Issue - decisions

Direct Services Organisation Business Plan

07/03/2007 - Direct Services Organisation Business Plan

(Time: 10.52am to 10.54am)


At its meeting on 7 July 2006, the Executive considered the report from the Deputy Director (Commercial Services) regarding the Direct Service Organisation’s (DSO) performance and financial review and its viability as a Council service.  The Executive resolved:

(a)               that the high performance of the DSO during the past 12 months and its continuing improvement be recognised; and

(b)               that the continuation of the DSO be endorsed, subject to its ongoing financial viability and achievement of its Business Plan. 


In accordance with that resolution, the Deputy Director (Commercial Services) confirmed the ongoing financial viability of the DSO and had attached DSO Business Plan 2007-2010 for approval by the Executive. 


Members commended the Business Plan and asked that it be held up to all staff as a model of good business planning. 




(a)               that the Direct Services Organisation (DSO) Business Plan 2007-2010, which requires the DSO to breakeven by the end of 2008/09, be approved;


(b)        that the Business Plan be commended to all staff as a model of good business planning.  


Vale of White Horse District Council