Agenda item

Notices of motion under standing order 11

To receive the following notices of motion under standing order 11.


1.                  Motion to be proposed by Councillor Matthew Barber and seconded by Councillor Yvonne Constance:


“This Council supports the campaign by South Hinksey Parish Council calling for pedestrian ramps to be provided at the replacement railway bridge between South Hinksey and Oxford. This Council requires the Chief Executive to write to Network Rail outlining the concerns of this Authority about the omission of such access."

2.                  Motion to be proposed by Councillor Sandy Lovatt and seconded by Councillor Charlotte Dickson:


“This Council congratulates the Cabinet on introducing 2 hour free parking and requests the Cabinet to look at other measures to support the local economy."


3.                  Motion to be proposed by Councillor Jenny Hannaby and seconded by Councillor Richard Webber


"This Council congratulates the officers and contractors on the continued high rate of recycling being achieved within the Vale of White Horse District."



1.                  Motion proposed by Councillor Matthew Barber and seconded by Councillor Yvonne Constance:


“This Council supports the campaign by South Hinksey Parish Council calling for pedestrian ramps to be provided at the replacement railway bridge between South Hinksey and Oxford. This Council requires the Chief Executive to write to Network Rail outlining the concerns of this Authority about the omission of such access."

In supporting the motion a number of councillors expressed the view that the electrification of the railway and the requirement to replace the bridge to accommodate this work provided an opportunity to improve the amenity of local residents by enhancing pedestrian access between South Hinksey and Oxford. The view was expressed that there was no legal requirement for the provision of a footbridge and that due to the height of the bridge any ramp would need to be of a considerable length.


In response to a suggestion the Leader of council confirmed that he would contact both Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council regarding funding for the project.


On being put the motion was declared carried.



That Council supports the campaign by South Hinksey Parish Council calling for pedestrian ramps to be provided at the replacement railway bridge between South Hinksey and Oxford. This Council requires the Chief Executive to write to Network Rail outlining the concerns of this Authority about the omission of such access.

2.                  Motion proposed by Councillor Sandy Lovatt and seconded by Councillor Charlotte Dickson:


“This Council congratulates the Cabinet on introducing 2 hour free parking and requests the Cabinet to look at other measures to support the local economy."


Whilst welcoming the increased footfall and stimulus to local economies and viability of the market towns resulting from the introduction of two hour free parking councillors highlighted the need to adopt a more strategic approach to stimulate the economies of the district’s towns and villages. Initiatives suggested included increasing the tourism potential of the district, ensuring the benefits of Science Vale UK were and improving infrastructure for businesses.


That Council congratulates the Cabinet on introducing 2 hour free parking and requests the Cabinet to look at other measures to support the local economy.



3.                  Motion proposed by Councillor Jenny Hannaby and seconded by Councillor Richard Webber


"This Council congratulates the officers and contractors on the continued high rate of recycling being achieved within the Vale of White Horse District."

Councillor Matthew Barber moved and Councillor Reg Waite seconded an amendment as follows with the deleted word crossed through and the additional words shown in bold:

"This Council congratulates the officers, and contractors and most importantly residents on the continued high rate of recycling being achieved within the Vale of White Horse District."

With the consent of Council the mover and seconder of the original motion accepted the amendment.

In supporting the motion a number of councillors made suggestions to further support recycling – more frequent collections from bring banks, the provision of additional small electrical appliances collections and further public awareness on what can be recycled, especiaaly which type of plastic container, to avoid contamination.


The Leader of Council informed councillors that officers were working on a web based communication page to better inform residents. 



That Council congratulates the officers, contractors and most importantly residents,on the continued high rate of recycling being achieved within the Vale of White Horse District.