her report, which was received and noted. 


  • Commercial Services Councillor Bob Johnston’s commentary on Commercial Services was received and noted in his absence. 


  • Environmental Health Councillor Angela Lawrence believed the annual report from Environmental Health was satisfactory but considered that it would be irresponsible to comment further as she had not been a Member of the Council during 2006/07 and was concerned that an area of concern might be missed.  She asked that the previous Portfolio Holder commented on this Annual Report. 


  • Finance Councillor Tony de Vere highlighted several positives: the largest change management programme affecting any Vale had been completed during the year, outsourcing the majority of the Service Area in very short timescale.  The Revenues and Benefits database system had been replaced with a new state-of-the-art system and document management system seamlessly.  A series of innovative inter-council TUPE transfers (Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations) to successfully create the first major shared service organisation in Oxfordshire.  This saved the Council in excess of £140,000 in the first year, well ahead of projected £87,000 target.  However, this was contrasted with the failure to seamlessly migrate to the new Agresso 5.5 financial management system, causing ongoing organisational disruption, which all three parties were committed to rectifying in the coming months. 


  • Planning and Community Strategy Councillor Richard Farrell reported that it had been a good year for Planning Policy in the commencement of work on the Local Development Framework, and also for Development Control in meeting Government targets, which should bring in Planning Delivery Grant.  However, he expressed a note of concern.  It was very difficult to attract qualified planners if existing staff left the Council’s employment.  This was a problem across the whole country, not just for the Vale. 


  • Organisational Development and Support Councillor Jerry Patterson highlighted the 100% satisfaction levels achieved at both Local Services Points.  Telephone call volumes had increased and levels of staff sickness and absence were down.  The service compared well with its thirteen benchmarking District Councils.  There had only been one complaint in the whole year – that relating to a planning issue. 


  • Housing and Community Safety Councillor Mary de Vere reported that the Housing service was proud of its Two Star rating.  Ninety-nine households were prevented from becoming homeless and the Council had the best performing Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership in Oxfordshire. 



Corporate Equalities Action Plan 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 32 KB

To receive and consider report 34/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


a)                 As a major employer and public service delivery body, the Council is committed to meeting the needs of all its employees, residents and customers. To help the Council realise this commitment in a proactive, proportionate and co-ordinated way, a Corporate Equalities Action Plan (CEAP) has been drafted for 2007/8.

b)                 The Plan brings together all the Council’s key areas of work for the current year with regards to the promotion of equality and diversity. It will help us to meet our statutory duties and achieve our BVPI targets for 2007/08.

c)                  The Plan incorporates all the actions from the Council’s recently updated Race Equality Scheme.

d)                 Progress against the actions will be reported on in October 2007 and April 2008. The CEAP will be revised by the end of the calendar year in order to include the action plans from the forthcoming Disability and Gender Equality Schemes (these are both due to be finalised and approved by the end of December).

e)                 The revised CEAP will cover 2008/09 – 2010/11 and will be subject to approval by the Council’s Executive.

f)                    This report summarises the contents of the CEAP and makes a recommendation for its adoption by the Council’s Executive.

g)                 The contact officers for this report are Katharine Doherty (Equalities Officer, 01235 520202 and Tim Sadler (Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, 01235 520202




That the Executive adopts the Corporate Equalities Action Plan 2007/08.


Additional documents:


(Time: 3.39pm to 3.42pm)


The Executive received and considered report 34/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, which set out a draft Corporate Equalities Action Plan for 2007/08.  As a major employer and public service delivery body, the Council was committed to meeting the needs of all its employees, residents and customers. To help the Council realise this commitment, a Corporate Equalities Action Plan had been drafted.  It brought together all key areas of work to meet statutory duties and achieve Best Value Performance Indicator targets for 2007/08. 


The Plan incorporated all the actions from the Council’s recently updated Race Equality Scheme.  Progress against these actions would be reported in October 2007 and April 2008.  Members noted that the Plan would be revised by the end of the calendar year in order to include the action plans from the forthcoming Disability and Gender Equality Schemes, both due to be finalised and approved by the end of December.  The revised Plan would cover 2008/09 to 2010/11 and would be subject to the Executive's approval.  It would include equality impact assessments and action plans for each Service Area. 


Members welcomed the Plan. 




that the Corporate Equalities Action Plan 2007/08 be adopted. 


Abingdon Integrated Transport Strategy - Environmental Implementation pdf icon PDF 41 KB

To receive and consider report 35/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The purpose of this report is to invite Members to consider committing funding from the capital budget to enhance the highway works in Stert Street and Broad Street, Abingdon being carried out by Oxfordshire County Council as part of the town centre Phase 2 implementation of the Abingdon Integrated Transport Strategy.


The Contact Officers for this report is Grant Audley-Miller, Section Head (Environmental Planning & Conservation) on (01235) 540343.




Members are asked to:


(a)       Commit £72,500 from the Capital Budget towards enhancing the ABITS highway works in Stert Street and Broad Street, Abingdon during the current financial year.


(b)       Suspend Contract Standing Orders in relation to procurement for the works in Stert Street and Broad Street, Abingdon.


