Agenda item

WAN/1960/15 – Conversion of part of upper floor to form 2 no. 2 bedroom flats and 2 no. 1 bedroom flats. Unit 8, Regent Mall, Wantage


Councillor Jim Moley had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he left the meeting during its consideration.


The Committee noted that the previous application to convert the cinema included a report stating that the use was financially viable.  Therefore the main concern of the current application was the impact of a residential use so close to the cinema in terms of noise and vibration.  It was reported that Building Control had advised that works could be carried out to screen any noise to meet Building Regulations.  An acoustic report had been commissioned by the applicant which advised that there could be works to the building to prevent noise and disturbance.  The Council’s Environmental Health Officer had not objected to the application subject to conditions.


The Committee was advised that a further letter of objection had been received raising concerns regarding the adequacy of housing in Wantage; the loss of the cinema and concern that too many buildings were being put to unsympathetic uses.


One Member expressed concern that approval of the application would result in the loss of the cinema.


Another Member referred to the viability of the cinema commenting that one local resident had been of the view that approval of the application would fund repairs to the roof which would enable the cinema to re-open.  The Officers advised that the consultant’s report had assessed the viability of the cinema on what was already in place and not on the basis of this proposal.


One Member raised concern regarding a likely noise nuisance.  He questioned the position of the Council should a noise nuisance occur.  The Officers responded that the Committee needed to determine the application based on the information, advice and evidence before it.  It was explained that Members needed to make judgements about the professional assessments presented.  It was commented that a resultant noise nuisance could create problems for the operator of the cinema including subsequent financial costs to remedy any noise nuisance.


One Member commented that further guidance on whether the acoustic treatment was adequate would be beneficial in determining this application. It was suggested that a redesign of the second floor in terms of the position of main habitable rooms against the walls of the cinema could be sought.


One Member reiterated her concerns that there would be noise, vibration and disturbance and that approval of the application would result in the inability of the cinema to reopen which would be detrimental to the Town.


By 7 votes to 5 with 1 abstention and 1 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of this item, it was




that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair and Opposition Spokesman of the Development Control Committee and Councillors Eddy Goldsmith and Derek Verdin as local Members be delegated authority to approve application WAN/1960/15 subject to the following: -


(1)               a redesign of the second floor if possible to position habitable rooms in particular bedrooms away from the cinema part wall;


(2)               the Environmental Health Officer’s view on the applicant’s acoustic report being explained to the satisfaction of the consultees; and


(3)               the conditions set out in the report. 

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