Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 15 May 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Guildhall, Abingdon

Contact: Steven Corrigan, Democratic Services Manager (01235) 547675 Email: 

No. Item


Election of chairman

To elect a chairman of Council for the municipal year 2013/14. 



Councillor Mike Badcock was nominated as Chairman.


RESOLVED:  to appoint Councillor Mike Badcock as Chairman of the council for the ensuing year.


Councillor Thomson presented Councillor Mike Badcock with the chain of office.

Councillor Mike Badcock read out the oath of office, signed his declaration of acceptance of office, presented Councillor Alison Thomson with the past Chairman’s badge, Councillor Marilyn Badcock with the escort’s badge and made an acceptance speech.

Councillor Thomson reviewed her time as Chairman of the Council over the past year and thanked Councillors Sue Marchant and Mike Badcock as her Vice-Chairman over her time in office as chairman and Mark Hewer for their support.   


Councillors Barber and |Richard Webber paid tribute to Councillor Thomson in recognition of her work as Chairman of the council during the past year.




Appointment of vice chairman

To appoint a vice chairman of Council for the municipal year 2013/14. 




Councillor Eric Batts was nominated as Vice-Chairman.


RESOLVED:  to appoint Councillor Eric Batts as Vice-Chairman of the council for the ensuing year.

The Chairman presented Councillor Eric Batts with the Vice-Chairman’s chain of office.

Councillor Eric Batts read out the oath of office, signed his declaration of acceptance of office and made an acceptance speech.




Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 159 KB

To adopt and sign as a correct record the council minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2013 (attached). 


RESOLVED: to adopt the minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2013 as a correct record and agree that the Chairman signs them.



Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting.  




Chairman's announcements

To receive any announcements from the chairman.  


The Chairman provided an update on the health of former Councillor Peter Jones. He informed councillors that his Civic Ball would take place on 15 November at the Guildhall.  


Urgent business

To receive notification of any matters which the chairman determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent. 




Petitions under standing order 13

To receive petitions from members of the council under standing order 13 (if any).




Questions under standing order 12

To receive questions from members of the council under standing order 12.


1.         Question from Councillor Jim Halliday to Councillor Yvonne Constance


“What are the Council's deadlines by which it seeks to reply to requests for information, and what action is taken if the deadline is missed ?"


2.         Question from Councillor Richard Webber to the Leader of the Council

"What weight do you believe a decision of Full Council carries ?"


3.         Question from Councillor Jerry Patterson to Councillor Mike Murray

"Are you are aware of the latest housing projection data recently issued by the Office of National Statistics ?"


1.                  Question from Councillor Jim Halliday to Councillor Yvonne Constance


“What are the Council's deadlines by which it seeks to reply to requests for information, and what action is taken if the deadline is missed?"


Councillor Constance responded that when the council received formal requests for information, these were logged in a database.  Requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 had a target of 20 working days  Subject access requests made under the Data Protection Act 1999 had a response target of 40 calendar days.


During the financial year 2012-13 the council responded to 715 such requests, and 95 per cent of responses were within the target times.  In cases where a response is delayed, the requester may make a formal complaint to the council and this would be dealt with through the council’s complaints procedure.  Once the council's own complaints procedure is exhausted, a dissatisfied customer may refer the matter to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).  No cases had been referred to the ICO in the past three years.


Councillor Halliday asked the following supplementary question.


“As I have now been waiting 12 weeks for a reply to a question I asked at the council meeting held on 20 February 2013, please could she ask the Leader of council to reply, before I resort to lodging a formal complaint?”

In response Concillor Constance confirmed that the Leader of council would respond in writing.

2.         Question from Councillor Richard Webber to the Leader of the Council

"What weight do you believe a decision of Full Council carries?"

In response Councillor Barber offered to discuss the decision Councillor Webber was referring to.

In asking his supplementary question Councillor Webber referred to the motion agreed at the December Council meeting which urged Cabinet to include appropriate sums for maintenance in its proposed capital budget for 2013/14 and subsequent years to permit the Abbey Meadow Swimming Pool to remain open so that Vale residents can continue to enjoy this facility. He asked whether cabinet had responded to this motion.


In response Councillor Barber responded that this issue was considered and discussed as part of the budget setting process for the 2013/14 financial year and that the budget agreed by Council at its meeting in February included maintenance funds for this year.  

3.         Question from Councillor Jerry Patterson to Councillor Mike Murray

"Are you are aware of the latest housing projection data recently issued by the Office of National Statistics?"