(c)        Enter into formal contracts with OxfordshireCounty Council and Isis Accord for the works in Stert Street and Bath Street, Abingdon.


(d)       Agree that further commitments to contribute to the environmental enhancement of Phase 2 of the ABITS strategy await the outcome of the review of the proposed highway works.


(e)       Ask the County Council to confirm that in the event of High street works not being implemented that the funds would be earmarked for highway schemes in and around Abingdon.


(f)         Welcome the intention to continue a Members Working Group for ABITS open to the public but seek assurances from the County Council on how this will be achieved. 


(Time: 3.42pm to 3.45pm)


The Executive received and considered report 35/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, which invited Members to committing capital funding to enhance the highway works in Stert Street and Broad Street, Abingdon.  The works were being carried out by Oxfordshire County Council as part of the town centre Phase 2 implementation of the Abingdon Integrated Transport Strategy.  The County Council wished to order the materials in the forthcoming week and sought early commitment from this Council. 


Members discussed the scenario that in the event the works to the High Street were not implemented, the funds should be earmarked by the County Council for highway schemes in and around Abingdon.  It was agreed that although this was not being imposed as a condition, it was still open to this Council to hold the funds.  It was considered important that the County Council understood that this was a two-way process. 




(a)       that £72,500 be committed from the Capital Budget towards enhancing the Abingdon Integrated Transport Strategy highway works in Stert Street and Broad Street, Abingdon during the current financial year;


(b)               that Contract Standing Orders be suspended in relation to procurement for the works in Stert Street and Broad Street, Abingdon;


(c)        that formal contracts be entered into with OxfordshireCounty Council and Isis Accord for the works in Stert Street and Bath Street, Abingdon;


(d)       that further commitments to contribute to the environmental enhancement of Phase 2 of the strategy await the outcome of the review of the proposed highway works;


(e)       that the County Council be asked to confirm that in the event of High Street works not being implemented that the funds would be earmarked for highway schemes in and around Abingdon; and


(f)         that the intention to continue a Members' Working Group open to the public be welcomed but assurances be sought from the County Council on how this will be achieved. 


Local Development Framework - Core Strategy

At the meeting of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group on 25 June 2007, Members considered the timetable and responsibility for signing off the Core Strategy document as part of the Local Development Framework.  The first stage is to produce an Issues and Options Report containing policies or preferred approaches.  There was a short timescale to produce this (this had to be published by November), the Advisory Group recommends that approval of the detailed wording should be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) in consultation with the Executive Portfolio Holder for Planning and the Shadow Member for Planning.  The Advisory Group will be given the opportunity to comment on and agree the substance of the document prior to final drafting. 




that authority be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy), in consultation with the Executive Portfolio Holder for Planning and the Shadow Member for Planning, to publish the Issues and Options Report on the Core Strategy and other information for publication, including Vale Views. 


(Time: 3.45pm to 3.46pm)


At the meeting of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group held on 25 June 2007, Members considered the timetable and responsibility for signing off the Core Strategy document as part of the Local Development Framework.  The first stage was to produce an Issues and Options Report containing policies or preferred approaches.  As there was a short timescale to produce this (this had to be published by November), the Advisory Group recommended that approval of the detailed wording should be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) in consultation with the Executive Portfolio Holder for Planning and the Shadow Member for Planning.  It was noted that the Advisory Group would be given the opportunity to comment on and agree the substance of the document prior to final drafting.  Members concurred with the recommendation.    




that authority be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy), in consultation with the Executive Portfolio Holder for Planning and the Shadow Member for Planning, to publish the Issues and Options Report on the Core Strategy and other information for publication, including Vale Views. 


Exclusion of the Public, Including the Press

The Chair to move that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered:


Item 20           Minutes

(Category 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).)


Item 21           Old Gaol, Abingdon

(Category 2 - Information which is likely to reveal the identity of any individual.)

(Category 3.)


Item 23           Concessionary BusPass Scheme

(Category 3.)


Item 24           Property Matters

(Category 3.)





that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered:


Item 20           Minutes

(Category 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).)


Item 21           Old Gaol, Abingdon

(Category 2 - Information which is likely to reveal the identity of any individual.)

(Category 3.)


Item 22           Concessionary Bus Pass Scheme

(Category 3.)


Item 23           Property Matters

(Category 3.)








To adopt and sign as a correct record the exempt minutes of the Executive meeting held on 1 June 2007 (previously circulated). 


The exempt minutes of the Executive meeting held on 1 June 2007 were adopted and signed as a correct record. 


Old Gaol, Abingdon - Shortlisting of Development Partners

To receive and consider report 30/07 of the Chief Executive.   


The Executive considered a report of the future of the Old Gaol in Abingdon and agreed a shortlist of potential development partners and asked for a media release to be made on the Council’s position.  


Concessionary Bus Pass Scheme

To receive and consider report 36/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer.   


The Executive considered a report on the future of the Concessionary Bus Pass Scheme and agreed to make changes to some discretionary elements. 


Property Matters

To consider any property matters. 


The Executive agreed to a lease on a property.