Issue - decisions

Neighbourhood plans - to agree the funding arrangements to assist production of neighbourhood plans

10/04/2013 - Neighbourhood plans - to agree the funding arrangements to assist production of neighbourhood plans

To provide financial support to towns and villages preparing neighbourhood development plans, from funding we expect to receive from government.


This will be offered upfront to town or parish councils progressing a neighbourhood plan, provided the neighbourhood planning area has been designated and we have received the first £5000 grant from central government.  Neighbourhood Plan groups must submit an acceptable project plan through to examination stage.  Financial support will be offered on the understanding that if they do not proceed to examination stage, or if the plan fails at examination due to non-compliance with the draft local plan proposals, we reserve the right to recover any monies paid towards the production of the plan.


The amount offered should be as follows:

  • £15,000 for town councils
  • £10,000 for larger villages
  • £5000 for smaller villages


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Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE