Agenda and minutes

Executive - Thursday, 5 April 2007 2.30 pm

Venue: Guildhall, Abingdon

Contact: Steve Culliford, Democratic Services Officer, telephone 01235 540307.  E-mail:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.  





To adopt and sign as a correct record the public minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 2 March 2007, (previously circulated). 


The public minutes of the Executive meeting held on the 2 March 2007 were adopted and signed as a correct record. 


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. 


In accordance with Part 2 of the Local Code of Conduct and the provisions of Standing Order 34, any Member with a personal interest must disclose the existence and nature of that interest to the meeting prior to the matter being debated.  Where that personal interest is also a prejudicial interest, then the Member must withdraw from the room in which the meeting is being held and not seek improperly to influence any decision about the matter unless he/she has obtained a dispensation from the Standards Committee.


Councillors Mary de Vere and Tony de Vere both declared a personal interests in item 14 'Thames Water's Stage 2 Consultation on its Proposed New Reservoir' as they were both members of the Wilts and Berks Canal Trust that was affected by the reservoir proposals (minute Ex.230 refers).  CouncillorBob Johnston also declared a personal interest in item 16 'Community Grants' regarding the application by Sunngwell School of Art as he was the County Councillor for that area (minute Ex.232 refers.)  


Urgent Business and Chair's Announcements

To receive notification of any matters which the Chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the Chair. 


The Chair reordered the agenda bring forward the items relating to Community Grants and Revised Tariffs for Hackney Carriages.  However, the minutes are recorded here in the order of the agenda.  


Statements and Petitions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any statements and/or petitions from the public under Standing Order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting. 


Four members of the public made statements to the Executive as follows. 


(a)        Mr Michael Howells made a statement regarding comments made in the Herald newspaper by the Council's Leader and Chair of the Executive, Councillor Jerry Patterson, about the Old Gaol in Abingdon.  He referred to comments attributed to Councillor Jerry Patterson in the Abingdon Herald and a subsequent reply by a member of the public.  Mr Howells believed he had a good plan for a Jailhouse playhouse or theatre at the Old Gaol site.  He reaffirmed his interest in the project and stressed he was serious about wanting to make it happen.  He urged the Executive to proceed with the project as quickly as possible. 


(b)        Mr Thomas Li made a statement on behalf of the Oxfordshire Chinese Community and Advice Centre, supporting the grant application submitted to the Executive.  He asked for a grant of £3,276 in 2007/08 as rent charged by Oxford City Council had increased.  The Advice Centre was seeking additional support on a level based on the percentage of the Chinese community living in the Vale.  Awarding this grant would allow the centre to continue operating and supporting the Chinese population. 


(c)        Mary Thompson spoke on behalf of the Citizen's Advice Bureau based at The Old Abbey House in Abingdon.  The Bureau was very grateful for the core funding given by the Council to support its services but sought an additional £7,477 to allow it to operate and meet its increased costs.  Some of these increased costs were levied by the Council through rent and service costs, together with the cost of repairs and redecoration caused by a leak from the first floor premises - an incident beyond the Bureau's control.  However, the Bureau was very grateful for the planned works to repair its windows and roof. 


The Bureau had reorganised again to meet its customers' needs and had been given good marks when audited recently.  The public had also expressed satisfaction with the service provided.  Consequently, it was hoped to re-open the Bureau on Thursday mornings.  Other funding sources had been investigated but not all Parish Councils had supported the Bureau.  An application had also been made to the Lottery Fund.  The Bureau would continue to work closely with the Vale on social policy issues and provide close links with the Members of Parliament.  She asked the Executive to equal the level of financial support it gave last year. 


(d)        Vanessa Woodward, on behalf of Sunningwell School of Art, sought support for a contribution towards a new heating system.  The current system was old, prone to break down, and wasted money due to not being environmentally efficient.  The School had sought other funding elsewhere but was not confident of receiving support from all.  The School provided a service in all of the arts for all ages. 


Questions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any questions from members of the public under Standing Order 32 will be asked at the meeting. 




