Agenda item

EHE/9592/5 – Demolition of existing bungalow. Erection of three detached dwellings with carports. Dukes Orchard, Orchard Lane, East Hendred


The Committee was advised that should it be minded to approve the application additional conditions should be added removing permitted development rights to plots 1 and 3 for out buildings and the means of enclosure to retain openness and defining the curtilage of plot 1 to prevent any extension of the curtilage into the open area which should be retained.


Ms R Sutton made a statement on behalf of the Parish Council objecting to the application raising concerns relating to matters already covered in the report.  She particularly commented that the site was adjacent to the Conservation Area and made an important contribution to it; the proposal was contrary to Local Plan policies HE1 and H5 in that the site contributed to the character of the settlement, a matter which was not fully addressed in the Officers report; concern regarding plot 3 explaining that this house would have a detrimental effect on the entrance to the village and High Street; the need for landscaping and concern regarding maintenance of the open space.  Finally, she urged the Committee to refuse the application.


Chris Willis made a statement objecting to the application raising concerns regarding the house on plot 3 and the impact this would have on views into the Conservation Area; the presence of a beech hedge which would be removed and replaced with fencing which would be visually harmful; the proposal being contrary to policies in the Emerging Local Plan in that it was not like for like replacement; impact on wildlife; loss of fruit trees which in Spring time had beautiful blossoms; obscuring views of the Chapel and museum and the lack of benefit from this proposal to the village.


Mike Orr, the applicant’s agent made a statement in support of the application explaining that care and consideration had been given to this proposal, which respected and complemented the existing houses in the area.  He commented that attempts had been made to retain the open character and the centre of the site had been kept free from structures for this purpose.  He explained that all parking would be hidden and contained within the site and that there was one access which assisted in this.  He reported that at one time there had been a barn on the site and the proposal sought to reinstate that barn footprint.   He commented that materials and details would complement the street scene and that the houses on plots 1 and 2 were in keeping with the local vernacular and style of development.  Finally, he reiterated that the proposal would retain the open landscape character of the village and that the Conservation Officer and others supported the proposal.


The Committee was advised that Councillor Terry Fraser, the local Member had expressed concern regarding who would maintain the open area and the setting of a precedent for similar development on the site opposite.


The Officers explained that this application needed to be considered on its merits and that the open area would be in the ownership of plot 1 and maintained by the owners and they would not be permitted to use it in the same way as the rest of the land within their curtilage. 


The Committee was advised that a landscaping condition could be imposed but the maintenance of any trees and shrubs planted would be enforceable for 5 years only. 


Some concern was expressed regarding the loss of trees, although it was noted that it was not possible to place Tree Preservation Orders on fruit trees.  However, it was considered reasonable to ask the Council’s Arboricultural Officer to consider whether there were any other trees worthy of preservation on the site. 


Some Members expressed support for the proposal suggesting that it would enhance the area.  However, it was considered that the wall on the road frontage onto the High Street should be protected and that a wall on the southern boundary of plot 3 would be appropriate instead of a close boarded fence.


By 15 votes to nil it was




(a)        that application EHE/9592/5 be approved subject to: -


(1)        the conditions set out in the report;


(2)        a standard landscaping condition to cover the maintenance of the open area adjacent to plot 1 for a period of 5 years;


(3)        a boundary treatment condition to provide for a brick wall on the southern boundary of plot 3;


(4)        a condition removing permitted development rights to plots 1 and 3 for out buildings and the means of enclosure to retain openness;


(5)        a condition defining the curtilage of plot 1 to prevent any extension of the curtilage into the open area which should be retained.


(6)        an informative regarding boundary treatments generally and specifically regarding the need to retain and protect the wall on the road frontage on the High Street.


(b)        that the Council’s Arboricultural Officer be requested to consider whether there are any trees on the site worthy of preservation.

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council