Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Refugee accommodation20/01/2023For Determination10/03/2023
Grant funding affordable housing - to review the policy to allocate Section 106 affordable housing funds16/01/2023For Determination11/08/2023
Oxfordshire Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Strategy / EV Charging Points10/01/2023For Determination date to be confirmed
Delivery of waste services03/01/2023For Determination10/03/2023
Council tax hardship fund13/12/2022For Determination02/2023
Revenue budget 2023/24 and capital programme 2023/24 to 2027/28 - to recommend Council to approve the budget09/12/2022Recommmend Forward to Council15/02/2023
Climate Action Plan Performance Report, quarter 3 2022/2309/12/2022For Determination10/03/2023
Corporate Plan Performance Report, quarter 3 2022/2309/12/2022For Determination10/03/2023
Saba car park annual performance report07/12/2022For Determination21/09/2023
Community Safety Partnership annual report07/12/2022For DeterminationBetween 27/11/2023 and 22/12/2023
Biffa annual contract performance07/12/2022For DeterminationBetween 27/11/2023 and 22/12/2023
Revenue budget 2023/24 and capital programme 2023/24 to 2027/2807/12/2022For Determination30/01/2023
Capital strategy - to recommend Council to adopt the strategy18/11/2022Recommmend Forward to Council15/02/2023
Treasury strategy - to recommend Council to approve the strategy18/11/2022For Determination15/02/2023
Treasury mid-year monitoring 2022/23 - to recommend Council to note the report18/11/2022For Determination15/02/2023
Faringdon Leisure Centre - to award a contract to replace the pool filter18/11/2022For Determination16/12/2022
Pebble Hill Mobile Home Park, Radley - to approve a project for the development of additional berths, apply for planning permission, and award a works contract14/10/2022For Determination04/2023
Planning Enforcement Statement - to approve the revised statement14/10/2022For Determination10/03/2023
Review of the Planning Enforcement Statement20/10/2022For Determination30/01/2023
Milton Park Local Development Order - to recommend Council to adopt a new order03/10/2022Recommmend Forward to Council15/02/2023
Invoice automation solution14/09/2022For Determination02/2023
White Horse Community Lottery – to approve options for the central fund distribution01/08/2022Recommmend Forward to Council03/02/2023
Joint Local Plan13/04/2022For Determination
BOB (Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West) Integrated Care Partnership's (ICP) strategic priorities16/11/2021For Determination10/07/2023
The Beacon future use16/11/2021For Determination
Future waste services06/09/2021For Determination27/02/2023
Standing item: Recommendations from other committees - to consider and determine action on any recommendations from other committees13/07/2021For Determination10/11/2023
Flooding - partnership roles and responsibilities08/03/2021For Determination including an update from the Joint sewerage and pollution review task and finish group
Sparsholt Sewage Treatment Works - to replace the existing plant13/06/2019For Determination11/07/2019
Standing item: Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy funds - to create a budget and release funds10/11/2017For Determination10/2023
Standing item: Property decisions - to approve any property sales or purchases or take any property management decisions09/10/2013For Determination10/2023