In response Councillor Murray confirmed that he was aware of the latest figures which had been provided by the
Department for Communities and Local Government.  This information, together with other evidence including demographic, housing and economic factors, would be used in the preparation of the county-wide Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA).   However, this information, whilst used to form part of the demographic evidence, should not be used in isolation to forecast a local plan housing target. The government had advised that the council should continue  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Recommendations from Cabinet, individual Cabinet members, and committees

To consider the following recommendations from Cabinet, individual Cabinet members, or committees since the last Council meeting. 


Funding for Marlborough Gardens play area at Faringdon


On 18 March 2013, the Cabinet member for commercial services made the following decision:   


‘To recommend the Council to add £15,213 to the capital programme for improvements to the Marlborough Gardens play area at Faringdon.  This expenditure to be funded by use of s106 monies held for this purpose.’ 


Council is asked to adopt this recommendation. 







Council considered the following recommendation from the Cabinet member for commercial services:


Funding for MarlboroughGardens play area at Faringdon


On 18 March 2013, the Cabinet member made a decision to recommend  Council to add £15,213 to the capital programme for improvements to the MarlboroughGardens play area at Faringdon.  This expenditure to be funded by use of s106 monies held for this purpose. 


Council approved the recommendation.


RESOLVED: to add £15,213 to the capital programme for improvements to the MarlboroughGardens play area at Faringdon.





Appointments to committees, panels and joint committees pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To consider the report of the head of legal and democratic services on the appointment to those committees required to be politically balanced together with the Licensing Acts Committee, area committees and joint committees (attached). 



Council considered the report of the head of legal and democratic services on the appointment to those committees required to be politically balanced together with the Licensing Acts Committee, area committees and joint committees. A revised recommendation was circulated prior to the meeting to reflect the withdrawal of the proposal for a joint scrutiny committee, the abolition of the Personnel Committee and the reduction of the Planning Committee membership from 15 to 14.


The Chairman referred to the following recommendation, tabled at the meeting, and invited Council to agree it.


That for the 2013/14 municipal year Council:


1.   appoints the committees and panels for the 2013/14 year, allocates seats to each political group and appoints councillors and substitutes to sit on them as set out in the schedule circulated at the meeting;

2.   appoints chairmen and vice-chairmen as set out in the schedule circulated at the meeting;

3.   appoints councillors to the Licensing Acts Committee as set out in the schedule circulated at the meeting;


4.   appoints all local members representing the wards covered by the relevant area committees as set out in minute Co.16 of the Council held on 21 May 2003 to those committees for the 2013/14 municipal year with the following chairman ;

·                    Abingdon – Julie Mayhew-Archer

·                    North East – Jerry Patterson

·                    South East – Bill Jones

·                    West – Simon Howell

5.   appoints chairmen and vice-chairmen as set out in the schedule circulated at the meeting;


      6.   appoints Alison Thomson as the council’s representative on the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Yvonne Constance as substitute;


7.  appoints Bill Jones as the council’s representative and Sandy Lovatt as an observer substitute on the Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel; and


8.   authorises the head of legal and democratic services to make appointments to any vacant committee or panel seat and substitute positions in accordance with the wishes of the relevant group leader. 




  1. appoint the following committees and panels for the 2013/14

          year and to appoint the membership and substitutes, chairmen and vice-chairmen as indicated to sit on them:



Conservative (7)

Liberal Democrat (5)

Eric Batts

Jim Halliday (Chairman)

Sandy Lovatt

Tony de Vere

Charlotte Dickson (Vice-Chairman)

Julie Mayhew-Archer

Jason Fiddaman

Debby Hallett

Mohinder Kainth

Richard Webber

Fiona Roper


Alison Thomson


Substitutes: All other councillors from the relevant political group (not Cabinet members). 



Conservative (5)

Liberal Democrat (4)


Non group councillor

Simon Howell (Chairman)

Dudley Hoddinott

Angela Lawrence

Mohinder Kainth (Vice-Chairman)

Julia Roberts


Sandy Lovatt

Pat Lonergan


Kate Precious

Andrew Skinner


StJohn Dickson


Substitutes: All other councillors from the relevant political group. Non group councillors permitted to substitute for each other 



Conservative (8)

Liberal Democrat (5)


Non group councillor

Robert Sharp (Chairman)

Jerry Patterson (opposition spokesperson)

Aidan Melville

Sandy Lovatt (Vice-Chairman)

Bob Johnston


Eric Batts

John Woodford


Anthony Hayward

Sue Marchant


Roger Cox

Helen Pighills


Margaret Turner


Fiona Roper


Janet Shelley  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.



