Issue - decisions

Update on Transformation and the Technology and Customer Roadmaps

01/11/2022 - Update on the Corporate Transformation Programme, and the Technology and Customer Workstreams

Cabinet considered the report of the deputy chief executive – transformation and operations.  The report set out the progress made in implementing the council’s transformation programme.  This included the proposed structure of the transformation team, and the further development of transformation outcomes. 


The Cabinet welcomed the progress made on the transformation programme to date.  The programme would improve the council’s interaction with the public and customers, deliver even higher standards of service and increased efficiencies, and provide greater value for money.  Cabinet noted that officers would be involved in the design and build stages of any transformation, and there would be continuous review of progress against the programme. 


RESOLVED: to note the update on the transformation programme and progress to date on the technology and customer workstreams. 


Vale of White Horse District Council