Issue - decisions

Setting up a Joint Procurement Committee for Waste

06/02/2008 - Setting up a Joint Waste Procurement Project Board

(Time: 3.38pm to 3.39pm)


The Executive received and considered an agenda report regarding a proposed partnership with South Oxfordshire District Council to create a joint waste collection contract.  Following the experience gained from setting up the Ridgeway Shared Services Organisation it was proposed that a joint project board was established for waste collection.  Under the Council's Constitution it was not possible to form a joint committee, rather than a project board, that had Executive powers and allowed non-Executive Member representation.  On the basis that this was a large contract, it was proposed that wider input from Council Members was required from the outset, involving an Executive Member, a non-Executive Member from the ruling political group, and an Opposition Member.  This would be conditional upon South Oxfordshire agreeing a similar three-Member appointment. 


An update was given at the meeting: South Oxfordshire had agreed to the proposal and the composition of the Joint Project Board.  The Executive supported the proposal also.  Currently, Councillor Tony de Vere represented the Council on the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership and led on the project for a new waste contract.  It was noted that he would continue in this role and be a member of the Joint Waste Procurement Project Board until the annual review of Executive appointments and delegations due to take place in May 2008. 


RESOLVED  (by seven votes to nil)


that the Joint Waste Procurement Project Board includes: 

  • the Executive Member with responsibility for the new Waste contract
  • a non-Executive Member from the Liberal Democrat Group and
  • a Member from the Conservative Group


Vale of White Horse District Council