Referral under the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules or the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules





Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees

Best Value Performance Indicators – Performance against Top and Bottom Quartile 2005/06


At its meeting on 15 March 2007, the Scrutiny Committee considered report 159/06 - Best Value Performance Indicators – Performance against Top and Bottom Quartile 2005/06 and resolved:


"that the Executive takes up with the Audit Commission, through the Local Government Association, the relevance of some of the Best Value Performance Indicators, especially those that conflict with each other (BVPI 82aii [tonnage of waste recycled] and 84a [household waste collected]) and those outside the control of the Council – Crime (BVPI 126 [domestic burglaries], 127 [violent crimes and robberies], 128 [vehicle crimes], 156 [percentage of authority buildings open to the public and accessible to the disabled] and 175 [racial incidents])."  


The Executive received references from the Scrutiny Committee, the Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee, and the Taxi Licensing Sub-Committee as follows. 


(1)        Scrutiny Committee

Best Value Performance Indicators – Performance against Top and Bottom Quartile 2005/06

(Time: 2.46pm to 2.52pm)


At its meeting on 15 March 2007, the Scrutiny Committee considered report 159/06 - Best Value Performance Indicators – Performance against Top and Bottom Quartile 2005/06 and resolved:


"that the Executive takes up with the Audit Commission, through the Local Government Association, the relevance of some of the Best Value Performance Indicators, especially those that conflict with each other (BVPI 82aii [tonnage of waste recycled] and 84a [household waste collected]) and those outside the control of the Council – Crime (BVPI 126 [domestic burglaries], 127 [violent crimes and robberies], 128 [vehicle crimes], 156 [percentage of authority buildings open to the public and accessible to the disabled] and 175 [racial incidents])." 


The Executive thanked the Scrutiny Committee for supporting the Executive's concerns about some of the Best Value Performance Indicators being contradictory and in conflict with the Government's and the Council's aims and some of the Indicators being outside of the Council's control.  Members were unhappy about the Council being urged to collect and recycle green waste when it was believed to be better to persuade the public to compost green waste at home.  Other examples were given.  The Council could not control the levels of burglary in the District but was working with the Police to reduce burglary through measures such as alley gates and dispersal orders. 


Members asked that a letter was written to the Audit Commission along the lines suggested by the Scrutiny Committee. 




that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Executive, be requested to take up with the Audit Commission, through the Local Government Association, the relevance of some of the Best Value Performance Indicators, especially those that are contradictory and in conflict with the Government's and the Council's aims (BVPI 82aii [tonnage of waste recycled] and 84a [household waste collected]) and those outside the control of the Council – Crime (BVPI 126 [domestic burglaries], 127 [violent crimes and robberies], 128 [vehicle crimes], 156 [percentage of authority buildings open to the public and accessible to the disabled] and 175 [racial incidents]). 


(2)        Taxi Licensing Sub-Committee

Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles Policy

(Time: 2.52pm to 2.53pm)


At its meeting on 29 March 2007, the Taxi Licensing Sub-Committee considered a draft Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles policy.  The Sub-Committee had amended the policy and the amended version was appended to a briefing note to the Executive.  Members of the Executive noted that the policy was a draft for consultation with the Taxi and Private Hire trade.  This would need the Council's approval first.  The Executive commended the draft policy as attached to the briefing note. 




that the draft Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles Policy, as appended to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 224.


Financial Monitoring

Members are requested to consider the attached requests for virements. 


Also attached to the agenda are the supplementary estimates noted at the last meeting of the Executive, but now showing the correct total.  These are to be noted. 


(Time: 2.55pm to 2.57pm)


The Executive received and considered requests to approve three virements totaling £20,800 and noted other virements approved under delegated authority totaling £7,400. 


Also appended to the agenda were the supplementary estimates noted at the last meeting of the Executive, now showing the correct total of £35,740.  These were noted. 




that the virements be approved, as set out on the agenda. 


Forward Plan

To receive the Forward Plan containing Executive decisions to be taken from April to July 2007. 




that the Forward Plan be received. 


(Time: 2.57pm to 2.58pm)


The Executive received the Forward Plan setting out Executive decisions to be taken from April to July 2007. 


It was reported that both the Sports Strategy and Arts Strategy had been signed off by the Executive Portfolio Holder. 




that the Forward Plan for April to July 2007 be noted. 


Annual Audit and Inspection Letter

To receive and consider the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter.  The District Auditor will attend the meeting to present his report. 