In accordance with the virement policy, all virements of £10,000 and over and virements across service areas require prior authorisation of the Cabinet and must be reported to Council.  This information will be reported at the meeting (if any).




Report of the leader of the council

(1)       Urgent cabinet decisions


In accordance with the overview and scrutiny procedure rules, a cabinet decision can be taken as a matter of urgency, if any delay by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the council’s or the public’s interest.  Treating the decision as a matter of urgency must be agreed by the chairman of the Scrutiny Committee and must be reported to the next meeting of the council, together with the reasons for urgency.


To receive any details of urgent cabinet decisions taken since the last ordinary meeting of the council, (if any).


(2)       Delegation of cabinet functions


To receive details of any changes to the leader’s appointments and scheme of delegation. 


(3)       Matters affecting the authority arising from meetings of joint committees, partnerships and other meetings


To receive the report of the leader (if any). 


Council received the Leader of Council’s report and noted his revised scheme of delegation that, following the departure of Councillor Yvonne Constance from the Cabinet, designated HR, IT and Customer Services to councillor Reg Waite, Legal and Democratic Services to Councillor Matthew Barber and appointed Councillor Yvonne Constance as adviser to Cabinet on liaison with Oxfordshire County Council over planning related issues.




Notices of motion under standing order 11

To receive the following notices of motion under standing order 11.


1.                  Motion to be proposed by Councillor Matthew Barber and seconded by Councillor Yvonne Constance:


“This Council supports the campaign by South Hinksey Parish Council calling for pedestrian ramps to be provided at the replacement railway bridge between South Hinksey and Oxford. This Council requires the Chief Executive to write to Network Rail outlining the concerns of this Authority about the omission of such access."

2.                  Motion to be proposed by Councillor Sandy Lovatt and seconded by Councillor Charlotte Dickson:


“This Council congratulates the Cabinet on introducing 2 hour free parking and requests the Cabinet to look at other measures to support the local economy."


3.                  Motion to be proposed by Councillor Jenny Hannaby and seconded by Councillor Richard Webber


"This Council congratulates the officers and contractors on the continued high rate of recycling being achieved within the Vale of White Horse District."



1.                  Motion proposed by Councillor Matthew Barber and seconded by Councillor Yvonne Constance:


“This Council supports the campaign by South Hinksey Parish Council calling for pedestrian ramps to be provided at the replacement railway bridge between South Hinksey and Oxford. This Council requires the Chief Executive to write to Network Rail outlining the concerns of this Authority about the omission of such access."

In supporting the motion a number of councillors expressed the view that the electrification of the railway and the requirement to replace the bridge to accommodate this work provided an opportunity to improve the amenity of local residents by enhancing pedestrian access between South Hinksey and Oxford. The view was expressed that there was no legal requirement for the provision of a footbridge and that due to the height of the bridge any ramp would need to be of a considerable length.


In response to a suggestion the Leader of council confirmed that he would contact both Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council regarding funding for the project.


On being put the motion was declared carried.



That Council supports the campaign by South Hinksey Parish Council calling for pedestrian ramps to be provided at the replacement railway bridge between South Hinksey and Oxford. This Council requires the Chief Executive to write to Network Rail outlining the concerns of this Authority about the omission of such access.

2.                  Motion proposed by Councillor Sandy Lovatt and seconded by Councillor Charlotte Dickson:


“This Council congratulates the Cabinet on introducing 2 hour free parking and requests the Cabinet to look at other measures to support the local economy."


Whilst welcoming the increased footfall and stimulus to local economies and viability of the market towns resulting from the introduction of two hour free parking councillors highlighted the need to adopt a more strategic approach to stimulate the economies of the district’s towns and villages. Initiatives suggested included increasing the tourism potential of the district, ensuring the benefits of Science Vale UK were and improving infrastructure for businesses.


That Council congratulates the Cabinet on introducing 2 hour free parking and requests the Cabinet to look at other measures to support the local economy.



3.                  Motion proposed by Councillor Jenny Hannaby and seconded by Councillor Richard Webber


"This Council congratulates the officers and contractors on the continued high rate of recycling being achieved within the Vale of White Horse District."

Councillor Matthew Barber moved and Councillor Reg Waite seconded an amendment as follows with the deleted word crossed through and the additional words shown in bold:

"This Council congratulates the officers, and contractors and most importantly residents on the continued high rate of recycling being achieved within the Vale of White Horse District."

With the consent of Council the mover and seconder of the original motion accepted the amendment.

In supporting the motion a number of councillors made suggestions to further support recycling – more frequent collections from bring banks, the provision of additional small electrical appliances collections and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.