Agenda item

Service Area Annual Reports 2006/07

Copies of Service Area Annual Reports have been circulated to Members of the Executive and all Members of Scrutiny Committee. Members of the Executive are asked to report back to this meeting on any significant issues for the service areas for which they are responsible.  A template has been provided. 


(Time: 3.26pm to 3.39pm)


Copies of Service Area Annual Reports had been circulated to Members of the Executive and all Members of Scrutiny Committee.  Members of the Executive were asked to report back with a commentary to this meeting on any significant issues for the service areas for which they were responsible.  Reports for the following Service Areas were made.  At the meeting, Portfolio Holders' reports were tabled and areas of note and/or concern were highlighted as follows:   


  • Contracts and Procurement - Councillor Jenny Hannaby raised no areas of concern from her report, which was received and noted. 


  • Commercial Services Councillor Bob Johnston’s commentary on Commercial Services was received and noted in his absence. 


  • Environmental Health Councillor Angela Lawrence believed the annual report from Environmental Health was satisfactory but considered that it would be irresponsible to comment further as she had not been a Member of the Council during 2006/07 and was concerned that an area of concern might be missed.  She asked that the previous Portfolio Holder commented on this Annual Report. 


  • Finance Councillor Tony de Vere highlighted several positives: the largest change management programme affecting any Vale had been completed during the year, outsourcing the majority of the Service Area in very short timescale.  The Revenues and Benefits database system had been replaced with a new state-of-the-art system and document management system seamlessly.  A series of innovative inter-council TUPE transfers (Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations) to successfully create the first major shared service organisation in Oxfordshire.  This saved the Council in excess of £140,000 in the first year, well ahead of projected £87,000 target.  However, this was contrasted with the failure to seamlessly migrate to the new Agresso 5.5 financial management system, causing ongoing organisational disruption, which all three parties were committed to rectifying in the coming months. 


  • Planning and Community Strategy Councillor Richard Farrell reported that it had been a good year for Planning Policy in the commencement of work on the Local Development Framework, and also for Development Control in meeting Government targets, which should bring in Planning Delivery Grant.  However, he expressed a note of concern.  It was very difficult to attract qualified planners if existing staff left the Council’s employment.  This was a problem across the whole country, not just for the Vale. 


  • Organisational Development and Support Councillor Jerry Patterson highlighted the 100% satisfaction levels achieved at both Local Services Points.  Telephone call volumes had increased and levels of staff sickness and absence were down.  The service compared well with its thirteen benchmarking District Councils.  There had only been one complaint in the whole year – that relating to a planning issue. 


  • Housing and Community Safety Councillor Mary de Vere reported that the Housing service was proud of its Two Star rating.  Ninety-nine households were prevented from becoming homeless and the Council had the best performing Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership in Oxfordshire. 


  • Democratic Services – In the absence of Councillor Bob Johnston, his commentary on the Democratic Services Annual Report was received and noted. 


Overall, the Executive was content with the Annual Reports. 




that the Executive is content with the Service Area Annual Reports for 2006/07.