(Time: 2.58pm to 3.10pm)


The Executive received and considered the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter, dated March 2007, which provided a summary of the Audit Commission's assessment of the Council over the past year. 


The District Auditor, Andy Burns, and his assistant, Mary Fettigan, had attended the meeting to present the report.  He reported that the Council's performance was largely very positive, with above average performance of Best Value Performance Indicators.    However, the Audit Commission tried to look beyond the performance indicators as some were out of date.  It looked at the Council's achievements against its priorities.  There had been strong achievement and improvements in areas such as Development Control.  The Council had also shared services with a neighbouring authority to reduce costs and improve performance.  Many Councils were thinking about such a move; to this Council's credit, the Vale had already taken that step, one of the first in the country to do so.  Effective community leadership had been illustrated by creating increased capacity to make improvements in the future and improve the overall focus of the authority.  The Council had come through the reorganisation pain barrier of the past few years and now had its new structure in place.  There were many positives.  There had been improvements in value for money but there was still a need to improve some services further.  The challenge was to turn plans into actions, driving through what had been started, and to implement a robust system of programme management. 


Members considered that better than average represented 'good', although it was recognised that this was not a reclassification from the previous Comprehensive Performance Assessment result which classified the Council as 'fair'.  However, the Council was aiming for a higher performance rating in its next assessment and was on its way to achieving that. 


In relation to issues with some of the performance indicators, the District Auditor acknowledged that some of the performance indicators were out of date and needed replacing. 


Members thanked the Mr Burns for his report and wished him well in his new placement following the end of his five years as the Vale's District Auditor.  Mr Burns commented that the Council would be in good hands as his assistant Mary Fettigan took up the reins this year.  




that the Audit and Management Letter dated March 2007 be noted. 


Housing Nominations Policy Review

Following a report to Strategic Review Committee in January 2007, officers committed to bring a report to the Executive detailing the changes to the housing nominations policy that the review had identified as being necessary.


Since any alteration to policy will require alterations to the Council’s Choice Based lettings system we have sought advice from our IT consultant, Abritas, as to the feasibility of certain proposals and their likely cost.  Their advice is crucial since their response to our request will frame the proposed changes that officers propose. Therefore a revised policy cannot come forward until we have discussed the matter with them and understood the IT implications of our proposals.


Therefore it has been necessary to delay bringing forward this report.  I now consider that this report will be unlikely to be placed before Members before the July Executive.  


(Time: 4.11pm to 4.12pm)


The Executive noted that, following a report to Strategic Review Committee in January 2007, the officers had committed to bring a report to the Executive detailing the changes to the housing nominations policy.  Since any alteration to policy would require alterations to the Council’s Choice Based Lettings System advice had been sought from the IT consultant as to the feasibility of certain proposals and their likely cost.  Therefore a revised policy had been delayed until the IT implications were known.  It was likely that this report would be likely to be submitted to the Executive in July.  Members noted the latest position. 


Organisational Development Programme

To receive and consider report 189/06 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


One of the Vale’s corporate priorities is to “Build our capacity through managerial and organisational change”.  Since the creation of an Organisational Development and Support (ODS) service area in last year’s senior management re-structuring, a new staffing structure has been created, which has provided the capacity to define the Organisational Development Programme. 


The new ODS management team has used best practice guidance from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister to develop an Organisational Development Programme that will build the capacity to deliver the Vale’s aspirations for improvement.  


An iterative process of learning, development, consultation and review has produced six interlinked programmes within the overarching development programme, and this report seeks approval of these.


The Contact Officer for this report is Helen Bishop, Deputy Director Organisational Development & Support, 01235 540372.




that the concept of the organisational development programme being made up of the six interlinked programmes as outlined in paragraph 7.1 be approved. 


(Time: 4.12pm to 4.16pm)


The Executive received and considered report 189/06 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer regarding the development of an organisational development programme, one of the Vale’s corporate priorities.  A new team had been set up to introduce the programme, using best practice guidance to build the capacity to deliver the Vale’s aspirations for improvement.   An iterative process of learning, development, consultation and review had produced six interlinked programmes within the overarching development programme.  The report sought approval of these programmes.


Members were pleased to see the introduction of the programme and noted that staff were enthusiastic about its aims to achieve higher service standards through the development of staff across the organisation.  The Executive considered that the programme should take into account Member resources also.  Members thanked the officers involved in the programme's development. 


