Agenda item

Service Plans Annual Reports 2004/05

Copies of Service Area Annual Reports have been circulated to all Members of the Executive and the Leader of the Opposition.  Portfolio Holders have examined them with the respective Assistant Director in their meetings to review 2004/05 performance.   Portfolio Holders will report any significant issues arising from the Annual Reports at this meeting.


The Portfolio Holder - Assistant Director performance review meetings also considered service areas' financial performance against budget.  Portfolio Holders will report any significant 2004/05 year-end budget variances to this meeting.




that in light of the comments made by the Portfolio Holders, the Executive considers the Service Area Annual Reports and determines whether any specific issue should be examined in more detail. 



(Time: 2.45pm to 3.03pm)


Copies of the Service Area Annual Reports had been circulated as a separate document to all Members of the Executive and the Leader of the Opposition.  Portfolio Holders had examined them with the respective Assistant Director in their meetings to review 2004/05 performance.   Portfolio holders were asked to report any significant issues arising from the Annual Reports together with any significant 2004/05 year-end budget variances.  Reports were made by the portfolio holders present. 




Best Value Performance Indicator results for BVPI 109a and 109b had fallen short of their targets in 2004/05 due to staff turnover.  This resulted in a substantially lower than expected Planning Delivery Grant.  The service area had been advised that these indicators were of the highest priority in 2005/06.  It was noted that staffing numbers were now back to full complement.  However, the £54,000 grant recently received for meeting the deadline in preparing the Local Development Scheme timetable was welcomed.  Members applauded the work of the Local Plan team in moving the Local Plan through the public inquiry stage. 


Housing and Community Safety


The choice-based lettings scheme had been introduced during the year and proved to be a success with 83 applicants being re-housed.  The number of complaints had reduced due to the increased transparency of the new system.  Disabled grants had helped 175 people and the number of closed circuit television cameras had increased.  


Leisure, Innovation and Enterprise


The Thames Valley Youth Games had proved to be a great success and the partnership with J V Strong for grounds maintenance was working well.  Sports Development had won £8,000 for a community sports coaching scheme and usage at Wantage Civic Hall was increasing.  It had been a very successful year.  The portfolio holder reported that it was a pleasure working with such an enthusiastic team. 


Estates Management


The service had been involved in a number of property projects during the year, including the purchase and re-sale of mobile homes to bring homes back into use while making a surplus for the Council.  The service had also re-aligned some of its work following the reduction in Technical services. 




The Executive noted the successful re-structuring of the ICT service. 


Contact Services


Contact Services had continued to receive positive feedback for the Local Services Points in Abingdon and Wantage.




The Council Tax collection rate was the highest in the country.  Members congratulated staff on this achievement.  The 2004/05 out-turn had been very close to the budget set by Council but there was a need to further investigate and plan for fluctuations in benefits calculations.  Members also welcomed clearer budget information introduced for 2005/06. 


Environmental Health


The staffing situation in Environmental Health was challenging.  The number of inspections during the year was significantly lower than the target.  This was due to low staff numbers following illness.  However, the transfer of the waste management contract to Cleanaway had proved a success with the cost of collection now cheaper by 2 pence per household. 




that the Scrutiny Committee be invited to review the Service Area Annual Reports and recommend to the Executive whether any specific issue should be examined in more detail.