Forward plans

Below is the Cabinet Work Programme. This shows planned key decisions to be taken by Cabinet, a Cabinet member, or an officer under delegated authority. The decision due date is the earliest date that the decision can be taken.

Scrutiny work plan. January - September 2013  (01/01/2013 to 30/09/2013, Scrutiny Committee)

Plan items
No. Item


Officers' Budget 2013/14

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   17 Jan 2013

Lead officer:  William Jacobs


Waste and recycling contract monitoring

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   February 2013

Lead officer:  Ian Matten


Review of final draft of budget 2013/14

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   14 Feb 2013

Lead officer:  William Jacobs


Leisure consultation results New!

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Originally due:   19 Dec 2012

Lead officer:  Chris Tyson


Housing Allocations Policy New!

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   21 Mar 2013

Originally due:   2 Jan 2013

Lead officer:  Paul Staines


Grounds maintenance contract review

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   21 Mar 2013

Originally due:   20 Dec 2012

Lead officer:  Ian Matten


Vale customer services New!

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   21 Mar 2013

Originally due:   13 Dec 2012

Lead officer:  Andrew Down


Corporate plan - annual review of performance

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   24 Oct 2013

Originally due:   20 Dec 2012

Lead officer:  Sally Truman


Review two hours free parking scheme

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   19 Sep 2013; 06

Originally due:   1 Feb 2013

Lead officer:  Chris Tyson


Air quality in Abingdon

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Lead officer:  Ben Coleman


Local development plan, including SHMA

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   12 Feb 2014

Originally due:   24 Oct 2013

Lead officer:  Adrian Duffield


The health, wellbeing and social care role of local authorities

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   23 Jan 2014

Originally due:   23 Oct 2012

Lead officer:  Anna Robinson


Review of the council's website

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Lead officer:  Shona Ware


Review of Wantage Independent Advice Centre and South and Vale CAB

Decision maker:  Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   24 Jul 2014

Originally due:   10 Dec 2012

Lead officer:  Jayne Bolton