Agenda item

Land adjoining no. 38 Barrow Road, Shippon, Abingdon

Proposed 4no. dwellings and works thereto.




Catherine Webber, the local ward councillor, stepped down from the committee and did not take in the debate or voting for this item.


The officer presented the report on application P16/V3165/FUL, a proposal for four dwellings and works thereto at Land adjoining no.38 Barrow Road, Shippon, Abingdon.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report and addendum, which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The officer recommended the inclusion of an additional condition removing permitted development rights for the dwellings for extensions, alterations and outbuildings in order to conserve the setting of the listed buildings.


Carole Priestly, a representative of St Helen Without Parish Council, had submitted a statement objecting to the application. Her points included the following:

·         The Parish Council supported the principal of limited infill within the green belt but this proposal was inappropriate as the local need was for smaller houses and the proposed designs were too high;

·         Due to bedrock in the substrata being close to the surface it may not be possible to lower the site as proposed; and style of the building and three storey layout were out of keeping with the surrounding area;

·         Parking provision was inadequate; and

·         The proposed access from Barrow Road was unacceptable as it would require considerable breaching of the stone boundary wall to achieve appropriate sight lines.


David Churchouse, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application. His points included the following:

·         The proposal constituted inappropriate development in the green belt;

·         The proposal failed to protect heritage assets; and

·         There were no special circumstances to justify approval of this application.


Laura Kavanagh, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. Her points included the following:

·         This was a policy compliant proposal and represented a positive addition to the village;

·         Numerous amendments had been made to the scheme including reducing the site levels;

·         Mature trees would be retained; and

·         The stone boundary wall would be rebuilt.


Catherine Webber, the local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application. Her points included the following:

·         The development was not limited infill and would be harmful to the green belt; and

·         The density of housing was unsuitable for a rural area.


The committee discussed the application, with clarification from officers where appropriate. Officers reported that, in their view, the proposal amounted to “limited infill” for the purposes of Policy CP13 of the Local Plan.


A motion, moved and seconded, to grant planning permission, subject to the additional condition recommended by the officer, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: To grant planning permission for application P16/V3165/FUL subject to the following conditions:



1.    Commencement of development – three years.

2.    Approved plans.


Prior to commencement

3.    Samples of materials for buildings.

4.    Full details of Barrow Road boundary wall – including samples of materials, mortar and bedding/pointing.

5.    Detail windows and doors.

6.    Landscaping and boundary treatments to be submitted.

7.    Drainage strategy and any off site works.

8.    Foul water drainage details.

9.    Surface water drainage details.

10. Full site level details.

11. Tree protection details.


Prior to occupation

12. Access and vision splays to be in accordance with plan.

13. Parking to be in accordance with plan.

14. Landscaping and boundary treatments in accordance with condition.

15. Details of any external lighting if required.



16. Garages to be retained for parking.

17. Permitted development rights removed for extensions, alterations and outbildings.

Supporting documents: