Issue - decisions

Comments and Complaints 2007/08

03/08/2008 - Comments and Complaints

(Time: 3.53pm to 3.59pm)


The Executive received and considered a report on comments and complaints received during 2007/08.  Members noted that 146 complaints had been received under the Council’s Comments and Complaints procedure, only 13 of which had proceeded to stage 2 of the procedure—a formal investigation by the Chief Executive.  This was consistent with the level of comments and complaints received in recent years. 


The majority of complaints related to either Council policy or procedures.  As part of the process, corrective and preventive actions were investigated to find ways of improving procedures where necessary.  A total of 139 compliments were recorded for the year. 


The Executive noted that the level of complaints was low and many surrounded the loss of the concessionary fares scheme and the new rules of the new bus pass scheme for those over 60 years old.  Other complaints related to process changes following the move of Revenues and Benefits to Capita. 


In answer to a question from a Member, the Deputy Director (Organisational Development and Support) reported that outside of the meeting, she would clarify the terminology “ombudsman’s discretion”. 




that the Comments and Complaints Annual Review for 2007/08 be received.