Agenda item

Statements and Petitions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any statements and/or petitions from the public under Standing Order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting. 


The Executive had received requests from four members of the public to make statements. 


(1)       Dr John Leung made a statement on behalf of the Oxfordshire Chinese Community and Advice Centre in support of its grant application.  The Centre had applied for an additional grant of £4,000 to help towards its budget shortfall and towards its Chinese New Year celebrations.  While the Centre was grateful for the funding through the service level agreement, without this additional grant it was likely that staffing would need to be reduced, having a significant impact on the already overstretched service.  Staff had already been reduced to part-time contracts to secure efficiency savings.  However, this was not sustainable for the long term given the trend of increase in advice being sought. 


The Centre also subsidised ticket prices for its Chinese New Year celebrations.  Without the additional grant, it would not be able to offer a subsidy and some members of the Chinese community might not be able to afford to attend.  


(2)       Tony Rodgerson made a statement on behalf of the Abingdon and District Citizens' Advice Bureau which sought a one-off grant of £6,000 towards its share of the roof repair costs.  The Bureau offered free, impartial and confidential advice to anyone who sought it.  It was a well used service giving advice on matters such as debt, employment, benefits and relationships.  Additional financial support was being sought from a number of sources to help meet the cost of the service.  Systems were reviewed regularly to provide a lean organisation that only had 2.2 full time equivalent staff.  The roof repairs would cost the bureau £12,750.  A grant from St Michael's Church had reduced this to £9,750.  The Bureau was asking for a £6,000 one-off grant, plus agreement to spread the remaining cost of £3,750 over three years. 


(3)       Colin Cure made statement on behalf of the Oxfordshire Association for the Blind which sought a one-off grant of £5,000 to run its support service.  This provided advice, social support, equipment and home visits to those in need.  The aim was to expand the service to provide a mobile service.  A resource bus had been trialled recently, visiting Wantage.  Thirty-five people visited the bus to seek advice.  Training in household management skills was another area that the service aimed to expand to help people to help themselves.  Leisure and recreation facilities and parent support were other areas for expansion.  The service was co-ordinated with the services of other agencies such as Social and Community Services, Age Concern, local hospitals and the Royal National Institute for the Blind. 


(4)       Sylvia Ware made a statement on behalf of the Ryder Cheshire Volunteers, a service that helped people with physical disabilities.  One-to-one help was provided using volunteers.  A wide range of support was given from providing support to increase confidence and self esteem to undertaking some form of learning, skills that were transferable to other areas of life.  Financial assistance had been given by District and Parish Councils and the County Council's Social Services.  A grant of £2,000 was sought. 


The Chair thanked the four speakers for their statements.