Issue - decisions

Didcot Garden Town - to allocate additional government funding to deliver the Didcot Garden Town vision

06/01/2017 - Didcot Garden Town - to allocate additional government funding to deliver the Didcot Garden Town vision

To authorise the Head of Development and Regeneration, in consultation with the head of democratic services, if necessary as an exception to contract procedure rules, to use £1.02 million to employ staff and commission and pay for works necessary to deliver the core objectives of the ‘Didcot Garden Town’ project – in accordance with the agreed budget allocation set out in Appendix 1a of the attached cabinet members briefing paper. 


To establish appropriate budgets to enable expenditure necessary to deliver the core objectives of the ‘Didcot Garden Town’ project – in accordance with the budget allocation set out in the attached cabinet member briefing paper. 



Call-in waived by Scrutiny Committee chairman on 27 October 2016. 


Vale of White Horse District Council