Agenda item

Community Grants

To receive and consider report 27/08 of the Head of Community Strategy and the Strategic Director.


Introduction and Report Summary


The purpose of this report is to set out the budget position at the beginning of

2008/09 for this Committee in respect of Community Grants and to invite Members to consider and determine the grant applications received.

The contact officer for this report is Lorna Edwards, Community Strategy Officer (Tel: 01235 547626), e-mail address




(a)               that Members note the budget position for the South East Area Committee at the beginning of the financial year

(b)               that Members agree in principal to the payment of the SLA grant to the Wantage, Grove & District Twinning Association and the Hendreds Twinning Group, subject to the required monitoring information having been received

(c)               that Members consider and determine the grant applications, the agenda and the Council priority in respect of the following:


(i)   Challow & Childrey Cricket Club, £1,500, towards the refurbishment of a synthetic pitch, Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

(ii)   BlewburyPre-school Playgroup, £3,000, towards a replacement boiler, Environmental Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

(iii)  Wantage Music Festival, £500, towards the 2008 Festival, Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority




(Councillors Terry Fraser, Jenny Hannaby, Joyce Hutchinson and Julia Reynolds had each declared a personal interest in this item in so far as it related to the payment of the Service Level Agreement grants and in accordance with Standing Order 33 they remained in the meeting during its consideration.)


The Committee received and considered report 27/08 of the Strategic Director which set out the budget positions at the beginning of the 2008/09 financial year in respect of community grants and invited Members to determine a number of grant applications received.


Each application was considered with the following comments being made.


Service Level Agreement Grant to the Wantage, Grove and District Twinning Association and the Hendreds Twinning Group


Members supported awarding the grant subject to the receipt of the monitoring information requested.  It was noted that the onus to provide this information was on the Association and the Twinning group but at the request of the Committee, the Community Strategy Officer undertook to seek the information.


(1)       Challow and Childrey Cricket Club


A photograph showing the existing artificial playing wicket was displayed at the meeting.


One Member spoke in support of the application commenting that the Club was well used by a variety of people from different age groups.  It was considered that the Club provided an excellent facility for local people and that the application should be supported.


One Member commented that the Club should set up a fund for repairs and maintenance it being noted that it would be necessary to refurbish the synthetic pitch regularly.


Another Member commented that King Alfred’s School used the Cricket Club facilities and it was suggested that the Club should approach the School for financial assistance, it being noted that King Alfred’s School had “sports status” and would have access to other sources of grant funding.


(2)       Blewbury Pre-School Group


One Member commented that the Group was well supported but it had struggled with fund raising.  He referred to the comments set out in the report advising that the Group had also held a wine tasting evening which had included a “promises auction”.  Furthermore, there had been an opera held to raise money.  It was explained that there were young parents who were trying hard to raise money and that approaches had also been made to the County Council and South Oxfordshire District Council for funding.  It was commented that one of the problems with the Group was that it had a successive turnover of people helping and that the Group should be encouraged to recruit long term volunteers.  In response the Chair, Councillor Joyce Hutchinson reported that she was experienced in this area and would be happy to offer advice to the Group, commenting that it needed to think ahead to survive.  The Member undertook to mention this to the Group and thanked Councillor Hutchinson for her offer of assistance.


In response to a question raised it was confirmed that fees were charged or vouchers used.


One Member commented that such groups were struggling to survive due to schools developing their own pre-school groups.  It was noted that the group was making efforts to bring the facilities up to the required standards.


One Member questioned whether the group had a repairing lease to which the officers reported that the Group was responsible for repairs and maintenance but that the rent was low to reflect this.


(3)       Wantage Music Festival


The Committee took into account the statement made earlier in the meeting by a member of the public.


Members spoke in support of the application noting that the Music Festival was well supported by local people.  It was considered that the Festival provided an opportunity for people to develop a love of music and to perform.  It was noted that the event was regarded as a prestigious event.


One Member whilst supporting the application considered that the applicant should demonstrate support from the community and to this end any grant offer should be subject to the receipt of a grant from the Town Council.  The Officers confirmed that all applicants were advised to contact the Community Funding Advice Service for advice and at the request of Member she undertook to remind the applicant again.




(a)               that the budget position for the South East Area Committee at the beginning of the financial year be noted as follows: -



Budget b/f





Total budget 2008/09

Environmental Agenda










£635.88 + £500.00






£4,517.40 + £1,135.88



















(b)               that the payment of the Service Level Agreement Grant to the Wantage, Grove & District Twinning Association and the Hendreds Twinning Group, be agreed in principle subject to the required monitoring information having been received with the Community Strategy Officer being requested to seek the information required (agreed by 7 votes to nil);


(c)               that the grant applications received, the agenda and the Council priority be determined as follows:



Reason for Grant

Agenda and Council Priority


Grant Awarded

Challow & Childrey Cricket Club

Towards the refurbishment of a synthetic pitch

Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

£1,000 with the Club being advised that it should set up a fund for ongoing repairs and maintenance to cover the cost of such works in the future and the Club being advising to approach King Alfred’s School for a grant.


(proposed by Councillor Terry Fraser, seconded by Councillor Farrell and agreed by 7 votes to nil)


BlewburyPre-school Playgroup

Towards a replacement boiler

Environmental Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority


(It was proposed by Councillor Jenny Hannaby and seconded by Councillor Terry Cox that a grant of £2000 be offered.  By way of an amendment it was proposed by Councillor Terry Fraser, seconded by Councillor Richard Farrell that £2,500 be offered.  On being put the amendment was agreed by 4 votes to 3.  On being put the Substantive Motion was agreed by 7 votes to nil.)


Wantage Music Festival

Towards the 2008 Festival

Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

£500 conditional upon the offer of a grant from the Town Council which the Chair of the Committee considers reasonable.


(Proposed by Councillor Richard Farrell, seconded by Councillor Zoe Patrick and agreed by 7 votes to nil).


Supporting documents: