Issue - meetings

Corporate Governance - Third Quarter 2007/08

Meeting: 17/04/2008 - Scrutiny Committee (Item 80)

Corporate Governance - Third Quarter 2007/08

To receive and consider report 181/07 of the Senior Management Team.  A copy of this report was appended to the Executive's agenda for its meeting on 4 April 2008.  Please bring this agenda with you to the meeting. 


The Committee received and considered the contents of report 181/07 of the Senior Management Team.


It was noted that in general terms, performance had improved. The Committee considered the Best Value Performance Indicators contained within the report. The Strategic Director advised that there was likely to be an improvement against BVPI 8 with the implementation of a fully functioning Agresso system as disputed supplier invoices would be excluded from the performance statistics, in accordance with the statutory BVPI regulations.


With respect to BVPI 79 (b) (i), it was confirmed that Capita, who were responsible for achieving this target, had underperformed and may be penalised.


One Member questioned the relevance of BVPIs 127(a) and 127(b), given that the Vale had no control over the commission of violent crimes or robberies. It was explained that this BVPI had been classed as an “indicator”, rather than a target and it was accepted that the Vale had limited influence on the result of these indicators. Another Member advised that there was an element of control in education and preventative measures.


It was confirmed by the Principal Performance Management Officer that the BVPI’s were shortly to be replaced by a new set of national indicators.



Meeting: 04/04/2008 - Executive (Item 140)

140 Corporate Governance - Third Quarter 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To receive and consider report 181/07 of the Senior Management Team. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Corporate Governance Report looks at the key areas of:

·        Corporate Priorities

·        Best Value Performance Indicators

·        Progress against Service Prioritisation Plans

·        Key staffing data (sickness levels and turnover)

·        Progress with Business Process Improvement Reviews

·        Financial commentary


At its meeting on 18th February the Senior Management Team (SMT) considered the third quarter 2007/08 Business Performance Report. This is an exception report which covers all of the aspects of corporate governance contained within this report. SMT agreed the exceptions (where performance / actions are not on target) to be reported to the Executive and agreed the comments / actions which have been included in this report. The full versions of the individual reports are available on the Council’s website.They can be accessed through the ‘about your Council - performance’ area of the website.

The contact officer for this report is Robert Woodside, Principal Performance Management Officer, telephone (01235 520202 ext 499).  Email address:




That the Senior Management Team’s Corporate Governance exception report and proposals be noted.  


(Time: 4.00pm to 4.12pm)


The Executive received and considered report 181/07 of the Senior Management Team which reviewed the Council's Corporate Governance performance during the third quarter of 2007/08, namely October to December 2007.  The report concentrated on:

·        Corporate Priorities

·        Best Value Performance Indicators

·        Progress against Service Prioritisation Plans

·        Key staffing data (sickness levels and turnover)

·        Progress with Business Process Improvement Reviews

·        Financial commentary


At its meeting on 18February 2008, the Council's Senior Management Team considered the third quarter 2007/08 Business Performance Report.  This was an exception report covering all of the aspects of corporate governance contained within this report.  That meeting agreed the exceptions (where performance/actions were not on target) to be reported to the Executive and agreed the comments/actions. 


Appendix C to the report looked at progress with business process improvement reviews.  One of these related to Land Charges, part of Legal Services.  The Service Head explained that he was recruiting to the Manager post and once completed he would set about reviewing this service.  The review would consider costs, service charging and performance.  He had received a 200-page Government consultation document on the future of Land Charges.  Members suggested the Council's response to the consultation by requesting that local authorities should be allowed to cover their costs through recharges. 




that the Senior Management Team’s Corporate Governance exception report and proposals for the third quarter 2007/08 be noted.  


Vale of White Horse District Council