Agenda item

CUM/1429/9-X & CUM/1429/10 - Erection of a dwelling (land to rear 106 Oxford Road) & demolition of external staircases. Erection of a new communal entrance hall. Conversion of existing building into 4 x 1 bed flats. 106 Oxford Road, Cumnor


It was reported that the Parish Council had raised no objection to the conversion of the existing building into 4 x 1 bed flats and asked that the following issues be taken into account in respect of the proposed erection of a new dwelling:-

  • Not allowing the new dwelling to have a dominant effect on the primary school to the rear and side
  • Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) to be placed on three trees to the rear of the site and that the hedgerow bordering the primary school drive should be retained.
  • Concerns regarding the safety of schoolchildren when the vehicular access was being used, especially at peak times.


Furthermore the Parish Council recommended that in order to minimise the impact on neighbouring properties a dwelling with a relatively low profile, such as a chalet bungalow, would be more appropriate than a two storey house.  It also suggested that permitted development rights be removed and that the views of the neighbours be taken into account.


In response the Area Planning Officer reported that the Council’s Arboricultural Officer had advised that the trees were not suitable for a TPO and that the hedgerow was not worthy of retention.  Furthermore, the County Engineer had raised no objection regarding road and pedestrian safety.  The Area Planning Officer also reported receipt of an additional neighbour letter reiterating the objections raised by other local residents and advising of a Bill currently going through Parliament removing garden land from the definition of previously developed land.


Mr R Newball, on behalf of the residents of Sands Close, made a statement objection to the application raising concerns already covered in the report.  He claimed that the Officer report had not addressed the highway safety concerns raised.  Finally, he referred to paragraph 8.2 of the adopted Local Plan 2011, which in respect of new housing provision set out its aim “to maintain and improve the quality of life for all members of the local community”.


Members of the Committee did not consider a two storey dwelling to be out of keeping as long as it was sensitively designed so as to avoid overlooking of neighbouring properties.  In this regard it was suggested that an informative was added to any permission.  Furthermore it was suggested that a slab level condition be added to any permission in view of the land to the rear of the site was higher.  It was noted that the Bill currently going through Parliament was a Private Members Bill.


The Chair reported that one of the local Members had contacted him and expressed a preference for a bungalow instead of a two storey dwelling.


By 15 votes to nil, it was




(a)                     that application CUM/1429/9-X be approved subject to:-


(1)                     the conditions as set out in the report;


(2)                     the addition of a slab level condition;


(3)                     the addition of an informative “that the dwelling is sensitively designed to avoid overlooking of neighbouring properties”;


(b)        that application CUM/1429/10 be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report.

Supporting documents: