Issue - decisions

Revenue Budget and Capital Programme Out-turn 2007/08

11/06/2008 - Provisional Capital Programme Out-turn 2007/08 and Revenue Budget Carry Forward Requests 2007/08

(Time: 3.49pm to 3.51pm)


The Executive received and considered report 17/08 of the Strategic Director.  This formed part of the continuing provision of financial information to allow Members to review the performance of the Council's services.  The report set out the development of the capital budget during the year and detailed capital expenditure in 2007/08 (subject to audit) on projects in the agreed capital programme.  The Executive was asked to approve some budget carry-forward requests and the capital programme for 2008/09. 


Members were content with the proposals. 




(a)              that the expenditure on capital projects in the financial year 2007/08 be noted;


(b)              that the revised expenditure profile for capital projects and carry-forward of budgets to 2008/09, net total £568,040, as shown in Appendix A to report 17/08, be agreed; and


(c)               that the revenue budget carry forward requests be carried forward from 2007/08 to 2008/09, totaling £64,263.