RESOLVED    (by six votes to nil)


that the concept of the organisational development programme being made up of the six interlinked programmes, as outlined in report 189/06, be approved, subject to the programme also taking into account Member resources also. 


Thames Water's Stage 2 Consultation on its Proposed New Reservoir

To receive and consider recommendations from the Reservoir Advisory Group on the Council's response to Thames Water's Stage 2 consultation on its proposed new reservoir. 


(Time: 4.16pm to 4.48pm)


(Councillors Mary and Tony de Vere both declared personal interests in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 they remained in the meeting during its consideration.) 


The Executive received and considered a briefing note from the Reservoir Advisory Group on the Council's response to Thames Water's Stage 2 consultation on its proposed new reservoir.  Stage 2 was about the design of the reservoir, Thames Water's preferred option. 


Thames Water had not responded to the Council's questions on the needs case for a reservoir (the Stage 1 consultation) as promised.  Despite this, the Advisory Group considered that it would be unwise and irresponsible of the Council not to respond to the Stage 2 consultation on the reservoir's design.  The alternative was to wait until the Council was consulted on the Compulsory Works Order application, a consultation period lasting only 28 days.  Members considered this was an unrealistic timescale to construct a full response and therefore it was better to respond to the consultation on the reservoir's design at this stage. 


The Executive supported the suggested response appended to the briefing note.  However, one amendment was agreed, that under the heading of 'Outer Face' wording should be added regarding the need to protect an alternative route of the Wilts and Berks Canal around the north and west sides of the reservoir and ensuring it had a suitable clay base. 


The Advisory Group had met with representatives from Parish and Town Councils.  The platform had been shared with the County Council and the Environment Agency.  These bodies were sharing information about the reservoir proposal so far as they were able.  Also, Members and officers from the Council and the County Council had visited Rutland Water to assess impacts on the local community and to discuss issues with Members and officers of the local authority, Rutland County Council. 


OFWAT, the economic regulator for the water and sewerage industry, had been asked to investigate how Thames Water's balance sheet would be affected by the reservoir as opposed to the effect of Thames Water investing in reducing leaks from its existing infrastructure.  Members also queried what assurances Macquarie, Thames Water's new owners, had been given by the Government about the reservoir proposal before it bought the water company.  Members considered it would be interesting to know the answer, even if an answer was unlikely to be forthcoming.  


The Executive thanked the officers involved for their work. 




(a)       that the attached response to Thames Water's Stage 2 consultation be submitted to Thames Water with a covering letter from the Chief Executive, subject to the addition of a statement under the heading of 'Outer Face' regarding the need to protect an alternative route of the Wilts and Berks Canal around the north and west sides of the reservoir and ensure it had a suitable clay base;


(b)       that the Chief Executive be requested to advise Thames Water that it is unreasonable to expect the Council to respond  ...  view the full minutes text for item 230.


Budget Carry Forwards Requests

Members are requested to approve unused 2006/07 revenue budgetary provision for specific one-off projects to be carried forward to 2007/08 without the need to budget for them again.  Members should note that requests to carry forward unused capital budgets are dealt with separately.


The Contingency Fund is the approved mechanism used to carry forward revenue budget provision from 2006/07 to 2007/08.  This was approved in report 491/00 to Operations Sub Committee on 13 March 2001.


The table appended to this agenda lists the various requests submitted by officers for Member approval.




that Members consider the revenue budget carry forward requests and approve the budgets to be carried forward from 2006/07 to 2007/08.


(Time: 4.48pm to 4.49pm)


The Executive received and considered requested to approve unused 2006/07 revenue budgetary provision for specific one-off projects to be carried forward to 2007/08 without the need to budget for them again.  Members noted that requests to carry forward unused capital budgets were being dealt with separately.  The Contingency Fund was the approved mechanism used to carry forward revenue budget provision from 2006/07 to 2007/08. 




that the revenue budget carry forward requests, set out in the appendix to the agenda, be carried forward from 2006/07 to 2007/08.   


Community Grants

To receive and consider report 190/06 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The purpose of this report is to set out the budget position for the Executive Committee in respect of Community Grants and to invite Members to consider and determine the grant applications received. The Executive currently considers grant applications bi-annually. Executive considered applications in October 2006 and the next meeting, at which the consideration of grants is planned, will be in October 2007.


