Mailing list

Joint Audit and Governance Committee

Each address below is displayed as a comma separated value (CSV) list. You can copy and paste this information into a text file. Open the file in your word processor or spreadsheet for use in mail merges.

To use this information as a mail merge in a Microsoft Word document, copy and paste all the names and addresses including the headings 'Name, Address1 etc' into a Word document. To put it into table format: Highlight all the text, go to Table/Convert text to table/Make sure 'separate text at commas' is chosen then OK.

Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4, Postcode, Phone, Mobile, Email
Councillor Emily Smith, 42 Hutchcomb Road, Botley, Oxford, , OX2 9HL, , 07986 877933,
Mocky Khan, (Address not supplied)
Councillor Oliver Forder, c/o Vale of White Horse District Council, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE, 01235 553891, 07774 188862,
Councillor Judy Roberts, 1 Stone Close, Botley, Oxford, , OX2 9SQ, 01865 864041, ,
Councillor Andrew Skinner, c/o Vale of White Horse District Council, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE, , 07903 390407,
Councillor Peter Dragonetti, (Address not supplied)
Councillor Leigh Rawlins, (Address not supplied)
Tony Worgan, (Address not supplied)
Mike Boon, (Address not supplied)
Councillor Andy Cooke, 2 Marcham Road, Drayton, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4JH, 07507 602911, 07507 602911,
Councillor Eric de la Harpe, 5 Thurston Close, Abingdon, Oxon, , OX14 5RD, , 07962 077965,
Councillor Jenny Hannaby, c/o Vale of White Horse District Council, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE, 01235 767056, 07717271711,
Councillor Mike Pighills, Northcourt Lodge, 106 Oxford Road, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 2AG, 01235 534446, ,
James Barlow, (Address not supplied)
David Bretherton, (Address not supplied)
Sam Casey-Rerhaye, (Address not supplied)
Katharine Keats-Rowan, (Address not supplied)
Axel Macdonald, (Address not supplied)
Denise Macdonald, (Address not supplied)
James Norman, (Address not supplied)
Councillor Jo Robb, (Address not supplied)
Councillor David Turner, (Address not supplied)