Agenda item

SHR/18823/2 – Erection of two detached houses with associated works. Land Rear of 9-11 Highworth Road, Shrivenham


Ms L Parslee made a statement objecting to the application raising concerns relating to matters already covered in the report.  She particularly raised concerns regarding the proposal in terms of it being out keeping; the scheme amounting to over development; dominance, height, access, over looking, loss of privacy, removal of trees and car parking. She explained that the height of the proposed houses would be 9 metres compared to the height of other dwellings in area which were about 7.5 metres.  She commented that the site was next to a recycling area and reported that there was likely to be access conflicts in the car park, which was small.  She expressed concern at the possible felling of trees which would result in loss of her privacy.  She referred to the amount of fenestration which she considered was in appropriate and would result in over looking.  She advised that the site was on the edge of the Conservation Area and was close to a listed building. Finally, she explained that she had no objection to the principle of development, but reiterated that the current proposal was not acceptable in terms of over development, being out of keeping adjacent to smaller properties, loss of privacy and out look.


Some Members spoke in support of the application commenting that the site was large enough to accommodate the buildings and access was not to the main road.  It was commented that detached houses would not be out of keeping and the design would not be harmful to the street scene.  In addition it was commented that the windows would not over look neighbouring habitable rooms.


One Member referred to the comments of the speaker expressing some concern at the proposed access across the car park. He questioned whether the access across the car park would be protected and to what extent this was a planning issue.  Furthermore, he questioned whether the Highway Authority would have had regard to this when making its observations.  The Officers clarified that the County Engineer had raised no objection. It was explained that two spaces in the car park would be lost but the Council did not have details of these. It was confirmed that the County Engineer had specifically looked at the access, as no access was shown on the original application.  It was suggested that a condition could be added to any permission to require that the access should be kept clear.


One Member expressed concern at the proposal in terms of height in that he considered that it would dominate the street scene.   However, he was not convinced that it was so harmful as to warrant refusal.  The Officers commented that the height was not unusual and in this case there would be difficulty in seeking to reduce the height because of the roof span. A redesign of the buildings might be necessary.  In response to a question raised, the Officers advised that the ridge heights of the surrounding dwellings were unknown.


By 13 votes to 4 it was




that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee be delegated authority to approve application SHR/18823/2 subject to: -


(i)         the conditions set out in the report; and


(ii)        a further condition to require details of how the access across the car park can be achieved and retained free of obstruction.

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council