Issue - decisions

Community infrastructure levy - to publish proposed modifications for the Examination Hearing

03/03/2017 - Community infrastructure levy - to publish proposed modifications for the Examination Hearing

To publish the council’s Proposed Modifications to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule, and the submission of the proposed modifications to the CIL Examiner (an independent inspector).  The proposed modifications respond to responses received during the consultation on the CIL draft charging schedule December 2016 Modifications, and updated viability evidence.  Following submission to the CIL Examiner, the proposed changes and the Inspector’s Issues and Questions will be sent to those who have made representations on CIL.  These parties will have the opportunity to comment to the CIL Examiner on the proposed changes within their Issues and Questions statements.  The CIL Examiner will consider the changes proposed as part of the examination process and will make a decision as to whether to recommend changes are made to the CIL charging Schedule in his report. 


Vale of White Horse District Council