Decision details

Local Development Framework: Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Joint Study with South Oxfordshire District Council

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


(Time: 4.49pm to 4.53pm)


The Executive received and considered an agenda report regarding the need to carry out a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as part of the Local Development Framework.  The Government had published Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25), on Development and Flood Risk.  This required local authorities to carry out Strategic Flood Risk Assessments for their area.  An assessment, looking at all forms of flooding, would refine the information on the Flood Maps and determine the variations in flood risk across and from the District.  The Assessment would be used to inform the Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Development Documents and would provide the evidence base from which to apply the sequential test and exception test in allocating sites for development and considering planning applications in the development control process. 


The Planning Policy Statement stated there were considerable practical and technical benefits in local authorities joining together to commission Strategic Flood Risk Assessments which were best undertaken on a river catchment wide basis.  In addition, if the Council jointly commissioned a study with South Oxfordshire District Council, the cost of one study was likely to be substantially less: about 25% to each authority.  The cost of the work would be met from the Council’s Local Development Framework fund, as the assessment was a vital part of the Local Development Framework process.


In order for South Oxfordshire to commission the work on behalf of both Councils, the Executive’s authority was sought for this Council’s Standing Orders to be suspended in favour of those of South Oxfordshire.  The Executive agreed to the request. 




that in accordance with Contract Standing Order 2C(4) this Council's Contract Standing Orders are suspended in favour of South Oxfordshire’s in order to commission a joint Strategic Flood Risk Assessment to cover both Districts. 

Publication date: 12/04/2007

Date of decision: 05/04/2007

Decided at meeting: 05/04/2007 - Executive

Effective from: 20/04/2007