Agenda item

Erection of one dwelling - Land Adjoining 1-12 Naldertown, Wantage (WAN/19489/1)


It was reported that the County Engineer had confirmed that, following the receipt of revised plans clarifying tracking for larger vehicles within the site, he had no objection.


Mr B Tapscott made a statement objecting to the application, raising concerns relating to matters already covered in the report.  He claimed that the submitted plans  did not show the profile of the terrace of four houses and the relationship with dwellings in Hamcroft, which were set lower than the development site.


Ms S Smith, on behalf of the Naldertown residents, also made a statement objecting to the application, raising concerns relating to matters already covered in the report.  She referred to the outline consent granted in May 2006 and advised that works on site had commenced.  She made particular reference to the access road which comprised black tarmac and not block paving, as promised by the former owner of the site.


Mr A Raven, the applicant’s agent, made a statement in support of the application.  He considered that the proposed development was simple to determine in planning terms, in that it was not over development and there was no impact on surrounding properties.  The County Engineer had raised no objection to the access and parking arrangements, which overall would improve parking provision in the locality.  He referred to the promises made by the previous owner of the site concerning parking provision but explained that his client had purchased the site with no pre-agreement regarding these matters.  Finally, he warned that in the event that planning permission was refused, his client was likely to go to appeal and if successful seek an award of costs against the Council.


In response the Chair advised that each application was considered on its merits and the Committee was fully aware of the appeal process and would not be intimidated by threats of costs being awarded against the Council.  Furthermore, he reported that one of the local Members, not present at the meeting had asked that the Committee’s attention be drawn to paragraph 5.7 of the Officer’s report regarding parking provision and requested that such provision be conditioned, in the event that planning permission was granted.


The other local Member present at the meeting, referred to the previous permission which provided 26 parking spaces to serve both existing and proposed dwellings and expressed her disappointment that parking provision had been reduced as part of the current application.  Furthermore, she queried whether the revised parking provision of 23 spaces could be accommodated on the site.  In respect of the impact on properties in Hamcroft, it was suggested that brick detailing on the elevation fronting that development should be required.  In this regard it was reported that materials for the development approved in May had already been agreed.  However, the Committee could agree the materials for the additional dwelling proposed as part of the application.  In respect of density, it was confirmed that in calculating the density figure the whole site, including access areas were taken into account, in accordance with national guidance.


The Committee expressed its grave concerns that promises made by the previous owner of the site regarding parking provision had not been honoured by the new owners and considered that such action caused great harm to the housing development industry.


By 10 votes to 5, it was





that application WAN/19489/1 be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report, together with an additional condition regarding brick detailing on the end elevation of the additional dwelling.

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