Issue - decisions

Section 113 agreement - to consider entering into an agreement with Oxford City Council to use its procurement services

21/02/2014 - Section 113 agreement - to consider entering into an agreement with Oxford City Council to use its procurement services

·         The council, jointly with South Oxfordshire District Council, to enter into an agreement for Oxford City Council to provide the services of its procurement team, this agreement to be made as provided by Section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972

·         The annual cost of this agreement to this council to be £35,000

·         The agreement to run to 31 July 2016, to coincide with the end of the council’s contract with Capita for the provision of financial and other services

·        To authorise the head of HR, IT and customer services in conjunction with the head of legal and democratic services to finalise the terms of the agreement as set out above


Vale of White Horse District Council