Forward plans

Below is the Cabinet Work Programme. This shows planned key decisions to be taken by Cabinet, a Cabinet member, or an officer under delegated authority. The decision due date is the earliest date that the decision can be taken.

May to August 2007  (01/05/2007 to 31/08/2007, Executive)

Plan items
No. Item


Financial Monitoring: Virements and Permanent Budget Adjustments

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   6 Jun 2008

Originally due:   5 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  William Jacobs


Building Control Shared Service

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   1 Jun 2007

Lead officer:  Bill Farrar


Creation of a Joint Committee for the Ridgeway Shared Service Organisation

Decision maker:  Executive, Strategic Director (Finance, HR/IT/Customer, Legal and Democratic, and Commercial Services)

Decision:   13 Jul 2007

Lead officer:  Steve Bishop

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Housing Nominations Policy Review

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   5 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Paul Staines

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved