Issue - decisions

Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision Strategy

10/10/2007 - Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision Strategy and a Supplementary Planning Document

(a)       Draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision Strategy

(Time: 3.17pm to 3.35pm)


(Councillor Bob Johnston declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he remained in the meeting during its consideration.)


The Executive received and considered report 73/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer regarding a draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision Strategy that had been prepared by consultant Kit Campbell. 


Mr Campbell gave a brief presentation to highlight the main points of the draft strategy.  The strategy had derived from Government guidance set out in Planning Policy Guidance note 17 (PPG 17).  It was based on a wide ranging assessment of provision established through a detailed audit of all facilities across the Vale, both publicly and privately owned.  A Vale Voice Panel survey and consultation with Parish Councils had also been used to gather data. 


The strategy identified the key issues for the Council and provided a vision and plan to address the issues.  It also provided an evidence base for the Local Development Framework and strengthened the Council's ability to justify and secure Section 106 contributions towards such facilities from developers.  Following approval of the draft strategy, consultation would take place before adoption in the spring 2008. 


It was recognized that implementation of the strategy through the Delivery Plan would be constrained by the Council’s financial position and other resource constraints.  Successful implementation would also require Town and Parish Councils to play their part in partnership with the Vale.  There were four potential resource implications consequent upon the implementation of this strategy:

1.                  Maintaining the integrity of the survey data – it was recommended that 20% of facilities were re-audited every year.  There might be costs in carrying out the surveys and maintaining the database, estimated to be £10k per annum.

2.                  The majority of the open spaces in the District belonged to Town and Parish Councils and these locations were most in need of improvement.  There were potential costs in supporting Town and Parish Councils and local communities in managing and developing the quality of their open spaces.  However, the objective would be to provide this support through re-prioritising workload within the Leisure Services team and through community grants and/or charging for our services to ensure this support was cost neutral to the Council.

3.                  It was likely that the Council would incur additional costs in enhancing existing poor quality open space, particularly in providing better access for the disabled.  A provisional capital sum of £20k was suggested.

4.                  The implementation of the strategy and the associated Supplementary Planning Document would enable the Council to improve its performance in obtaining Section 106 contributions from developers but this would require additional resource in Leisure Services, expected to be a part-time Section 106 officer post, the annual cost of such a post was estimated at £20k per annum. 


All of the costs were provisional and would be finalised as part of the budget setting process for 2008/09.  It was predicted that these would be far outweighed by the Section 106 contributions which would be made possible by the adoption of the strategy. 


In summing up, Mr Campbell urged the Executive to continue to fund the maintenance of the background information contained in the Draft Strategy.  He believed that this could date quickly and needed to be kept up to date to bolster the Council’s ability to continue to secure developer contributions.  He believed that this would pay in the long term. 


Members thanked Mr Campbell for his report, draft strategy, and his presentation. 




that the draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision Strategy be approved. 


(b)       The Strategy and a Supplementary Planning Document

(Time: 3.35pm to 3.36pm)


To implement the draft strategy referred to in (a) above, Members noted that the officers were producing a Supplementary Planning Document to set out standards for provision which would enable contributions for these facilities to be collected from new housing developments.  The draft Supplementary Planning Document would be considered by the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group on 22 October 2007. 


Under the Local Plan system, the Executive had delegated authority to approve draft Supplementary Planning Guidance for public consultation.  It was recommended that a similar process should be established for Supplementary Planning Documents. 




that authority be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy), in consultation with the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group, to agree all future draft Supplementary Planning Documents for public consultation. 


Vale of White Horse District Council