Forward plans

Below is the Cabinet Work Programme. This shows planned key decisions to be taken by Cabinet, a Cabinet member, or an officer under delegated authority. The decision due date is the earliest date that the decision can be taken.

June to September 2006  (01/06/2006 to 30/09/2006, Executive)

Plan items
No. Item


Financial Monitoring: Virements and Permanent Budget Adjustments

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   6 Jun 2008

Originally due:   5 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  William Jacobs


Local Area Agreement - Implications New!

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   1 Sep 2006

Lead officer:  Terry Stock


Corporate Governance Quarterly Report

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   2 Jun 2006

Lead officer:  Tim Sadler


Housing Inspectors' Report

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   7 Jul 2006

Lead officer:  Paul Staines


Vale of White Horse Local Plan to 2011

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   2 Jun 2006

Lead officer:  Rodger Hood


South East Plan

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   2 Jun 2006

Lead officer:  Rodger Hood


Local Development Framework - Statement of Community Involvement New!

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   2 Jun 2006

Lead officer:  Rodger Hood


Major and Minor Planning Applications - Improvement Plan

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   2 Jun 2006

Lead officer:  Rodger Hood


CCTV Service

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   2 Jun 2006

Lead officer:  Paul Staines


Financial Services Update and Appointment of Joint Head of Finance New!

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   2 Jun 2006

Lead officer:  Steve Bishop


South East Area Community Grants

Decision maker:  South East Area Committee

Decision due:   13 Jun 2006

Lead officer:  Toby Warren


North East Area Community Grants

Decision maker:  North East Area Committee

Decision due:   29 Jun 2006

Lead officer:  Toby Warren


Abingdon Area Community Grants

Decision maker:  Abingdon and North East Area Committee

Decision due:   6 Jul 2006

Lead officer:  Toby Warren


Tree Strategy

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   7 Jul 2006

Lead officer:  Chris Webb


Local Plan to 2011 - Supplementary Planning Guidance

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   7 Jul 2006

Lead officer:  Rodger Hood


South West Plan

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   7 Jul 2006

Lead officer:  Rodger Hood


Planning Delivery Grant New!

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   7 Jul 2006

Lead officer:  Rodger Hood


West Area Community Grants

Decision maker:  West Area Committee

Decision due:   11 Jul 2006

Lead officer:  Toby Warren


Oxfordshire Waste Strategy - Public Involvement New!

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   4 Aug 2006

Lead officer:  David Stevens


Oxfordshire County-Wide Waste Strategy New!

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   1 Sep 2006

Lead officer:  David Stevens


Capita Contact Services Proposal New!

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   4 Aug 2006

Lead officer:  Helen Bishop