Issue - decisions

Fit for the future - appointment of consultants for stage 2

07/02/2012 - Fit for the future - appointment of consultants for stage 2

Cabinet considered report 49/11 of the strategic director on a proposal to continue the Fit for the Future programme for a further two years to complete the work across all services and appoint consultants to undertake the work following the tender process.


Cabinet agreed the recommendations to appoint supplier B, which had submitted the most economically advantageous tender for the joint work with South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils.  The contract would allow the programme to be completed within two years and result in significant future efficiency savings for the councils. 




(1) recommend Council to approve a supplementary estimate for

£186,500 for half the value of the Fit for the Future two-year programme;


(2) appoint supplier B to a joint contract for South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils for the Fit for the Future programme for a two year period with an option to extend for a further two years should it be desired, to be taken by the strategic director in consultation with the relevant Cabinet member, subject to Vale of White Horse Council approving the supplementary estimate and South Oxfordshire Council approving a virement from the contingency budget.


(3) authorise the strategic director with responsibility for Fit for the Future to finalise terms and conditions and enter into a contract with supplier B.



Vale of White Horse District Council