Issue - decisions

Community safety partnership - possible merger with partnership in South Oxfordshire

10/11/2010 - Community safety partnership - possible merger with partnership in South Oxfordshire

Councillor Tony de Vere declared a personal interest in this item.  In accordance with Standing Order 34, he remained in the meeting while it was considered. 


The Executive considered report 63/10 of the head of corporate strategy.  This proposed a pilot to merge the community safety partnerships of the Vale and South Oxfordshire into one partnership. 


The Executive believed that this was one of the most successful partnerships, involving all key partners in fighting crime and disorder.  The Executive supported the pilot as it would be coterminous with the newly formed police area from 1 April 2011 and would reflect the newly formed shared community safety team across the two councils.  The merged partnership would allow shared expertise, knowledge, skills and resources to tackle crime and disorder more effectively and would reduce the number of partnership meetings.  There was a risk that there was not enough resource to keep two partnerships running effectively.  South Oxfordshire’s Cabinet had also agreed to the pilot.  However, councillors asked that when reporting statistics, as far as possible there should be separate figures for the Vale and South Oxfordshire. 




To pilot a South and Vale community safety partnership with effect from 1 April 2011, with a view to permanently merging the South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse partnerships into a single partnership.