Issue - decisions

Section 106 funding - Wetlands habitat creation at Grove and Garford - to approve the funding request

02/08/2022 - Section 106 funding - Wetlands habitat creation at Grove and Garford - to approve the funding request

To create a budget for £91,232.25 from S106 contributions and release funds, subject to a third party funding agreement (the contract), to the Freshwater Habitats Trust for the Wetland Habitat Creation and Floodplain Restoration Project at Manor Farm, Garford (partially within East Hanney Parish) and Wantage Sewage Treatment Works, Grove.


Delegate authority to authorise Head of Finance in consultation with Head of Legal and Democratic to enter and approve the contract and manage /deal with all matters arising from the contract. Funds to be released following seal of the contract.


Vale of White Horse District Council