Issue - decisions

Community infrastructure levy/section 106 - to approve documentation for public consultation

09/12/2016 - Community infrastructure levy/section 106 - to approve documentation for public consultation

To publish the council’s Draft Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document for consultation from 15 December 2016 to 26 January 2017.  The document will set out the council’s approach to securing contributions from developers for on-site infrastructure, principally through the Section 106 mechanism, and provides additional guidance to facilitate the implementation of Core Policy 7: Providing Supporting Infrastructure and Services, set out in the Local Plan 2031: Part 1. 

09/12/2016 - Community infrastructure levy/section 106 - to approve documentation for public consultation

To publish the proposed modifications to the council’s Community Infrastructure levy charging schedule and associated documents and, subject to minor corrections by officers, for consultation from 15 December 2016 to 26 January 2017.  Documents to be published:

1.    Proposed modifications to the council’s Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule

2.    Updated Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule

3.    Updated Regulation 123 List

4.    Updated Viability Report

5.    Updated Infrastructure Delivery Plan

6.    Updated Community Infrastructure Levy Infrastructure and Funding Report


Vale of White Horse District Council