The contact officer for this report is Lorna Edwards, Community Strategy Officer (Tel: 01235 547626).




(a)               Members are asked to note that the Executive’s budget for 2007/08 for Vale-wide grants is £23,814;


(b)               Members are asked to consider and determine the following grant applications and agree the Council agenda and priority:

(i)         My Life My Choice, £2,686.36, towards running 4 self-advocacy  groups, Social Agenda, Access priority

(ii)        OCVA, £5,000, towards running a volunteer brokerage service, Social  Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

(iii)       Neighbourhood Watch, £2,033, towards an expanded service, Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

(iv)       Root and Branch, £1,073.47, towards equipment, Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

 (v)       Oxfordshire Play Association, £4,535, towards core services, Social Agenda, Access priority

(vi)       Oxfordshire Artweeks, £1,000, production of the Artweeks Guide, Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

(vii)      Oxford Film & Video Makers, £2,400, towards a film and digital media festival, Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

(viii)     Oxfordshire Chinese Community and Advice Centre, £3,276, towards increased running costs, Social Agenda, Access priority

(ix)       Wantage Diving Club, £1,500, towards equipment, Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

(x)        Abingdon & District CAB, £7,477, towards increased running costs, Social Agenda, Access priority

(xi)       Oxfordshire Children’s Information Services, £5,000, towards enhanced services, Social Agenda, Access priority

(xii)      Sunningwell School of Art, £3,000, towards a more efficient heating system, Environmental Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

(xiii)     Accessible Sailing, £5,000, towards construction of pontoon, Social Agenda, Access priority


(c)        Members are asked to agree to the request from Area Committees to carry forward unspent grant budget from 2006/07; and


(d)        Members are asked to note the range of projects, services and events supported by the Executive in 2006/07. 


(Time: 3.13pm to 4.11pm)


(CouncillorBob Johnston declared a personal interest in this item but in accordance with Standing Order 34, he remained in the meeting during its consideration.) 


The Executive received and considered report 190/06 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, which set out the budget position for community grants and set out details of thirteen grant applications.  The Executive gave careful consideration to each application but had less budgetary provision than the total amount applied for by the applicants combined. 


Some applications were received seeking grants to meet increased operating costs.  The Executive did not have the budget to fund all applications for these costs but urged applicants to instead consider applying for funds towards specific projects. 




(a)               that it be noted that the community grants budget for 2007/08 for Vale-wide grants is £23,814;


(b)        that the following applications be approved:





Oxfordshire My Life My Choice Association

Running four self-advocacy groups

£1,000 (by 7 votes to nil; Social agenda; Access priority)

Oxfordshire Community and Voluntary Action

Running a volunteer brokerage service

£2,500 (by 7 votes to nil; Social agenda; Town and Village Vitality priority)

Root and Branch

Purchase of a wood lathe to extend the woodworking project

£400 (by 7 votes to nil; Social agenda; Town and Village Vitality priority)

Oxfordshire Play Association

Support for after school clubs and holiday play schemes

£2,000 (by 7 votes to nil; Social agenda; Access priority)

Oxfordshire Visual Arts Festival Ltd.

Production of Artweeks Guide

£1,000 (by 7 votes to nil; Social agenda; Town and Village Vitality priority)

Oxford Film and Video Makers

Running the Summerscreen 2007 film and digital media festival

£1,500 (by 7 votes to nil; Social agenda; Town and Village Vitality priority)

Oxfordshire Chinese Community and Advice Centre

Increased running costs

£1,000 (by four votes to three; Social agenda; Access priority) (also see (c) below)

Abingdon and District Citizen's Advice Bureau

Increased running costs

£4,000 (by 7 votes to nil; Social agenda; Access priority) (also see (f) below)

Oxfordshire Children's Information Service

Enhancement of services

£1,000 (by 7 votes to nil; Social agenda; Access priority)

SunningwellSchool of Art

Replacement heating system to achieve greater energy efficiencies

£1,000 (by 7 votes to nil; Environmental agenda; Town and Village Vitality priority)

Accessible Sailing (The Farmoor Trust Pontoon Project)

Construction of a pontoon

£2,500 (by 7 votes to nil; Social agenda; Access priority) (see (g) below)


(c)        that the issue of continued funding for the Oxfordshire Chinese Community and Advice Centre be raised with other local authorities in Oxfordshire to seek a firmer funding arrangement for the future;


(d)        that the following applications be deferred pending the receipt of an amended application relating to a specific project (by 7 votes to nil):





Neighbourhood Watch

Towards costs in expanding the service

Grants will not be given for extra costs of running the service but applications will be considered for projects


(e)        that the application from the Wantage Diving Club be referred to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 232.


