Agenda item

ABG/19291/2 – Conversion of passageway to flat with 1 parking space 21 – 21A West St Helen Street, Abingdon


Councillor Peter Jones had declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he remained in the meeting during its consideration.


The Committee was advised that further to the report representations had been received from County Councillor Lesley Legge raising concerns in terms of the proposal being over development and unsuitable for living accommodation due to inappropriate living space and lack of light.


Furthermore, the Environment Agency had raised concerns regarding flooding which needed to be addressed.


Mr C Davis made a statement raising concerns relating to matters already covered in the report.  He particularly raised concerns regarding noise despite the windows being fixed; lack of natural light; lack of direct sun light for 8 months of the year; restricted amenity space; inadequate living accommodation and cramped layout.  He accepted the needed to safeguard a listed structure but considered this proposal totally unacceptable.  However, he requested that should the Committee be minded to approve the applications, further conditions should be imposed requiring that the roof lights should be sealed shut in perpetuity; there should be no permitted development rights and hours of construction should be restricted.


Mr Cade the applicant made a statement in support of the applications commenting that the proposal was consistent with planning policy guidance and would result in 36 sq ms of living area which was larger than many of the flats in the area.  He commented that there was adequate living space but that the layout of it would be in a straight line.  There would be a significant amount of glazing amounting to 30 sq ms in total.  Concerns raised regarding noise had been addressed by the permanent closure of the roof lights.  A parking space was to be provided; building control regulations would be met and the National House Building Council had raised no concerns.  Finally he reported that there would be open windows to the court yard which would provide ventilation.


Some Members spoke in support of the applications, noting that there would be adequate living space albeit narrow in design.  To address concerns raised regarding noise it was considered that a condition to permanently seal the roof light was needed and that permitted development rights should be removed.  Furthermore it was considered that a condition regarding the ventilation to the bathroom and kitchen should be imposed to minimise noise from the equipment.


Some Members spoke against the applications raising concerns regarding overlooking; noise; access for emergency vehicles and maintenance of the wall.  Some concerns were expressed regarding the general quality of the amenity space and whether there was the possibility of over looking and loss of privacy.


In response the Officers advised that the living accommodation was acceptable and that the possibility of neighbours looking down through the proposed roof lights was restricted as the roof lights would slope away.


By 10 votes to 7 it was




(a)        that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee be delegated authority to approve application ABG/19291/2 subject to: -


(1)        conditions, including materials; details of new windows; rooflights; doors and glazing; the permanent fixing shut of the rooflights and celestory lights; details of interior works and making good; details of all ventilation systems vents and flues; details of all new pipe work for water and gas; details of meter boxes and parking provision; and removal of permitted development rights;


(2)        the concerns of the Environment Agency regarding flooding being addressed.


(b)        That the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee be delegated authority to approve application ABG/19291/3 – LB subject to conditions.

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