Issue - decisions

Corporate plan performance monitoring report Quarter 4, 2021/22 - to review performance

07/07/2022 - Corporate plan performance monitoring report quarter 4 and annual review report 2021/22

Cabinet considered the corporate plan performance monitoring report for quarter 4 2021/22, together with the annual review report for 2021/22. 


Cabinet welcomed the reports.  They provided a helpful strategic overview of the council’s performance.  Officers would be increasing the promotion of these performance reports through the website and social media. 


Cabinet thanked officers and the Cabinet member for the reports, as well as Councillor Catherine Webber for her work as the former Cabinet member for climate emergency and the environment. 


RESOLVED: to note the corporate plan performance monitoring report for quarter 4, 2021/22 and the annual review report for 2021/22. 


Vale of White Horse District Council