Revised Tariffs for Hackney Carriages

To receive and consider report 191/06 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Council last reviewed the tariff structure and charges for Hackney Carriages in September 2003.  This report sets out the results of a consultation exercise with Hackney Carriage drivers within this District, and asks Members to determine the tariff level which should be proposed for the next two years.


Following this initial decision from Members, the proposed tariff must be published in a local newspaper so that any member of the public or trade can make representations to the Council.  At least 14 days must be allowed for receipt of these representations, from the date of publication.  If no objections to the proposal are received, the tariff will take effect on a previously specified start date.  Any objections which are received must be considered at Member level, and the tariff (with any necessary amendments) must be introduced within two months of the original start date.  A flow chart setting out this process is given in Appendix 3.


The contact officer for this report is Rob Akers, Team Leader (Food and Safety), extension 382.




(a)               that the proposal to increase the tariff for Hackney Carriages within the Council’s District to the average amounts (rounded to the nearest five pence) arising from the recent consultation exercise, as given in the table below be approved:



Tariff One (£)

Tariff Two (£)

Less than 7/10 Mile

More than 7/10 Mile

Subse-quent1/10’s Mile


Time (per minute)

Less than 7/10 Mile

More than 7/10 Mile

Subse-quent1/10’s Mile


Time (per minute)

Rounded average requested

















Soiling charge

£50 (No change)


(b)               that this proposed tariff be published for consultation on 12th. April 2007, and take effect from 27th. April 2007, provided that no objections have been received.


(c)               that the Executive delegate authority to the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Licensing to consider any objections which are received and approve a final tariff, with any necessary amendments.


(d)               that a periodic consultation exercise with the taxi trade within the District is undertaken once every two years, to ascertain their views on tariff levels, the results of which will be reported to Members with recommendations made as to the amendment of tariff levels.  


(Time: 3.10pm to 3.13pm)


The Executive received and considered report 191/06 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer regarding a review of the tariff structure and charges for Hackney Carriages.  The report set out the results of a consultation exercise with Hackney Carriage drivers in the Vale and asked Members to determine the tariff level which should be proposed for the next two years. 


Members noted that the proposed tariff must be published in a local newspaper to allow any member of the public or trade to make representations.  At least 14 days must be allowed for receipt of these representations, from the date of publication.  If no objections to the proposal were received, the tariff would take effect on a previously specified start date.  Any objections which were received must be considered at Member level, and the tariff (with any necessary amendments) must be introduced within two months of the original start date. 




(a)               that the proposal to increase the tariff for Hackney Carriages within the Council’s District to the average amounts (rounded to the nearest five pence) arising from the recent consultation exercise, as given in the table below, be approved:



Tariff One (£)

Tariff Two (£)

Less than 7/10 Mile

More than 7/10 Mile

Subse-quent1/10’s Mile


Time (per minute)

Less than 7/10 Mile

More than 7/10 Mile

Subse-quent1/10’s Mile


Time (per minute)

Rounded average requested

















Soiling charge

£50 (No change)


(b)               that this proposed tariff be published for consultation on 12 April 2007, and takes effect from 27 April 2007, provided that no objections have been received;


(a)               that the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Licensing be invited to consider any objections which are received and approve a final tariff, with any necessary amendments; and


(b)               that a periodic consultation exercise with the taxi trade within the District is undertaken once every two years, to ascertain their views on tariff levels, the results of which will be reported to Members with recommendations made as to the amendment of tariff levels. 


