Issue - decisions

Boundary Park - to determine an application for s106 funds

19/06/2024 - S106 funding for Boundary Park Hybrid Cricket Wickets

To create a budget for £26,000.00 from S106 contributions listed below and release funds, subject to a third party funding agreement to Boundary Park Sports Association for the hybrid cricket wickets project at Boundary Park.


Funds to be released, in total as one payment, subject to receipt of the signed legal agreement and subject to consent via a ‘licence to alter’ from the council as Landlord under the lease.


Freehold land and building owned by South Oxfordshire District Council, Freehold Title: ON329601 and Vale of White Horse District Council, Freehold Title: ON329600.


Leasehold to Boundary Park Sports Association, Leasehold Title: ON329702. Lease valid for 50 years with 43 years remaining.