Issue - decisions

Science Vale UK Enterprise Zone - recommending Council to adopt the local development order

12/12/2012 - Science Vale UK Enterprise Zone - Milton Park Local Development Order 2012

Cabinet considered the strategic director’s report that asked Cabinet to recommend Council to adopt a local development order for Milton Park, subject to confirmation that the Secretary of State does not wish to intervene.  Cabinet noted that the proposal was to introduce the order to simplify planning controls and stimulate economic development at Milton Park.  The proposed order would cover the whole of Milton Park, which included part of a site to the north, known as Kelaart’s Field, and land to the south of the railway line near the A34 road junction. 


In answer to questions from Cabinet members, the officers had carried out a thorough consultation exercise involving MEPC, Milton Park’s owners, including two briefings (which Milton and Sutton Courtenay Parish Councils had attended) and letters to local residents. 


Cabinet believed that it was important to proceed with the local development order but understood the concerns raised by local residents.  Cabinet welcomed the draft order but asked for some amendments to mitigate residents’ concerns as far as possible.  Cabinet asked the strategic director in consultation with the Cabinet member to change the wording of some of the conditions in the draft local development order to:

  • reflect the need to safeguard the scheduled ancient monument and its setting to the north of Milton Park
  • reflect the need to maintain appropriate separation between the development and the residential areas of Milton and Sutton Courtenay
  • minimise the impact of new green field development on visual amenity
  • ensure the lighting and noise conditions also apply to Kelaart’s Field
  • include an 8 metre buffer between any new development and Moor Ditch


Cabinet also asked MEPC to review its consultation procedures and set up a liaison group with the local community. 


With these safeguards, Cabinet supported the proposal. 


RESOLVED: To authorise the strategic director in consultation with the Leader to revise the draft local development order, as directed by Cabinet above, before it is submitted to Council for adoption. 




to adopt the Milton Park Local Development Order 2012, subject to confirmation that the Secretary of State does not wish to intervene. 


Vale of White Horse District Council