Local Development Framework: Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Joint Study with South Oxfordshire District Council

The Government has recently published Planning Policy Statement 25, Development & Flood Risk (PPS25).  The Planning Policy Statement requires Local Authorities to carry out Strategic Flood Risk Assessments for their area.  An assessment, which will look at all forms of flooding will refine the information on the Flood Maps and determine the variations in flood risk across and from the District.  The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment will be used to inform the Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Development Documents and will provide the evidence base from which to apply the sequential test and exception test in allocating sites for development and considering planning applications in the development control process.


PPS25 states there are considerable practical and technical benefits in Local Authorities joining together to commission Strategic Flood Risk Assessments which are best undertaken on a river catchment wide basis.  In addition we have been advised if we jointly commission a study with South Oxfordshire the cost of one rather than two separate studies is likely to be substantially less (about 25% to each authority).  The cost of the work will be met from the Council’s Local Development Framework fund, as the assessment is a vital part of the Local Development Framework process.


In order for South Oxfordshire to commission the work on behalf of both Councils, the Executive’s authority is being sought for the Council’s standing orders to be suspended in favour of those of South Oxfordshire.




In accordance with Standing Order 2C(4) this Authority’s Standing Orders are suspended in favour of South Oxfordshire’s in order to commission a joint Strategic Flood Risk Assessment to cover both Districts. 


(Time: 4.49pm to 4.53pm)


The Executive received and considered an agenda report regarding the need to carry out a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as part of the Local Development Framework.  The Government had published Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25), on Development and Flood Risk.  This required local authorities to carry out Strategic Flood Risk Assessments for their area.  An assessment, looking at all forms of flooding, would refine the information on the Flood Maps and determine the variations in flood risk across and from the District.  The Assessment would be used to inform the Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Development Documents and would provide the evidence base from which to apply the sequential test and exception test in allocating sites for development and considering planning applications in the development control process. 


The Planning Policy Statement stated there were considerable practical and technical benefits in local authorities joining together to commission Strategic Flood Risk Assessments which were best undertaken on a river catchment wide basis.  In addition, if the Council jointly commissioned a study with South Oxfordshire District Council, the cost of one study was likely to be substantially less: about 25% to each authority.  The cost of the work would be met from the Council’s Local Development Framework fund, as the assessment was a vital part of the Local Development Framework process.


In order for South Oxfordshire to commission the work on behalf of both Councils, the Executive’s authority was sought for this Council’s Standing Orders to be suspended in favour of those of South Oxfordshire.  The Executive agreed to the request. 




that in accordance with Contract Standing Order 2C(4) this Council's Contract Standing Orders are suspended in favour of South Oxfordshire’s in order to commission a joint Strategic Flood Risk Assessment to cover both Districts. 


Local Authorities in Oxfordshire

The Government has announced which proposals for unitary councils are to proceed to consultation and Oxford is not included.  This means that the two tier system will remain in Oxfordshire for the foreseeable future.


However, the Government’s press release also includes the statement that:


“In remaining two-tier areas Government expects all councils to pursue new working arrangements to achieve the same level of improvement and efficiency gains as we expect the new unitaries will be achieving.”


The Executive is recommended to recommend the in-coming Council to determine its approach to this expectation as  a matter of urgency.  


(Time: 4.53pm to 4.54pm)


The Executive received and considered an agenda report regarding the Government's announcement that proposals for unitary councils were to proceed to consultation without the Oxford City Council proposal being included.  This meant that the two-tier system of Local Government would remain in Oxfordshire for the foreseeable future.  However, the Government’s press release included the statement that “in remaining two-tier areas Government expects all councils to pursue new working arrangements to achieve the same level of improvement and efficiency gains as we expect the new unitaries will be achieving.”  The Executive was recommended to recommend the in-coming Council to determine its approach to this expectation as a matter of urgency. 




that the in-coming Council determines its approach to the expectation for Oxfordshire County Council and the five District Councils to pursue as a matter of urgency new working arrangements to achieve the same level of improvement and efficiency gains as new unitary authorities. 


Exclusion of the Public, including the Press

The Chair to move that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) and Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered:-


Item 21      Minutes

(Category 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information.)


Item 22       Property Matters

                   (Category 3)




that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) and Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered:



(Category 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information.)


Property Matters

(Category 3.)









To adopt and sign as a correct record the exempt minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 2 March 2007, (previously circulated).


The exempt minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2007 were adopted and signed as a correct record. 


Property Matters

To consider the attached property matters. 


The Executive agreed to lease two properties.