Issue - meetings

Best Value Performance Indicator Monitoring

Meeting: 17/04/2008 - Scrutiny Committee (Item 81)

Best Value Performance Indicator Monitoring

To receive and consider report 182/07 of the Principal Performance Management Officer.  A copy of this report was appended to the Executive's agenda for its meeting on 4 April 2008.  Please bring this agenda with you to the meeting. 


The Committee received and considered report 182/07 of the Principal Performance Management Officer.


The Principal Performance Management Officer confirmed that the figures contained within the report related to 2006/07. Several Members expressed exasperation that more up to date figures were unavailable. The Principal Performance Management Officer advised that a new set of indicators were to be introduced, guidance having been released on 1 April 2008.  He confirmed that he was about to publish information about the new indicators on the Vale’s web pages. He agreed that he would include the information together with a brief item on the next Scrutiny Agenda.








Meeting: 04/04/2008 - Executive (Item 141)

141 Best Value Performance Indicator Report for 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To receive and consider report 182/07 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


This report compares the Council’s performance for 2006/07 against that of the national top and bottom quartile data for 2006/07 which have been published by the Audit Commission.


The Contact Officer for this report is Robert Woodside, Principal Performance Management Officer (01235 520202 ext 499).




That Members note the Council’s performance against the national top and bottom quartile results for 2006/07. 


(Time: 4.12pm to 4.17pm)


The Executive received and considered report 182/07 of the Strategic Director, which compared the Council’s performance for 2006/07 against that of the national top and bottom quartile data for 2006/07 which had been published by the Audit Commission.  It was noted that overall the Council's performance had been good with over a third of the indicators in the top quartile.  The Audit Commission had recognised that performance.  Appendix B set out details of nine indicators where the Council was in the bottom quartile.  However, since the end of 2006/07 some progress had been made in these areas. 


Members noted that the Best Value Performance Indicators would soon be abolished in favour of the new National Indicator set.  These new indicators would be transferred to the Council's Service Plans.  An update report on these indicators would be submitted in due course. 




that the Council’s performance against the national top and bottom quartile results for 2006/07 be noted. 


Vale of White Horse District Council