Issue details

Arts Strategy

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Contact: Mike Mackay, Head of Commercial Services Tel. 01235 540337 E-mail:

Consultation process

Arts Council for England South East

Oxfordshire Arts Partnership

Local Arts Groups


Internal colleagues

Art development managers in other local authorities (mostly Oxfordshire)

Local artists

Local voluntary art groups

Professional arts organisations from Oxfordshire

Making Representations: April 2007



  • Arts Council for England Policy for the Arts  
  • Oxfordshire Cultural Strategy  
  • Children and Young People's Strategy  
  • Vale Community Strategy  
  • Vale of White Horse Local Plan  
  • Emerging Play Strategy  
  • Oxfordshire Arts Partnership  
  • South East England Development Agency's (SEEDA) report on Valuing Culture in the South East 2007  
  • South East England Development Agency's (SEEDA) report on Culture Counts 2007  
  • DMCS - Culture and Creativity in 2007