Agenda item

Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees

(1)       Scrutiny Committee – 14 February 2008


Implementation of Agresso 5.5 Financial Management System – Report of the Informal Agresso Working Group


The Scrutiny Committee requested that the informal Agresso Working Group’s report (141/07) on the implementation of the Agresso 5.5 Financial Management System be forwarded to the Executive.  The report is attached. 


(2)       West Area Committee - 20 March 2008


Eastern Expansion of Swindon


The West Area Committee discussed the possible eastern expansion of Swindon and has made the following recommendation to the Executive:




That this Chief Executive be instructed to establish urgent co-operation (in view of the 12th May 2008 deadline to the draft core strategy proposals) between Planning Officers and Communications Officers and the Western Vale Villages Consortium of Parish Councils, with regards to their opposition to the expansion to the east side of Swindon. 


(1)       Scrutiny Committee 14 February 2008


Implementation of Agresso 5.5 Financial Management System – Report of the Informal Agresso Working Group

(Time: 2.49pm to 2.55pm)


The Scrutiny Committee had requested that the informal Agresso Working Group’s report (141/07) on the implementation of the Agresso 5.5 Financial Management System should be brought to the attention of the Executive. 


The Chief Finance Officer also suggested that Executive Members should read the minutes of the last Scrutiny Committee meeting as they contained other observations made at the meeting.  He accepted the points made in the report and that lessons needed to be learnt.  He hoped that the recovery plan would soon be signed off. 


One Member pointed out that despite the problems experienced in introducing this new financial management system, at the Ridgeway Shared Services Board meeting earlier in the week it had been reported that the Council's performance in collecting Council Tax and Business Rates and the take up of payment by Direct Debit was better than that achieved by our partner. 


CouncillorMelinda Tilley, the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee was invited to comment.  She suggested that it was not a competition between partners but that there were lessons to be learnt, as set out in the report.  She thanked the Agresso Working Group, in particular CouncillorJim Halliday for compiling the report. 


Other Members of the Executive continued to give support to the original decision to share the service and to use a contractor but it was recognised that there were lessons to be learnt in introducing significant software changes in the future. 




that the report of the Agresso Working Group be noted. 


(2)       West Area Committee - 20 March 2008


Eastern Expansion of Swindon

(Time: 2.55pm to 3.05pm)


The West Area Committee had discussed the proposed eastern expansion of Swindon and had made the following recommendation to the Executive:


"That the Chief Executive be instructed to establish urgent co-operation (in view of the 12th May 2008 deadline to the draft core strategy proposals) between Planning Officers and Communications Officers and the Western Vale Villages Consortium of Parish Councils, with regards to their opposition to the expansion to the east side of Swindon."


CouncillorPeter Saunders was invited to address the meeting.  He reported that the Western Vale Villages Consortium of Parish Councils was a group of representatives from eight Parish Councils, six of which were in the Vale, and was financially supported by the Parish Councils.  The Consortium had approached the Area Committee expressing serious concern at the proposed eastern expansion of Swindon.  Approximately 12,000 dwellings were proposed, which would have a serious impact on the western Vale.  The Consortium wished to combine its efforts with those of the District Council.  He believed that this was already being achieved as officers had already met with the Consortium on a number of occasions and a further meeting was planned for April at which officers from Swindon Borough Council would also be present.  A response was needed to Swindon Borough Council's Core Strategy consultation by 12 May 2008. 


The Planning Officer reported that he was unable to guarantee a resource to provide a full-time officer to deal with the eastern expansion of Swindon as the Council had its own Local Development Framework and Core Strategy to produce.  However, he would attend the meeting with the Consortium to help inform the comments this Council would make to Swindon Borough Council's Core Strategy consultation and would continue to liaise with the Western Villages Consortium. 




that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) be requested to be as helpful as possible in giving advice to the Western Vale Villages Consortium of Parish Councils on its opposition to the expansion to the east side of Swindon having regards to available staffing resources. 

Supporting documents: