Issue - decisions

Local Area Agreement 2

17/04/2008 - Local Area Agreement 2

(Time: 3.36pm to 3.45pm)


The Executive received and considered report 183/07 of the Deputy Director (Housing and Community Safety) which provided information about Oxfordshire’s next Local Area Agreement, known as Local Area Agreement 2.  The Executive was pleased to note that many of the agreement's 35 indicators related to District Council functions.  The next stage was to work with the County Council and other Oxfordshire District Councils to clarify the targets.  These would have to be approved in the summer. 


Members were reassured that the targets in the agreement would be transferred to the Council's Service Plans. 




(a)       that the priorities within Oxfordshire’s next local area agreement be endorsed; and


(b)       that it be noted that the Leader of the Council has authority to agree the targets for inclusion in the Local Area Agreement 2.