Agenda item

WAN/20297 - Proposed new access to A417. Erection of new building to accommodate football changing rooms and Wantage Silver Band. New lighting for football area, car parking and landscaping. Sports Ground, Lark Hill, Wantage OX12 8PJ


Councillor Jim Moley had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he left the meeting during the debate on the matter.


Councillor Jenny Hannaby had declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 she remained in the meeting during its consideration.


Further to the report, the Officers advised that comments had been received earlier in the day from Councillor Bill Melotti.  Councillor Melotti had indicated that he had a personal and prejudicial interest in the application in so far as it related to Concords Football Club. He urged the Committee to support the application advising that the Club provided an essential service to the community with volunteer helpers who gave up their own time to support youngsters in a vital sports activity.  He reported that the provision of a permanent facility for the Club would be of benefit to the Town and he was aware of a number of people who had worked hard to get to the current position and would work harder still to make this a reality.  Councillor Melotti had commented that his only concerns had related to possible anti-social behaviour risks; disturbance from flood lighting and from nuisance from balls being kicked into residents’ gardens. However, he considered that these were minor or low risk issues, which he thought had been recognised by the Club which would address them responsibly and that the District Council would recognise its own responsibilities in terms of anti social behaviour.


Councillor Melotti had reported that he had received one objection regarding consultation with Sport England.  He had explained that whilst the comments received from Sports England were addressed in the Officer’s report, he commented that he knew that there would be a great deal of support for this application among the wider community.  Finally, Councillor Melotti had commented that the application was just the beginning of a huge task to create a great sports facility for young children in Wantage and he urged the Committee to support the application.


The Officers confirmed that no objections had been raised by Thames Valley Police or the County Engineer and reference was made to the statement received from Wantage Silver Band in support of the application as set out in the report. It was reported that further to the report, further letters of support had been received reiterating the comments set out in the report.


The Officers reported that an additional objection had been received raising concern relating to matters already covered in the report. 


The Officers advised that the building was large but had been designed for purpose and whilst it was being built in the Area of Outstanding natural Beauty (AONB), there were further examples within the AONB of built form. It was noted that the proposed landscaping scheme would also mitigate the impact of the building. The Officers therefore considered that in the context of neighbouring properties and the wider context of Wantage the proposal was acceptable and the community benefit outweighed any visual harm.


The Officers reported that the proposal was acceptable subject to the conditions proposed, including additional conditions to address the objections raised and the comments of Thames Valley Police, namely conditions regarding floodlighting; hours of operation; sound insulation; landscaping; restriction of traffic speed at the access; restriction on the hours of construction; and a parking plan to include a turning area for coaches.


Gary Madgwick made a statement in support of the application, on behalf of the Wantage Concords and the Silver Band. He explained that the Band had been in discussion with the Town and District Councils to secure a venue for the Band. He advised that the Band had 180 members at present which was expected to increase and there were 10 practices per week. He advised that the Concords had not had a permanent venue and was dependent on others for training and fixtures. He considered that this development would be a major boost to the Concords aim of achieving FA status. He expressed his belief that there would be no loss of amenities and that the building would enhance the site.


Councillor Jim Moley made a statement on behalf of the Silver Band in support of the application. He advised that the Band was one of the largest voluntary groups in Wantage with many young people involved. He advised that the Band was extremely commendable and was important in supporting local ceremonies and events. He advised that this site had been a sports field for a number of years and that the proposed building would not detract from the fields. He urged the Committee to approve the application.


At this point in the meeting Councillor Jim Moley left the room.


One Member explained that the Band had had lengthy negotiations with the Officers and that the result had been this commendable scheme which would be of benefit to the Band and the Wantage Concords


One Member expressed concern regarding the proposed materials for the scheme commenting that the materials should be those as set out on the plans, which included reclaimed roof tiles, boarding and reclaimed bricks. It was considered that if the materials were to be different to those specified they should be referred back to the Committee for approval.


One Member advised that he supported this application, but wanted clarification on whether the application had been referred to the AONB Officer for comment. The Officers responded that the application had not been referred to the AONB Officer for comment, but that the application had been considered within the context of the Local Plan which addressed AONB issues.


One Member commented that although referring the application to the AONB would cause delay, as a Planning Authority the Vale should not be seen to be lenient in determining its own application by not referring the application when other applications would be referred in similar circumstances. He therefore considered that the application should be referred to the AONB Officer for comment.


By 14 votes to nil it was




that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy), in consultation with the Chair and / or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee be delegated authority to approve application WAN/20297 subject to : -


(1)      conditions including time limit; materials for building and hardsurfacing; a sound proofing scheme; landscaping including retention of the northern boundary (except access); boundary treatment for the southern boundary of the site; luminance levels and hoods of flood lights; checking of flood lighting after erection; hours of operation of flood lighting and building; a lighting scheme for the car park; approval of drainage details; provision of a parking and turning plan; details of the proposed gate; a plan of vision splays and vehicle ‘tracking’; and provision of pedestrian access to the site prior to first use of building;


(2)      materials to be referred back to the Committee for approval should the material proposed be different to those included on the plan;


(3)      the application being referred to the Area of Natural Outstanding Beauty Officer for comments.

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