Issue details

Revenue Budget Outturn 2008/09

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 7 Aug 2009 by Executive

Decision due: 20 Aug 2009 by Scrutiny Committee

Lead member: Councillor Jerry Patterson Councillor Matthew Barber

Lead director: Strategic Director (Finance, HR/IT/Customer, Legal and Democratic, and Commercial Services)

Contact: Tel. 01235 540429 E-mail: Tel. 01235 540429 E-mail:

Consultation process

Forward Plan: Executive portfolio holder


Scrutiny Work Programme: Background report 33/09 to the Executive on 7 August 2009


Request attendance by Councillor Jerry Patterson (Executive Portfolio Holder)


Councillor Jerry Patterson

Making Representations: Forward Plan: March 2009 Scrutiny Work Programme: To scrutinise the Executive's work following the Chief Finance Officer's report

Reason No Public Access: To interview the Head of Service and Executive Portfolio Holder as appropriate


Agenda items



Vale of White Horse District Council